D: 14:24:38,910 ui/mainwindow.set_statusbar_message:466: Removing album 3bba2f53-6750-4b34-a86e-17cff0a5ac02: Mariah Carey - All I Want for Christmas Is You (extra festive) D: 14:24:38,911 tagger.remove_album:746: Removing D: 14:24:40,742 tagger.remove_cluster:775: Removing D: 14:24:40,877 tagger.remove_cluster:775: Removing D: 14:24:41,042 tagger.remove_cluster:775: Removing D: 14:24:41,309 tagger.remove_cluster:775: Removing D: 14:24:41,477 tagger.remove_cluster:775: Removing D: 14:24:41,642 tagger.remove_cluster:775: Removing D: 14:24:45,584 coverart/providers/__init__.cover_art_providers:88: CA Providers order: Cover Art Archive [x] > UrlRelationships [x] > CaaReleaseGroup [ ] > Local Files [ ] D: 14:24:45,837 config.event:254: Config file update requested on thread 4522243584 D: 14:24:49,717 ui/options/plugins.toggle_enable:516: Plugin 'Classical Extras' enabled: True I: 14:24:51,984 browser/browser.stop:134: Stopping the browser integration I: 14:24:52,112 browser/browser.start:121: Starting the browser integration ( D: 14:24:52,140 config.event:254: Config file update requested on thread 4522243584 I: 14:25:07,247 browser/browser.log_message:172: "GET /openalbum?id=3bba2f53-6750-4b34-a86e-17cff0a5ac02 HTTP/1.1" 200 - D: 14:25:07,253 ui/mainwindow.set_statusbar_message:466: Loading album 3bba2f53-6750-4b34-a86e-17cff0a5ac02 ... D: 14:25:07,347 webservice/ratecontrol.get_delay_to_next_request:118: ('musicbrainz.org', 443): Last request was 59177 ms ago, starting another one D: 14:25:07,348 webservice/ratecontrol.increment_requests:138: ('musicbrainz.org', 443): Incrementing requests to: 1 D: 14:25:07,783 webservice/ratecontrol.decrement_requests:146: ('musicbrainz.org', 443): Decrementing requests to: 0 D: 14:25:07,784 webservice/__init__._handle_reply:540: Received reply for https://musicbrainz.org:443/ws/2/release/3bba2f53-6750-4b34-a86e-17cff0a5ac02?inc=release-groups+media+discids+recordings+artist-credits+artists+aliases+labels+isrcs+collections+annotation+user-collections+artist-rels+release-rels+url-rels+recording-rels+work-rels+recording-level-rels+work-level-rels+tags: HTTP 200 (OK) D: 14:25:07,785 webservice/__init__._handle_reply:553: Response received: {'status': 'Official', 'packaging-id': '119eba76-b343-3e02-a292-f0f00644bb9b', 'release-events': [{'area': {'type-id': None, 'sort-name': 'United Kingdom', 'disambiguation': '', 'type': None, 'iso-3166-1-codes': ['GB'], 'name': 'United Kingdom', 'id': '8a754a16-0027-3a29-b6d7-2b40ea0481ed'}, 'date': '2010-11-04'}], 'collections': [], 'asin': None, 'cover-art-archive': {'artwork': False, 'back': False, 'front': False, 'darkened': False, 'count': 0}, 'media': [{'title': '', 'track-offset': 0, 'position': 1, 'format-id': '907a28d9-b3b2-3ef6-89a8-7b18d91d4794', 'format': 'Digital Media', 'discs': [], 'tracks': [{'position': 1, 'length': 241000, 'id': 'bef6ad07-1899-4066-a5ee-861914297e32', 'artist-credit': [{'artist': {'type': 'Person', 'name': 'Mariah Carey', 'id': '494e8d09-f85b-4543-892f-a5096aed1cd4', 'type-id': 'b6e035f4-3ce9-331c-97df-83397230b0df', 'sort-name': 'Carey, Mariah', 'disambiguation': '', 'aliases': [{'end': None, 'locale': None, 'primary': None, 'sort-name': 'Carey, Mariah', 'begin': None, 'ended': False, 'type': None, 'name': 'Carey, Mariah', 'type-id': None}, {'primary': None, 'end': None, 'locale': None, 'begin': None, 'ended': False, 'sort-name': 'M. 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D: 14:25:07,802 coverart/__init__._retrieve_coverart:243: New CoverArt for D: 14:25:07,803 coverart/providers/__init__.cover_art_providers:88: CA Providers order: Cover Art Archive [x] > UrlRelationships [x] > CaaReleaseGroup [ ] > Local Files [ ] D: 14:25:07,804 coverart/providers/caa._has_suitable_artwork:531: There are no images in the Cover Art Archive for 3bba2f53-6750-4b34-a86e-17cff0a5ac02 D: 14:25:07,804 coverart/__init__.next_in_queue:153: Skipping cover art provider Cover Art Archive ... D: 14:25:07,805 coverart/__init__.next_in_queue:149: Trying cover art provider UrlRelationships ... D: 14:25:07,805 coverart/__init__.next_in_queue:153: Skipping cover art provider CaaReleaseGroup ... D: 14:25:07,806 coverart/__init__.next_in_queue:153: Skipping cover art provider Local Files ... W: 14:25:07,813 /Users/RPM/Library/Preferences/MusicBrainz/Picard/plugins/classical_extras.zip/classical_extras/__init__.write_log:247: Classical Extras: No file with matching trackid for track . IF THERE SHOULD BE ONE, TRY 'REFRESH' E: 14:25:07,814 /Users/RPM/Library/Preferences/MusicBrainz/Picard/plugins/classical_extras.zip/classical_extras/__init__.write_log:256: Classical Extras: Work Parts. Failure to read saved options for track . options = E: 14:25:07,829 ui/item.error_append:107: : Traceback (most recent call last): File "album.py", line 456, in _finalize_loading_track File "metadata.py", line 628, in run_track_metadata_processors File "plugin.py", line 257, in run File "/Users/RPM/Library/Preferences/MusicBrainz/Picard/plugins/classical_extras.zip/classical_extras/__init__.py", line 4258, in add_work_info get_aliases(self, release_id, album, options, releaseXmlNode) File "/Users/RPM/Library/Preferences/MusicBrainz/Picard/plugins/classical_extras.zip/classical_extras/__init__.py", line 1042, in get_aliases lang = locale.split("_")[0] # NB this is the Picard code in /util AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'split' D: 14:25:07,832 ui/mainwindow.set_statusbar_message:466: Album 3bba2f53-6750-4b34-a86e-17cff0a5ac02 loaded: Mariah Carey - All I Want for Christmas Is You (extra festive) D: 14:25:07,833 webservice/ratecontrol._out_of_backoff:222: ('musicbrainz.org', 443): oobackoff; delay: 1000ms -> 1000ms; slow start; window size 10.000 -> 11.000