- OTHER-16Login system needs improvement
- OTHER-446Jira tickets activity has been invisible for quite some time
- OTHER-445Mojibake of username via OAuth on community.metabrainz.org
- OTHER-397Prefill ticket form with error details on error pages
- OTHER-444Weblate translation server refusing access
- OTHER-443Parse markdown formatted links
- OTHER-442Linkify image URLs
- OTHER-441Login not possible if beta cookie is set
- OTHER-335Deal with gravatar on Wordpress blog
- OTHER-440Migrate blog away from Wordpress
- OTHER-263Integrate blog comments with Discourse
- OTHER-432Logout in Weblate not working
- OTHER-430Chatlogs have become hard to use
- OTHER-431Sync accounts/usernames with Jira and weblate using Oauth
- OTHER-418Wiki turns references to MB tags with spaces into broken links
- OTHER-77Unify all markup syntax to simple markdown syntax
- OTHER-428Add WikiMarkdown MediaWiki extension
- OTHER-342Fix mobile interface for wiki
- OTHER-424Add a checkbox in my collection for my music collection
- OTHER-350Select new framework for documentation
- OTHER-423'Sign in with your other account' container overflow on MetaBrainz JIRA login page
- OTHER-422Upgrade BrainzBot to Django 4.2 LTS and Python 3.8+
- OTHER-420Jira - additional Monospace css
- OTHER-419Cleanup glossaries imported from Transifex
- OTHER-368Move from Gravatar to Libravatar
- OTHER-310Add Jira workflow for design/UI/UX/etc. tickets
- OTHER-37JIRA System Administrators list is empty
- OTHER-280Dashboards are empty for not logged in users
- OTHER-291Add Picard changelog template to Jira
- OTHER-415Move wiki under metabrainz.org domain name
- OTHER-414Add a custom "MusicBrainz:" wiki namespace
- OTHER-407Logged out of Jira despite using "Remember my login"
- OTHER-413Interface language not automatically set in Discourse
- OTHER-412Automatic dark mode doesn't work in Disourse
- OTHER-410Wiki: Add NOTSPAM instructions in Special:CreateAccount page
- OTHER-409GitHub Bot should close tickets that it marks as fixed
- OTHER-319Update BrainzBot dependencies
- OTHER-381Add freenode logs to https://chatlogs.metabrainz.org/
- OTHER-380Make MusicBrainz API Pages Viewable on Small Screens / Non-Maximized Windows
- OTHER-399Nonfunctional menu button on blog
- OTHER-398Blog search can hardly be used on mobile phone
- OTHER-187Fix wiki heading level appearance
- OTHER-305Set up single-sign-on for Wiki
- OTHER-93Wiki is indexed by google
- OTHER-403Delete this account
- OTHER-402Wiki account and password are no longer provided
- OTHER-309Add links to *Brainz sites on Discourse
- OTHER-400Blog header should waste less space in desktop view
- OTHER-392MetaBrainz wide Pull request review policy
- OTHER-391Code formatting guideline for PythonBrainz
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