Resolution: Unresolved
https://acousticbrainz.org/similarity/d17e53d3-6995-43a6-a2fd-f526a4b691f1/moods?n=0 has "Spyro Gyra - Escape Hatch" listed multiple times for various different submissions of the same. While the individual submissions’ similarity can absolutely be of interest (e.g., to check for wrongly merged submissions or other more nerdy things), it is likely not the most interesting if used for music discovery/recommendation purposes.
I don’t really know, tbh. I think for music discovery or recommendation, it would make sense to only show it once (but probably weighted so if 1 submission would rank #2, the next 4 submission would rank #5, and then the final 2 would rank #7, probably put the whole thing in #5?). For the more nerdy purposes of checking for MBID (mis)identification purposes, it would probably make sense to group them and list them separately? Or maybe not if you can still "uncollapse" the hidden ones.