Uploaded image for project: 'MusicBrainz Server'
  1. MusicBrainz Server
  2. MBS-8334

Digest auth with username containing non-ascii characters fails

      i have configured picard to use my username/password for musicbrainz.
      unfortunately, it throws an error at startup (on the cmdline):

      > E: 00:08:03 Network request error for https://musicbrainz.org/ws/2/collection: Error downloading
      > https://USERNAME:PASSWORD@musicbrainz.org/ws/2/collection - server replied: Bad Request (QT code 299, HTTP code 400)

      so i tried accessing https://musicbrainz.org/ws/2/collection from my browser, and it returns 'Authorization required.' even when entering the correct username/password.

      my musicbrainz username contains an umlaut (namely 'ü'), which is then escaped to an html-entity ('%C3%BC').
      i think that this is the cause for the problem.

      btw, logging into the ordinary webservice (not using http basic auth) works as expected.

          Uploaded image for project: 'MusicBrainz Server'
          1. MusicBrainz Server
          2. MBS-8334

          Digest auth with username containing non-ascii characters fails

              i have configured picard to use my username/password for musicbrainz.
              unfortunately, it throws an error at startup (on the cmdline):

              > E: 00:08:03 Network request error for https://musicbrainz.org/ws/2/collection: Error downloading
              > https://USERNAME:PASSWORD@musicbrainz.org/ws/2/collection - server replied: Bad Request (QT code 299, HTTP code 400)

              so i tried accessing https://musicbrainz.org/ws/2/collection from my browser, and it returns 'Authorization required.' even when entering the correct username/password.

              my musicbrainz username contains an umlaut (namely 'ü'), which is then escaped to an html-entity ('%C3%BC').
              i think that this is the cause for the problem.

              btw, logging into the ordinary webservice (not using http basic auth) works as expected.

                    bitmap Michael Wiencek
                    umlaeute IOhannes zmölnig
                    0 Vote for this issue
                    1 Start watching this issue


                        Version Package

                          bitmap Michael Wiencek
                          umlaeute IOhannes zmölnig
                          0 Vote for this issue
                          1 Start watching this issue


                              Version Package