<style type="text/css"> #header-menu li:hover ul { left: auto; } </style>

The data you have submitted does not make any changes to the data already present.

Internal Server Error

Oops, something went wrong!


Caught exception in MusicBrainz::Server::Controller::Artist->edit "The edit could not be created.
POST: $VAR1 = {
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          'edit-artist.url.2.text' => 'https://rateyourmusic.com/artist/crazy_horse',
          'edit-artist.edit_note' => 'Crazy Horse is a band. This is a collaboration.',
          'edit-artist.url.1.text' => 'http://www.discogs.com/artist/295522',
          'edit-artist.url.2.link_type_id' => '188',
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          'edit-artist.rel.1.target' => '75167b8b-44e4-407b-9d35-effe87b223cf',
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          'edit-artist.period.begin_date.day' => ''

Exception:$VAR1 = 'Could not create MusicBrainz::Server::Edit::Relationship::Edit edit

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        link_id => 6380,
        link_order => 0
      }, \'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Relationship\' )
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      child_order => 2,
      id => 2,
      name => "Group"
    }, \'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::ArtistType\' ),
    type_id => 2
  }, \'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Artist\' ),
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        min => 0,
        type_id => 2
      }, \'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::LinkTypeAttribute\' )
    child_order => 2,
    description => "This is used to specify that an artist collaborated on a short-term project, for cases where artist credits can\'t be used.",
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    entity1_type => "artist",
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    id => 102,
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    long_link_phrase => "collaborated {minor:minorly} {additional:additionally} on",
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    parent_id => 106,
    priority => 0,
    reverse_link_phrase => "{additional} {minor} collaborators"
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      area_id => 222,
      begin_date => bless( {
        year => 1969
      }, \'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::PartialDate\' ),
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      end_date => bless( {}, \'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::PartialDate\' ),
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      isni_codes => [],
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        formatter => undef,
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          day_of_year => 258,
          hour => 23,
          minute => 0,
          month => 9,
          quarter => 3,
          second => 25,
          year => 2012
        local_rd_days => 734760,
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          native_territory => "United States"
        }, \'DateTime::Locale::en_US\' ),
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          name => "UTC"
        }, \'DateTime::TimeZone::UTC\' ),
        utc_rd_days => 734760,
        utc_rd_secs => 82825,
        utc_year => 2013
      }, \'DateTime\' ),
      name => "Crazy Horse",
      sort_name => "Crazy Horse",
      type_id => 2
    }, \'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Artist\' ),
    entity0_id => 74236,
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      area_id => 222,
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        year => 1969
      }, \'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::PartialDate\' ),
      comment => "",
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      id => 12403,
      ipi_codes => [],
      isni_codes => [],
      last_updated => bless( {
        formatter => undef,
        local_c => {
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          day_of_quarter => 80,
          day_of_week => 4,
          day_of_year => 353,
          hour => 13,
          minute => 38,
          month => 12,
          quarter => 4,
          second => 32,
          year => 2013
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          default_date_format_length => "medium",
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          native_territory => "United States"
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          name => "UTC"
        }, \'DateTime::TimeZone::UTC\' ),
        utc_rd_days => 735221,
        utc_rd_secs => 49112,
        utc_year => 2014
      }, \'DateTime\' ),
      name => "Neil Young & Crazy Horse",
      sort_name => "Young, Neil & Crazy Horse",
      type_id => 2
    }, \'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Artist\' ),
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    id => 211881,
    last_updated => bless( {
      formatter => undef,
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        day => 5,
        day_of_quarter => 64,
        day_of_week => 2,
        day_of_year => 64,
        hour => 17,
        minute => 0,
        month => 3,
        quarter => 1,
        second => 13,
        year => 2013
      local_rd_days => 734932,
      local_rd_secs => 61213,
      locale => $VAR1->{entity0}{last_updated}{locale},
      offset_modifier => 0,
      rd_nanosecs => 438223000,
      tz => $VAR1->{entity0}{last_updated}{tz},
      utc_rd_days => 734932,
      utc_rd_secs => 61213,
      utc_year => 2014
    }, \'DateTime\' ),
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      attributes => [
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              gid => "4fd3b255-a7d7-4424-9a63-40fa543b601c",
              id => 525,
              name => "founder"
            }, \'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::LinkAttributeType\' )
          }, \'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::LinkAttributeType\' ),
          type_id => 525
        }, \'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::LinkAttribute\' )
      begin_date => bless( {}, \'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::PartialDate\' ),
      end_date => bless( {}, \'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::PartialDate\' ),
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      id => 6380,
      type => bless( {
        attributes => [
          bless( {
            max => 1,
            min => 0,
            type_id => 1
          }, \'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::LinkTypeAttribute\' ),
          bless( {
            max => 1,
            min => 0,
            type_id => 525
          }, \'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::LinkTypeAttribute\' ),
          bless( {
            min => 0,
            type_id => 3
          }, \'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::LinkTypeAttribute\' ),
          bless( {
            min => 0,
            type_id => 14
          }, \'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::LinkTypeAttribute\' )
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        description => "This indicates a person is a member of a group.",
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        entity1_type => "artist",
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        has_dates => 1,
        id => 103,
        is_deprecated => 0,
        link_phrase => "{additional} {founder:founding} member of",
        long_link_phrase => "is/was {additional:an additional|a} member of {founder:and founded|}",
        name => "member of band",
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        parent_id => 106,
        priority => 0,
        reverse_link_phrase => "{additional} {founder:founding} members"
      }, \'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::LinkType\' ),
      type_id => 103
    }, \'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Link\' ),
    link_id => 6380,
    link_order => 0
  }, \'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Relationship\' )

Attribute 525 is unsupported for link type 102 at lib/MusicBrainz/Server/Edit/Relationship.pm line 27,  line 3.
 at lib/MusicBrainz/Server/Data/Edit.pm line 456
 at lib/MusicBrainz/Server/Controller.pm line 105
 at lib/Sql.pm line 330
 at lib/Sql.pm line 330"

Stack trace:

Request data:

$VAR1 = {
          'query_parameters' => {},
          'body_parameters' => {
                                 'edit-artist.end_area.name' => '',
                                 'edit-artist.begin_area.gid' => '1f40c6e1-47ba-4e35-996f-fe6ee5840e62',
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                                 'edit-artist.url.2.text' => 'https://rateyourmusic.com/artist/crazy_horse',
                                 'edit-artist.edit_note' => 'Crazy Horse is a band. This is a collaboration.',
                                 'edit-artist.url.1.text' => 'http://www.discogs.com/artist/295522',
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                                 'edit-artist.url.0.text' => 'http://www.allmusic.com/artist/mn0000860578',
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                                 'edit-artist.period.begin_date.year' => '1969',
                                 'edit-artist.period.begin_date.month' => '',
                                 'edit-artist.sort_name' => 'Young, Neil & Crazy Horse',
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Time: 2014-12-31 18:01:22 UTC

Host: astro

URL: http://musicbrainz.org/artist/0f3515b0-75c9-46c9-b26c-4cd05d26eae7/edit

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