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  1. MusicBrainz Server
  2. MBS-11254

Suggested recordings contain duplicates


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Normal Normal
    • None
    • None
    • Release editor
    • None

      When splitting mediums sometimes duplicate recordings are suggested.

      <div class="bubble left-tail" id="recording-assoc-bubble" data-bind="bubble: $root.recordingBubble" style="display: block; width: 684px; top: 24797.8px; left: 600px;">
            <p>Each track in the MusicBrainz database has to be linked to a recording, choose the appropriate recording or look for it in the database.</p>
            <p>If we do not have a recording for this track in the database yet, please select "Add a new recording" below.</p>
            <p data-bind="with: target">
              <span class="autocomplete">
                <img alt="Search" class="search" src="https://staticbrainz.org/MB/search-293028c.svg">
                <span role="status" aria-live="polite" class="ui-helper-hidden-accessible"></span><input type="text" class="name ui-autocomplete-input" data-bind="autocomplete: { entity: 'recording', currentSelection: recording, lookupHook: $root.recordingAssociation.autocompleteHook($data) }" autocomplete="off" placeholder="Type to search, or paste an MBID">
            <table data-bind="with: target">
                <!-- ko if: loadingSuggestedRecordings --><!-- /ko -->
                <!-- ko if: suggestedRecordings().length -->
                  <td colspan="4">
                    <h3 style="margin-bottom: 1em;">Suggested recordings:</h3>
                <!-- /ko -->
                <!-- ko foreach: suggestedRecordings -->
                  <td class="select">
                    <input name="recording-selection" type="radio" data-bind="attr: { value: gid }, checked: String($parent.recordingGID())" data-change="recording" value="1858e0c4-b6db-4092-94c3-18b20ef98f3e">
                  <td class="recording" data-bind="html: html({ target: '_blank' })"><a target="_blank" href="/recording/1858e0c4-b6db-4092-94c3-18b20ef98f3e"><bdi>くちべに挽歌</bdi></a></td>
                  <td class="artist" data-bind="html: renderArtistCredit(artistCredit)"><a target="_blank" href="/artist/e5dd1991-8e80-431d-80f1-4e58d14d0788" title="Shimakura, Chiyoko"><bdi>島倉千代子</bdi></a></td>
                  <td class="length" data-bind="text: formattedLength">?:??</td>
                <!-- ko if: $data.appearsOn && appearsOn.results.length > 0 --><!-- /ko -->
                  <td class="select">
                    <input name="recording-selection" type="radio" data-bind="attr: { value: gid }, checked: String($parent.recordingGID())" data-change="recording" value="1858e0c4-b6db-4092-94c3-18b20ef98f3e">
                  <td class="recording" data-bind="html: html({ target: '_blank' })"><a target="_blank" href="/recording/1858e0c4-b6db-4092-94c3-18b20ef98f3e"><bdi>くちべに挽歌</bdi></a></td>
                  <td class="artist" data-bind="html: renderArtistCredit(artistCredit)"><a target="_blank" href="/artist/e5dd1991-8e80-431d-80f1-4e58d14d0788" title="Shimakura, Chiyoko"><bdi>島倉千代子</bdi></a></td>
                  <td class="length" data-bind="text: formattedLength">?:??</td>
                <!-- ko if: $data.appearsOn && appearsOn.results.length > 0 --><!-- /ko -->
                <!-- /ko -->
                    <input name="recording-selection" value="true" type="radio" id="add-new-recording" data-bind="checked: hasNewRecording, checkedValue: true">
                  <td colspan="3">
                    <label for="add-new-recording">
                      Add a new recording
        <div class="buttons" style="float: right;">
          <button type="button" data-click="previousTrack">Previous</button>
          <button type="button" data-click="nextTrack">Next</button>
          <button type="button" class="positive" data-click="hide">Done</button>

      As you can see the line on which release the recording has been found on is missing. Curiously this isn't always the case.
      There are also multiple recordings with that exact title yet none of them are suggested. Though I'd prefer to have recordings from release being edited suggested first.

      The duplicates disappear when selecting either of them and then "add new recording".

      There is no good method yet to split mediums. But there are some workarounds:

      What I did for this release is cut tracks from the end of medium 1 and paste them as new medium.

      Then I have to shift the positions of all mediums by one. Afterwards I select the existing recordings. Occasionally this leads to the issue described above.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            chaban chaban
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