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D: 10:46:05,622 coverart\__init__.next_in_queue:153: Skipping cover art provider CaaReleaseGroup ... D: 10:46:05,648 file.move:629: Moving from to D: 10:46:05,679 file.move:629: Moving from to D: 10:46:05,710 file.move:629: Moving from to D: 10:46:05,759 file.move:629: Moving from to D: 10:46:05,822 file.move:629: Moving from to D: 10:46:05,900 file.move:629: Moving from to D: 10:46:05,987 file.move:629: Moving from to D: 10:46:06,085 file.move:629: Moving from to D: 10:46:06,197 file.move:629: Moving from to D: 10:46:06,387 ui\mainwindow.set_statusbar_message:459: Album 0d85832f-99f3-49e6-835d-26059e10fd17 loaded: A Flock of Seagulls - The Story of a Young Heart (LP Rip) D: 10:46:06,387 webservice\ratecontrol._out_of_backoff:222: ('ia800408.us.archive.org', 80): oobackoff; delay: 1000ms -> 1000ms; slow start; window size 2.000 -> 3.000