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  1. Picard
  2. PICARD-2669

File status icon sometimes shows wrong status


      Sometimes the status icon for a file shows the wrong status. This has been first reported at https://community.metabrainz.org/t/picard-2-9-beta-1/639500

      There files loaded with existing MB tags sometimes showed up as unchanged despite having clearly changed tags (see also attached GIF animation).

      I experienced a similar issue where after moving files from one release to another some of them showed the previous status icon of a bad match other then a good match as it was expected. Dragging the affected files away from the release and back again fixed it.

      So far I was unable to properly reproduce the issue. The experience so far indicates that this happens mainly when handling multiple files at once.

            outsidecontext Philipp Wolfer
            outsidecontext Philipp Wolfer
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