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- MBS-4192Add étude to the work type list
- MBS-4169CDToc page shows blank/empty catalog numbers separated by commas
- MBS-4157beta.mb: Edit recording edits seem to create a 'edit release' edit too
- MBS-4149The added referrer stuff breaks Amazon UK links
- MBS-4147Display AcoustIDs using JavaScript
- MBS-4146Track times deleted if using tab key
- MBS-4138Language-Script page in statistics broke
- MBS-4136beta.mb: recording edits generated by release editor when updating recording information from track changes are not auto-edits
- MBS-4134Javascript sorting broken on Country statistics page since comma has been introduced
- MBS-4132Rate limited pages send HTML as text/plain
- MBS-4129"Edit artist" doesn't change artist credit for credits that were unchecked by default but checked manually
- MBS-4113Create schema change scripts for the 2012-02-12 schema change release.
- MBS-4105Warn when merging releases with track artists that don't match
- MBS-4103Problems building database extensions with Ubuntu 11.10
- MBS-4099The server should give a good error message when it can't connect to the DB
- MBS-4046Releases with pending edits are not marked as such in label page
- MBS-3972ISWC column on works page should be nowrap
- MBS-3708Support "inc=collections" on ws/2/release to get a list of the collections which a release is in
- MBS-3696Using Jamendo as License Relationship fails due to Javascript change to Cover Art relationship
- MBS-3672Remove the deprecated Live Sound Engineer relationship
- MBS-3393App keeps DB connections open and doesn't reconnect upon DB restart.
- MBS-3288Release group type isn't shown when looking up a release group
- MBS-2676Filter by relationship type
- MBS-2620Most 'edit' edits do not check for conflicts
- MBS-2513Allow updating recording information when track information changes via the release editor
- MBS-2439Releases with multiple catalog numbers are shown multiple times on the Label page.
- MBS-2390It's not really possible to assign a track to a recording because cannot see length of track in either tracklist or proposal list
- MBS-2121Deleting track/row in advanced tracklist editor while artist credits "dialog" is open leaves it stuck
- MBS-1482Report: no language, no script
1 of 29
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