D: 07:59:10,109 config.event:259: Config file update requested on thread 21308 D: 07:59:12,872 coverart/providers.cover_art_providers:88: CA Providers order: Cover Art Archive [x] > UrlRelationships [x] > CaaReleaseGroup [x] > Local Files [ ] D: 07:59:12,937 config.event:259: Config file update requested on thread 21308 D: 07:59:14,883 config.event:259: Config file update requested on thread 21308 D: 07:59:25,729 oauth.exchange_authorization_code:218: OAuth: exchanging authorization_code -2Onh1Sc9Q-8NlQBSvw1eAw0pij5iymF for an access_token D: 07:59:25,729 webservice.post_url:682: POST-DATA 'grant_type=authorization_code&code=-2Onh1Sc9Q-8NlQBSvw1eAw0pij5iymF&client_id=ACa9wsDX19cLp-AeEP-vVw&client_secret=xIsvXbIuntaLuRRhzuazOA&redirect_uri=urn%3Aietf%3Awg%3Aoauth%3A2.0%3Aoob' D: 07:59:25,729 webservice/ratecontrol.get_delay_to_next_request:127: ('musicbrainz.org', 443): Last request was 159092 ms ago, starting another one D: 07:59:25,729 webservice/ratecontrol.increment_requests:147: ('musicbrainz.org', 443): Incrementing requests to: 1 D: 07:59:25,734 webservice/ratecontrol.decrement_requests:155: ('musicbrainz.org', 443): Decrementing requests to: 0 E: 07:59:25,734 webservice._handle_reply:534: Network request error for https://musicbrainz.org/oauth2/token -> TLS initialization failed (QT code 99, HTTP code 0) E: 07:59:25,734 oauth.on_exchange_authorization_code_finished:241: OAuth: authorization_code exchange failed: b'' D: 07:59:25,734 webservice/ratecontrol._out_of_backoff:231: ('musicbrainz.org', 443): oobackoff; delay: 1000ms -> 1000ms; slow start; window size 2.000 -> 3.000 I: 07:59:28,896 browser/browser.stop:134: Stopping the browser integration I: 07:59:29,376 browser/browser.start:121: Starting the browser integration ( D: 07:59:29,386 config.event:259: Config file update requested on thread 21308 D: 07:59:36,970 config.event:259: Config file update requested on thread 21308