C:\Users\perso>"C:\Program Files\MusicBrainz Picard\picard.exe" --debug C:\Users\perso>D: 13:44:52,334 tagger.__init__:315: Starting Picard from 'C:\\Program Files\\MusicBrainz Picard\\picard\\tagger.pyc' D: 13:44:52,334 tagger.__init__:316: Platform: Windows-10-10.0.22631-SP0 CPython 3.8.10 D: 13:44:52,334 tagger.__init__:318: Versions: Picard 2.11, Python 3.8.10, PyQt 5.15.10, Qt 5.15.2, Mutagen 1.47.0, Discid discid 1.2.0, libdiscid 0.6.4, astrcmp C, SSL OpenSSL 1.1.1b 26 Feb 2019 D: 13:44:52,334 tagger.__init__:319: Configuration file path: 'C:/Users/perso/AppData/Roaming/MusicBrainz/Picard.ini' D: 13:44:52,334 tagger.__init__:321: User directory: 'C:\\Users\\perso\\AppData\\Local\\MusicBrainz\\Picard' D: 13:44:52,334 tagger.__init__:322: System long path support: True D: 13:44:52,344 tagger.__init__:325: Qt Env.: QT_PLUGIN_PATH='C:\\Program Files\\MusicBrainz Picard\\PyQt5\\Qt5\\plugins' D: 13:44:52,344 i18n.setup_gettext:146: UI language: system D: 13:44:52,344 i18n._log_lang_env_vars:131: Env vars: D: 13:44:52,344 i18n.setup_gettext:154: Trying locales: ['en_US'] D: 13:44:52,370 i18n.setup_gettext:160: Set locale to: 'en_US' D: 13:44:52,370 i18n.setup_gettext:171: Using locale: 'en_US' D: 13:44:52,370 i18n._load_translation:118: Loading gettext translation for picard, localedir='C:\\Program Files\\MusicBrainz Picard\\locale', language='en_US' D: 13:44:52,370 i18n._load_translation:121: [Errno 2] No translation file found for domain: 'picard' D: 13:44:52,370 i18n._load_translation:118: Loading gettext translation for picard-attributes, localedir='C:\\Program Files\\MusicBrainz Picard\\locale', language='en_US' D: 13:44:52,370 i18n._load_translation:121: [Errno 2] No translation file found for domain: 'picard-attributes' D: 13:44:52,370 i18n._load_translation:118: Loading gettext translation for picard-constants, localedir='C:\\Program Files\\MusicBrainz Picard\\locale', language='en_US' D: 13:44:52,370 i18n._load_translation:121: [Errno 2] No translation file found for domain: 'picard-constants' D: 13:44:52,370 i18n._load_translation:118: Loading gettext translation for picard-countries, localedir='C:\\Program Files\\MusicBrainz Picard\\locale', language='en_US' D: 13:44:52,370 i18n._load_translation:121: [Errno 2] No translation file found for domain: 'picard-countries' D: 13:44:52,370 i18n.setup_gettext:191: _ = > D: 13:44:52,370 i18n.setup_gettext:192: N_ = at 0x000002BF2E494F70> D: 13:44:52,370 i18n.setup_gettext:193: ngettext = > D: 13:44:52,370 i18n.setup_gettext:194: gettext_countries = > D: 13:44:52,370 i18n.setup_gettext:195: gettext_attributes = > D: 13:44:52,370 i18n.setup_gettext:196: pgettext_attributes = > D: 13:44:52,402 webservice._network_accessible_changed:387: Network accessible requested: 1, actual: 1 D: 13:44:52,412 webservice.set_cache:409: NetworkDiskCache dir: 'C:/Users/perso/AppData/Local/MusicBrainz/Picard/cache/network/' current size: 89.6 MB max size: 100 MB D: 13:44:52,412 pluginmanager.load_plugins_from_directory:264: Looking for plugins in directory 'C:\\Users\\perso\\AppData\\Local\\MusicBrainz\\Picard\\plugins', 29 names found D: 13:44:52,424 plugin.register:82: ExtensionPoint: album_metadata_processors register <- plugin='acousticbrainz' item=> D: 13:44:52,424 plugin.register:82: ExtensionPoint: track_metadata_processors register <- plugin='acousticbrainz' item=> D: 13:44:52,424 plugin.register:82: ExtensionPoint: pages register <- plugin='acousticbrainz' item= D: 13:44:52,424 pluginmanager._load_plugin:337: Loading plugin 'AcousticBrainz Tags' version 2.2.3.final0, compatible with API: 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7 D: 13:44:52,441 plugin.register:82: ExtensionPoint: album_metadata_processors register <- plugin='additional_artists_details' item=> D: 13:44:52,441 plugin.register:82: ExtensionPoint: track_metadata_processors register <- plugin='additional_artists_details' item=> D: 13:44:52,441 plugin.register:82: ExtensionPoint: album_post_removal_processors register <- plugin='additional_artists_details' item=> D: 13:44:52,441 plugin.register:82: ExtensionPoint: pages register <- plugin='additional_artists_details' item= D: 13:44:52,441 pluginmanager._load_plugin:337: Loading plugin 'Additional Artists Details' version 0.4.0.final0, compatible with API: 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 2.7, 2.8 D: 13:44:52,441 plugin.register:82: ExtensionPoint: album_metadata_processors register <- plugin='additional_artists_variables' item= D: 13:44:52,441 plugin.register:82: ExtensionPoint: track_metadata_processors register <- plugin='additional_artists_variables' item= D: 13:44:52,441 pluginmanager._load_plugin:337: Loading plugin 'Additional Artists Variables' version 1.0.0.final0, compatible with API: 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 2.7, 2.9, 2.10 D: 13:44:52,441 plugin.register:82: ExtensionPoint: cluster_actions register <- plugin='addrelease' item= D: 13:44:52,441 plugin.register:82: ExtensionPoint: file_actions register <- plugin='addrelease' item= D: 13:44:52,441 plugin.register:82: ExtensionPoint: file_actions register <- plugin='addrelease' item= D: 13:44:52,441 pluginmanager._load_plugin:337: Loading plugin 'Add Cluster As Release' version 0.7.3.final0, compatible with API: 2.0 D: 13:44:52,458 plugin.register:82: ExtensionPoint: track_metadata_processors register <- plugin='albumartist_website' item=> D: 13:44:52,458 pluginmanager._load_plugin:337: Loading plugin 'Album Artist Website' version 1.1.0.final0, compatible with API: 2.0, 2.1, 2.2 D: 13:44:52,462 plugin.register:82: ExtensionPoint: cover_art_providers register <- plugin='amazon' item= D: 13:44:52,462 pluginmanager._load_plugin:337: Loading plugin 'Amazon cover art' version 1.1.0.final0, compatible with API: 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7 D: 13:44:52,464 plugin.register:82: ExtensionPoint: album_actions register <- plugin='collect_artists' item= D: 13:44:52,464 pluginmanager._load_plugin:337: Loading plugin 'Collect Album Artists' version 0.1.0.final0, compatible with API: 2.1, 2.2 D: 13:44:52,464 plugin.register:82: ExtensionPoint: formats register <- plugin='compatible_TXXX' item= D: 13:44:52,464 plugin.register:82: ExtensionPoint: formats register <- plugin='compatible_TXXX' item= D: 13:44:52,464 plugin.register:82: ExtensionPoint: formats register <- plugin='compatible_TXXX' item= D: 13:44:52,464 plugin.register:82: ExtensionPoint: formats register <- plugin='compatible_TXXX' item= D: 13:44:52,464 pluginmanager._load_plugin:337: Loading plugin 'Compatible TXXX frames' version 0.1.0.final0, compatible with API: 2.0 D: 13:44:52,464 plugin.register:82: ExtensionPoint: function_registry register <- plugin='decade' item=('decade', FunctionRegistryItem(, True, Bound(lower=1, upper=2), None)) D: 13:44:52,464 pluginmanager._load_plugin:337: Loading plugin 'Decade function' version 1.0.0.final0, compatible with API: 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 D: 13:44:52,464 plugin.register:82: ExtensionPoint: cluster_actions register <- plugin='decode_cyrillic' item= D: 13:44:52,470 pluginmanager._load_plugin:337: Loading plugin 'Decode Cyrillic' version 1.1.0.final0, compatible with API: 2.0 D: 13:44:52,472 plugin.register:82: ExtensionPoint: cover_art_providers register <- plugin='deezerart' item= D: 13:44:52,472 plugin.register:82: ExtensionPoint: pages register <- plugin='deezerart' item= D: 13:44:52,472 pluginmanager._load_plugin:337: Loading plugin 'Deezer cover art' version 1.2.0.final0, compatible with API: 2.5 D: 13:44:52,472 plugin.register:82: ExtensionPoint: album_metadata_processors register <- plugin='discnumber' item= D: 13:44:52,472 pluginmanager._load_plugin:337: Loading plugin 'Disc Numbers' version 0.1.0.final0, compatible with API: 2.0 D: 13:44:52,472 plugin.register:82: ExtensionPoint: cover_art_providers register <- plugin='fanarttv' item= D: 13:44:52,472 plugin.register:82: ExtensionPoint: pages register <- plugin='fanarttv' item= D: 13:44:52,472 pluginmanager._load_plugin:337: Loading plugin 'fanart.tv cover art' version 1.6.3.final0, compatible with API: 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6 D: 13:44:52,472 plugin.register:82: ExtensionPoint: cluster_actions register <- plugin='fix_tracknums' item= D: 13:44:52,472 plugin.register:82: ExtensionPoint: cluster_actions register <- plugin='fix_tracknums' item= D: 13:44:52,472 pluginmanager._load_plugin:337: Loading plugin 'Fix Track Numbers' version 0.2.1.final0, compatible with API: 2.0 D: 13:44:52,490 plugin.register:82: ExtensionPoint: track_metadata_processors register <- plugin='genre_mapper' item= D: 13:44:52,490 plugin.register:82: ExtensionPoint: pages register <- plugin='genre_mapper' item= D: 13:44:52,490 C:\/Users/perso/AppData/Local/MusicBrainz/Picard/plugins/genre_mapper.zip/genre_mapper.refresh:71: Genre Mapper: Refreshing the genre replacement maps processing pairs using 'Simple' translation. D: 13:44:52,490 C:\/Users/perso/AppData/Local/MusicBrainz/Picard/plugins/genre_mapper.zip/genre_mapper.refresh:101: Genre Mapper: No genre replacement maps defined. D: 13:44:52,490 pluginmanager._load_plugin:337: Loading plugin 'Genre Mapper' version 0.5.0.final0, compatible with API: 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.6, 2.7, 2.8, 2.9 D: 13:44:52,490 plugin.register:82: ExtensionPoint: track_metadata_processors register <- plugin='hyphen_unicode' item= D: 13:44:52,490 plugin.register:82: ExtensionPoint: album_metadata_processors register <- plugin='hyphen_unicode' item= D: 13:44:52,490 pluginmanager._load_plugin:337: Loading plugin 'Hyphen unicode' version 1.0.1.final0, compatible with API: 2.0 D: 13:44:52,490 plugin.register:82: ExtensionPoint: track_metadata_processors register <- plugin='instruments' item= D: 13:44:52,490 pluginmanager._load_plugin:337: Loading plugin 'Instruments' version 1.0.1.final0, compatible with API: 2.0 D: 13:44:52,490 plugin.register:82: ExtensionPoint: function_registry register <- plugin='keep' item=('keep', FunctionRegistryItem(, True, Bound(lower=0, upper=None), None)) D: 13:44:52,490 pluginmanager._load_plugin:337: Loading plugin 'Keep tags' version 1.2.1.final0, compatible with API: 2.0 D: 13:44:52,501 plugin.register:82: ExtensionPoint: album_actions register <- plugin='playlist' item= D: 13:44:52,501 pluginmanager._load_plugin:337: Loading plugin 'Generate M3U playlist' version 1.2.1.final0, compatible with API: 2.0 D: 13:44:52,501 plugin.register:82: ExtensionPoint: album_metadata_processors register <- plugin='release_type' item= D: 13:44:52,501 pluginmanager._load_plugin:337: Loading plugin 'Release Type' version 1.4.0.final0, compatible with API: 2.0 D: 13:44:52,501 plugin.register:82: ExtensionPoint: track_metadata_processors register <- plugin='replace_forbidden_symbols' item= D: 13:44:52,504 plugin.register:82: ExtensionPoint: album_metadata_processors register <- plugin='replace_forbidden_symbols' item= D: 13:44:52,504 plugin.register:82: ExtensionPoint: function_registry register <- plugin='replace_forbidden_symbols' item=('replace_forbidden', FunctionRegistryItem(, True, Bound(lower=1, upper=1), None)) D: 13:44:52,504 pluginmanager._load_plugin:337: Loading plugin 'Replace Forbidden Symbols' version 0.3.0.final0, compatible with API: 2.0, 2.2 D: 13:44:52,507 plugin.register:82: ExtensionPoint: track_actions register <- plugin='replaygain2' item= D: 13:44:52,507 plugin.register:82: ExtensionPoint: album_actions register <- plugin='replaygain2' item= D: 13:44:52,507 plugin.register:82: ExtensionPoint: pages register <- plugin='replaygain2' item= D: 13:44:52,507 pluginmanager._load_plugin:337: Loading plugin 'ReplayGain 2.0' version 1.6.0.final0, compatible with API: 2.0 D: 13:44:52,519 plugin.register:82: ExtensionPoint: cluster_actions register <- plugin='search_engine_lookup' item= D: 13:44:52,519 plugin.register:82: ExtensionPoint: pages register <- plugin='search_engine_lookup' item= D: 13:44:52,519 plugin.register:82: ExtensionPoint: album_actions register <- plugin='search_engine_lookup' item= D: 13:44:52,519 plugin.register:82: ExtensionPoint: track_actions register <- plugin='search_engine_lookup' item= D: 13:44:52,519 pluginmanager._load_plugin:337: Loading plugin 'Search Engine Lookup' version 2.1.0.final0, compatible with API: 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 D: 13:44:52,519 plugin.register:82: ExtensionPoint: track_metadata_processors register <- plugin='smart_title_case' item= D: 13:44:52,523 plugin.register:82: ExtensionPoint: album_metadata_processors register <- plugin='smart_title_case' item= D: 13:44:52,523 pluginmanager._load_plugin:337: Loading plugin 'Smart Title Case' version 0.4.2.final0, compatible with API: 2.0 D: 13:44:52,523 plugin.register:82: ExtensionPoint: track_metadata_processors register <- plugin='sort_multivalue_tags' item= D: 13:44:52,523 pluginmanager._load_plugin:337: Loading plugin 'Sort Multi-Value Tags' version 1.0.0.final0, compatible with API: 2.0 D: 13:44:52,523 plugin.register:82: ExtensionPoint: track_metadata_processors register <- plugin='standardise_feat' item= D: 13:44:52,523 plugin.register:82: ExtensionPoint: album_metadata_processors register <- plugin='standardise_feat' item= D: 13:44:52,523 pluginmanager._load_plugin:337: Loading plugin 'Standardise Feat.' version 0.3.0.final0, compatible with API: 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 D: 13:44:52,523 plugin.register:82: ExtensionPoint: track_metadata_processors register <- plugin='standardise_performers' item= D: 13:44:52,523 pluginmanager._load_plugin:337: Loading plugin 'Standardise Performers' version 1.0.0.final0, compatible with API: 2.0 D: 13:44:52,523 plugin.register:82: ExtensionPoint: album_actions register <- plugin='submit_isrc' item= D: 13:44:52,523 pluginmanager._load_plugin:337: Loading plugin 'Submit ISRC' version 1.1.0.final0, compatible with API: 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.6, 2.9 D: 13:44:52,535 plugin.register:82: ExtensionPoint: cover_art_providers register <- plugin='theaudiodb' item= D: 13:44:52,535 plugin.register:82: ExtensionPoint: pages register <- plugin='theaudiodb' item= D: 13:44:52,535 pluginmanager._load_plugin:337: Loading plugin 'TheAudioDB cover art' version 1.3.1.final0, compatible with API: 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6 I: 13:44:52,535 pluginmanager.load_plugins_from_directory:252: Plugin directory 'C:\\Program Files\\MusicBrainz Picard\\plugins' doesn't exist D: 13:44:52,541 ui/playertoolbar.__init__:91: Internal player: QtMultimedia available, initializing QMediaPlayer D: 13:44:52,596 ui/playertoolbar.__init__:98: Internal player: available, QMediaPlayer set up D: 13:44:53,010 tagger.main:1576: Looking for Qt locale en_US in C:/Program Files/MusicBrainz Picard/PyQt5/Qt5/translations I: 13:44:53,024 browser/browser.start:121: Starting the browser integration ( D: 13:44:53,063 ui/mainwindow.auto_update_check:1786: Skipping startup check for program updates. Today: 2024-05-12, Last check: 2024-05-08 (Check interval: 7 days), Update level: 0 (stable) D: 13:44:53,064 webservice/ratecontrol.get_delay_to_next_request:122: ('musicbrainz.org', 443): First request D: 13:44:53,064 webservice/ratecontrol.increment_requests:147: ('musicbrainz.org', 443): Incrementing requests to: 1 D: 13:44:53,084 webservice/ratecontrol.get_delay_to_next_request:122: ('picard.musicbrainz.org', 443): First request D: 13:44:53,085 webservice/ratecontrol.increment_requests:147: ('picard.musicbrainz.org', 443): Incrementing requests to: 1 D: 13:44:53,088 config.event:261: Config file update requested on thread 24388 D: 13:44:53,494 webservice/ratecontrol.decrement_requests:155: ('picard.musicbrainz.org', 443): Decrementing requests to: 0 D: 13:44:53,494 webservice._handle_reply:558: Received reply for https://picard.musicbrainz.org/api/v2/plugins/ -> HTTP 200 (OK) D: 13:44:53,496 webservice._handle_reply:571: Response received: {'plugins': {'abbreviate_artistsort': {'api_versions': ['1.0', '2.0'], 'author': 'Sophist', 'description': '

Abbreviate Artist-Sort and Album-Artist-Sort Tags.\ne.g. "Vivaldi, Antonio" becomes "Vivaldi, A."\nThis is particularly useful for classical albums that can have a long list of artists.\n%artistsort% is abbreviated into %_artistsort_abbrev% and\n%albumartistsort% is abbreviated into %_albumartistsort_abbrev%.

', 'files': {'abbreviate_artistsort.py': 'e076fd7cfbc3b0ced5d2d08ab89749a3'}, 'license': 'GPL-2.0-or-later', 'license_url': 'https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html', 'name': 'Abbreviate artist-sort', 'version': '0.4.1'}, 'acousticbrainz': {'api_versions': ['2.0', '2.1', '2.2', '2.3', '2.4', '2.5', '2.6', '2.7'], 'author': 'Wargreen , Hugo Geoffroy "pistache" , Philipp Wolfer , Regorxxx ', 'description': '

Tag files with tags from the AcousticBrainz database, all highlevel classifiers\nand tonal/rhythm data.\n

\nBy default, only simple mood and genre information is saved, but the plugin can\nbe configured to include all highlevel data.\n

\nBased on code from Andrew Cook, Sambhav Kothari\n

\nWARNING: Experimental plugin. All guarantees voided by use.

', 'files': {'__init__.py': 'c731ef9137dfaeea18950c9f95bf9453', 'ui_options_acousticbrainz_tags.py': '651c243eeb07dfd1f19e1cfdac9569c6', 'ui_options_acousticbrainz_tags.ui': '571879d618cd4aafb91b717126e7d2ae'}, 'license': 'GPL-2.0', 'license_url': 'https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.txt', 'name': 'AcousticBrainz Tags', 'version': '2.2.3'}, 'acousticbrainz_tonal-rhythm': {'api_versions': ['2.0'], 'author': 'Sophist, Sambhav Kothari', 'description': "

Add's the following tags:

  • Key (in ID3v2.3 format)
  • \n
  • Beats Per Minute (BPM)
  • \n

from the AcousticBrainz database.

\nThis plugin is deprecated, please consider using the AcousticBrainz Tags\nplugin instead.

", 'files': {'acousticbrainz_tonal-rhythm.py': '1073fa351166cf596726ae38e7de35eb'}, 'license': 'GPL-2.0-or-later', 'license_url': 'https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.txt', 'name': 'AcousticBrainz Tonal-Rhythm', 'version': '1.1.6'}, 'add_to_collection': {'api_versions': ['2.0'], 'author': 'Dvir Yitzchaki (dvirtz@gmail.com)', 'description': '

Adds any saved release to one of your user collections

', 'files': {'README.md': '2d5ebcb30d54a084f3fe90bdac5a50b8', '__init__.py': 'a95aecd7f9f14f58fdd539d36db630d9', 'assets/settings.png': 'ea39fbf33350397f0a42599264fb6086', 'manifest.py': '9a0a1df8cad452a3f9583c3e2d5a11fc', 'options.py': '064f20e55e26c85e15a363ea51cfe039', 'override_module.py': '0226c44571c6f29f0e5f26ba5a10f176', 'post_save_processor.py': '34ad35e4321737dcff3dc65bb081e267', 'settings.py': '40cfd22d3ad5df1ea07f02a02058b090', 'ui_add_to_collection_options.py': 'c2bfd5a180914a38c4f916727316e5f5'}, 'license': ['MIT'], 'license_url': 'https://spdx.org/licenses/MIT.html', 'name': 'Add to Collection', 'version': '0.1.1'}, 'additional_artists_details': {'api_versions': ['2.0', '2.1', '2.2', '2.7', '2.8', '2.11'], 'author': 'Bob Swift (rdswift)', 'description': '

This plugin provides specialized album and track variables with artist details for use in tagging and naming scripts. Note that this creates\nadditional calls to the MusicBrainz API for the artist and area information, and this will slow down processing. This will be particularly\nnoticable when there are many different album or track artists, such as on a [Various Artists] release. There is an option to disable track\nartist processing, which can significantly increase the processing speed if you are only interested in album artist details.\n

\nPlease see the user\nguide on GitHub for more information.

', 'files': {'__init__.py': '38962f3ab630fffc173e1d4cf64edfee', 'docs/README.md': 'a6d9e21b8859b910406a62f9b0f362a7', 'docs/option_settings.png': 'f07ecfea99693b850424be0e3e954acb', 'options_additional_artists_details.ui': '9889947eb555a6be7ecde40b6012615e', 'ui_options_additional_artists_details.py': '1da9cf03278c6a5958211b9f73b1959a'}, 'license': 'GPL-2.0-or-later', 'license_url': 'https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html', 'name': 'Additional Artists Details', 'version': '0.4'}, 'additional_artists_variables': {'api_versions': ['2.0', '2.1', '2.2', '2.7', '2.9', '2.10', '2.11'], 'author': 'Bob Swift (rdswift)', 'description': '

This plugin provides specialized album and track variables for use in\nnaming scripts. It is based on the "Album Artist Extension" plugin, but\nexpands the functionality to also include track artists. Note that it\ncannot be used as a direct drop-in replacement for the "Album Artist\nExtension" plugin because the variables are provided with different\nnames. This will require changes to existing scripts if switching to\nthis plugin.\n

\nPlease see the user guide on GitHub for more information.

', 'files': {'additional_artists_variables.py': 'e3e8ce791fb39a1322aaf7a36c51f6e7'}, 'license': 'GPL-2.0-or-later', 'license_url': 'https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html', 'name': 'Additional Artists Variables', 'version': '1.0'}, 'addrelease': {'api_versions': ['2.0'], 'author': 'Frederik "Freso" S. Olesen, Lukáš Lalinský, Philip Jägenstedt', 'description': '

Adds a plugin context menu option to clusters and single files to help you quickly add them as releases or standalone recordings to the MusicBrainz database via the website by pre-populating artists, track names and times.

', 'files': {'addrelease.py': '0fd3b1a02fb3199eee1fc77f6c56027d'}, 'name': 'Add Cluster As Release', 'version': '0.7.3'}, 'albumartist_website': {'api_versions': ['2.0', '2.1', '2.2'], 'author': 'Sophist, Sambhav Kothari, Philipp Wolfer', 'description': "

Add's the album artist(s) Official Homepage(s)\n(if they are defined in the MusicBrainz database).

", 'files': {'albumartist_website.py': 'd65fd19fa2f45c7bfe687c981d9832c4'}, 'license': 'GPL-2.0', 'license_url': 'https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html', 'name': 'Album Artist Website', 'version': '1.1'}, 'albumartistextension': {'api_versions': ['2.0'], 'author': 'Bob Swift (rdswift)', 'description': '

This plugin provides standardized, credited and sorted artist information\nfor the album artist. This is useful when your tagging or renaming scripts\nrequire both the standardized artist name and the credited artist name, or\nmore detailed information about the album artists.\n

\nThe information is provided in the following variables:

  • _aaeStdAlbumArtists = The standardized version of the album artists.\n
  • _aaeCredAlbumArtists = The credited version of the album artists.\n
  • _aaeSortAlbumArtists = The sorted version of the album artists.\n
  • _aaeStdPrimaryAlbumArtist = The standardized version of the first\n (primary) album artist.\n
  • _aaeCredPrimaryAlbumArtist = The credited version of the first (primary)\n album artist.\n
  • _aaeSortPrimaryAlbumArtist = The sorted version of the first (primary)\n album artist.\n
  • _aaeAlbumArtistCount = The number of artists comprising the album artist.\n

PLEASE NOTE: Once the plugin is installed, it automatically makes these \nvariables available to File Naming Scripts and other scripts in Picard. \nLike other variables, you must mention them in a script for them to affect \nthe file name or other data.\n

\nThis plugin is no longer being maintained. \nConsider switching to the \nAdditional Artists Variables plugin, \nwhich fills this \nrole, and also includes additional variables. That other plugin uses different \nnames for the album artist names provided here, so you if you switch plugins, you\nwill need to update your scripts with the different names.\n

\nVersion 0.6.1 of this plugin functions identically to Version 0.6. Only this \ndescription (and the version number) has changed.

', 'files': {'albumartistextension.py': '6382a36e2b8996b352cba63d8338e34a'}, 'license': 'GPL-2.0-or-later', 'license_url': 'https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html', 'name': 'AlbumArtist Extension', 'version': '0.6.1'}, 'amazon': {'api_versions': ['2.2', '2.3', '2.4', '2.5', '2.6', '2.7'], 'author': 'MusicBrainz Picard developers', 'description': '

Use cover art from Amazon.

', 'files': {'amazon.py': 'e5a4ecf562855fc57690ae1cfe7a486c'}, 'license': 'GPL-2.0-or-later', 'license_url': 'https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html', 'name': 'Amazon cover art', 'version': '1.1'}, 'bpm': {'api_versions': ['2.0'], 'author': 'Len Joubert, Sambhav Kothari, Philipp Wolfer', 'description': '

Calculate BPM for selected files and albums. Linux only version with dependancy on Aubio and Numpy

', 'files': {'__init__.py': '86fee79b8805d4862fa41c9ebb987cc9', 'ui_options_bpm.py': '94c01295fe9ca23a87d40c9c8ec77c51', 'ui_options_bpm.ui': 'a8885df622a94580c9945c846634b364'}, 'license': 'GPL-2.0', 'license_url': 'https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html', 'name': 'BPM Analyzer', 'version': '1.5.1'}, 'classical_extras': {'api_versions': ['2.0', '2.1', '2.2', '2.3', '2.4', '2.5', '2.6', '2.7'], 'author': 'Mark Evens', 'description': '

Classical Extras provides tagging enhancements for Picard and, in particular,\nutilises MusicBrainz’s hierarchy of works to provide work/movement tags. All options are set through a\nuser interface in Picard options->plugins. This interface provides separate sections\nto enhance artist/performer tags, works and parts, genres and also allows for a generalised\n"tag mapping" (simple scripting).\nWhile it is designed to cater for the complexities of classical music tagging,\nit may also be useful for other music which has more than just basic song/artist/album data.\n

\nThe options screen provides five tabs for users to control the tags produced:\n

\n1. Artists: Options as to whether artist tags will contain standard MB names, aliases or as-credited names.\nAbility to include and annotate names for specialist roles (chorus master, arranger, lyricist etc.).\nAbility to read lyrics tags on the file which has been loaded and assign them to track and album levels if required.\n(Note: Picard will not normally process incoming file tags).\n

\n2. Works and parts: The plugin will build a hierarchy of works and parts (e.g. Work -> Part -> Movement or\nOpera -> Act -> Number) based on the works in MusicBrainz\'s database. These can then be displayed in tags in a variety\nof ways according to user preferences. Furthermore partial recordings, medleys, arrangements and collections of works\nare all handled according to user choices. There is a processing overhead for this at present because MusicBrainz limits\nlook-ups to one per second.\n

\n3. Genres etc.: Options are available to customise the source and display of information relating to genres,\ninstruments, keys, work dates and periods. Additional capabilities are provided for users of Muso (or others who\nprovide the relevant XML files) to use pre-existing databases of classical genres, classical composers and classical\nperiods.\n

\n4. Tag mapping: in some ways, this is a simple substitute for some of Picard\'s scripting capability. The main advantage\n is that the plugin will remember what tag mapping you use for each release (or even track).\n

\n5. Advanced: Various options to control the detailed processing of the above.\n

\nAll user options can be saved on a per-album (or even per-track) basis so that tweaks can be used to deal with\ninconsistencies in the MusicBrainz data (e.g. include English titles from the track listing where the MusicBrainz works\nare in the composer\'s language and/or script).\nAlso existing file tags can be processed (not possible in native Picard).\n

\nSee the readme file \non GitHub here for full details.

', 'files': {'Readme.md': 'aea0e89f69208b345a9b2590c02f3449', '__init__.py': '976182fc118a834b892cc09cf7e7214c', 'const.py': 'b8bb158c518f175a9ee83e45ed134d02', 'options_classical_extras.ui': '7a89f51e49c64b73acdd6736bf04bce3', 'suffixtree.py': 'e3e15409920e28eec753cf7c458cc5c3', 'ui_options_classical_extras.py': '7292d406ca481eb5f7f954695bbe1f20'}, 'license': 'GPL-2.0', 'license_url': 'https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html', 'name': 'Classical Extras', 'version': '2.0.14'}, 'classicdiscnumber': {'api_versions': ['0.15', '2.0'], 'author': 'Lukas Lalinsky', 'description': '

Moves disc numbers and subtitles from the separate tags to album titles.

', 'files': {'classicdiscnumber.py': 'ec4abd529133d83ea0727db3d0e99699'}, 'name': 'Classic Disc Numbers', 'version': '0.2'}, 'collect_artists': {'api_versions': ['2.1', '2.2'], 'author': 'johbi', 'description': '

Adds a context menu shortcut to collect all track artists from a release and format them as the releases album artist.

', 'files': {'collect_artists.py': 'adef9c3fcdb5bcb4085bb493c45f7575'}, 'license': 'GPL-3.0-or-later', 'license_url': 'https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt', 'name': 'Collect Album Artists', 'version': '0.1'}, 'compatible_TXXX': {'api_versions': ['2.0'], 'author': 'Tungol', 'description': "

This plugin improves the compatibility of ID3 tags by using only a single value for TXXX frames. Multiple value TXXX frames technically don't comply with the ID3 specification.

", 'files': {'compatible_TXXX.py': 'd3dfadc913464a7d0df1daa81b929023'}, 'license': 'GPL-2.0-or-later', 'license_url': 'https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html', 'name': 'Compatible TXXX frames', 'version': '0.1'}, 'critiquebrainz': {'api_versions': ['2.0'], 'author': 'Tobias Sarner', 'description': '

Uses Critiquebrainz for comment as review or rating.


WARNING: Experimental plugin. All guarantees voided by use.


Example: Taylor Swift\nRelease: Midnights\n https://musicbrainz.org/release/e348fdd6-f73b-47fe-94c4-670bfee26a39 ,\n https://critiquebrainz.org/release-group/0dcc84fb-c592-46e9-ba92-a52bb44dd553


Recording:\n https://musicbrainz.org/recording/93113326-93e9-409c-a3d6-5ec91864ba30 ,\n https://critiquebrainz.org/recording/93113326-93e9-409c-a3d6-5ec91864ba30

', 'files': {'critiquebrainz.py': 'c9c4ab9191a0102f4f9a6d5f7cc50041'}, 'license': 'GPL-2.0', 'license_url': 'https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.txt', 'name': 'Critiquebrainz Review Comment', 'version': '1.0.1'}, 'cuesheet': {'api_versions': ['2.0'], 'author': 'Lukáš Lalinský, Sambhav Kothari', 'description': '

Generate cuesheet (.cue file) from an album.

', 'files': {'cuesheet.py': '826c985a26c669f56cc0388cbebd3d6d'}, 'name': 'Generate Cuesheet', 'version': '1.2.2'}, 'decade': {'api_versions': ['2.0', '2.1', '2.2', '2.3'], 'author': 'Philipp Wolfer', 'description': '

Add a $decade(date) function to get the decade from a year. E.g. $decade(1994-04-05) will give "90s". By default decades between 1920 and 2000 will be shortened to two digits. You can disable this with setting the second parameter to 0, e.g. $decade(1994,0) will give "1990s".

', 'files': {'__init__.py': 'd8e749fd80796e2265d8ecb5053ef44a'}, 'license': 'GPL-2.0-or-later', 'license_url': 'https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html', 'name': 'Decade function', 'version': '1.0'}, 'decode_cyrillic': {'api_versions': ['1.0', '2.0'], 'author': 'aeontech', 'description': '

This plugin helps you quickly convert mis-encoded cyrillic Windows-1251 tags\nto proper UTF-8 encoded strings. If your track/album names look something like\n"Àëèñà â ñò›àíå ÷óäåñ", run this plugin from the context menu\nbefore running the "Lookup" or "Scan" tools

', 'files': {'decode_cyrillic.py': 'c590162021486d45fa10caa52200e15e'}, 'license': 'MIT', 'license_url': 'https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT', 'name': 'Decode Cyrillic', 'version': '1.1'}, 'decode_greek_cyrillic': {'api_versions': ['1.0', '2.0'], 'author': 'aeontech, Lefteris NeNpO', 'description': '

This plugin helps you quickly convert mis-encoded Greek Windows-1253 tags\nto proper UTF-8 encoded strings. If your track/album names look something like\n"Àëèñà â ñò›àíå ÷óäåñ", run this plugin from the context menu\nbefore running the "Lookup" or "Scan" tools

', 'files': {'decode_greek1253.py': 'fced06bcea2dbfdab6da68822ef3f56c'}, 'license': 'MIT', 'license_url': 'https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT', 'name': 'Decode Cyrillic Greek', 'version': '1.3'}, 'deezerart': {'api_versions': ['2.5'], 'author': 'Fabio Forni ', 'description': '

Fetch cover arts from Deezer

', 'files': {'__init__.py': 'da466949d7971ddd0f50d2302523e60e', 'deezer/__init__.py': 'f35ef270482c4cde5341b98c74612b9f', 'deezer/client.py': '45697b0b1424ff4afd8ae1df04cc2c6a', 'deezer/obj.py': 'a1e0555e20f9a25f14f7f4c6a85d062e', 'options.py': 'ba2c841825575a429639ea9aea36dc62', 'options.ui': '55fb0f9c7b164c3d7561cb55b3cde32a'}, 'license': 'GPL-3.0-or-later', 'license_url': 'https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html', 'name': 'Deezer cover art', 'version': '1.2'}, 'discnumber': {'api_versions': ['0.9.0', '0.10', '0.15', '2.0'], 'author': 'Lukas Lalinsky', 'description': '

Moves disc numbers and subtitles from album titles to separate tags. For example:
\n"Aerial (disc 1: A Sea of Honey)"

  • album = "Aerial"
  • \n
  • discnumber = "1"
  • \n
  • discsubtitle = "A Sea of Honey"
  • \n
', 'files': {'discnumber.py': 'e5e63a013534bdb2be6c8b3899d3f336'}, 'name': 'Disc Numbers', 'version': '0.1'}, 'enhanced_titles': {'api_versions': ['2.10'], 'author': 'Giorgio Fontanive', 'description': '

This plugin sets the albumsort and titlesort tags. It also provides the script\nfunctions $swapprefix_lang, $delprefix_lang and $title_lang. The languages\nincluded at the moment are English, Spanish, Italian, German, French and Portuguese.


The functions do the same thing as their original counterparts, but take\nmultiple languages as parameters. If no languages are provided, all the available ones are\nincluded. Languages are provided with ISO 639-3 codes: eng, spa, ita, fra, deu, por.


Tagging and checking aliases can be disabled in the plugin\'s options page, found\nunder "plugins". Checking aliases will slow down processing.


If you wish to add your own language or to change the words that are not capitalized,\nplease feel free to code the changes and submit a pull request along with links to web\npages that give definitive language-specific title-case rules.

', 'files': {'__init__.py': '4cc257bbb46e88be5bc9d73aba777566', 'options_enhanced_titles.ui': '894388a40adba0d6cc3e3348745629ad', 'ui_options_enhanced_titles.py': '280f9fda0b0874af8ed9b1a70c35bc66'}, 'license': 'GPL-2.0', 'license_url': 'https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html', 'name': 'Enhanced Titles', 'version': '0.1'}, 'fanarttv': {'api_versions': ['2.0', '2.1', '2.2', '2.3', '2.4', '2.5', '2.6'], 'author': 'Philipp Wolfer, Sambhav Kothari', 'description': '

Use cover art from fanart.tv.

To use this plugin you have to register a personal API key on fanart.tv.

', 'files': {'__init__.py': '2aa976cf73dd4e662cfb455377ec89d4', 'ui_options_fanarttv.py': '6bde147d08f075c790413f12a00dcc90', 'ui_options_fanarttv.ui': '59aba627fc950c0579f21770d1aacb76'}, 'license': 'GPL-2.0-or-later', 'license_url': 'https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html', 'name': 'fanart.tv cover art', 'version': '1.6.3'}, 'featartist': {'api_versions': ['0.9.0', '0.10', '0.15', '0.16', '2.0'], 'author': 'Lukas Lalinsky, Bryan Toth', 'description': '

Removes feat. artists from track titles. Substitution is case insensitive.

', 'files': {'featartist.py': '749c5d0f8259157e49db8753b490bdc3'}, 'name': 'Feat. Artists Removed', 'version': '0.4'}, 'featartistsintitles': {'api_versions': ['0.9.0', '0.10', '0.15', '0.16', '2.0'], 'author': 'Lukas Lalinsky, Michael Wiencek, Bryan Toth, JeromyNix (NobahdiAtoll)', 'description': '

Move "feat." from artist names to album and track titles. Match is case insensitive.

', 'files': {'featartistsintitles.py': '4f935b4ba9e3eeb4dabc26867301ad77'}, 'name': 'Feat. Artists in Titles', 'version': '0.5'}, 'fix_tracknums': {'api_versions': ['0.15', '1.0', '2.0'], 'author': 'Jonathan Bradley Whited', 'description': '

Fix the track numbers in a cluster by either using the track titles (1) or sequential order (2).

  1. \n The title should contain something like "#-#" (number dash number) and be unique.
    \n All non-numbers and non-dashes will be removed when comparing the titles.
    \n This is especially useful for Language Audio Lessons, like this:\n
    - Title: "Unit 1 - Lesson 10"
    \n For example, take the following titles and track numbers:\n
    \n- Title: "Unit 1 - Lesson 1"  - Track #1\n- Title: "Unit 1 - Lesson 2"  - Track #1\n- Title: "Unit 2 - Lesson 10" - Track #2\n- Title: "Unit 2 - Lesson 1"  - Track #2\n
    \n The track numbers will be changed to: 1, 2, 4, 3
    \n The 3rd one will be changed to Track #4 because Lesson 1 < Lesson 10.
    \n The titles will remain unchanged.\n
  2. \n\n
  3. The track numbers will be set based on the sequential order they appear within the cluster.
  4. \n

How to use:

  1. Cluster a group of files
  2. \n
  3. Right click on the cluster
  4. \n
  5. \n Then click one:\n
    • Plugins => Fix track numbers using titles
    • \n
    • Plugins => Fix track numbers using sequence
    • \n
  6. \n
', 'files': {'fix_tracknums.py': '665406e56ffa876f36caf36d4256a292'}, 'license': 'GPL-3.0-or-later', 'license_url': 'https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt', 'name': 'Fix Track Numbers', 'version': '0.2.1'}, 'format_performer_tags': {'api_versions': ['2.0'], 'author': 'Bob Swift, Philipp Wolfer', 'description': "

This plugin provides options with respect to the formatting of performer\ntags. It has been developed using the 'Standardise Performers' plugin by\nSophist as the basis for retrieving and processing the performer data for\neach of the tracks. The format of the resulting tags can be customized\nin the option settings page.

", 'files': {'__init__.py': '542929a88d9f87040e4b634bb1eb40a7', 'docs/HISTORY.md': '23336f12177011aa18533aafeaf224fd', 'docs/README.md': '2a70d2e870731a256c6ca6c7d99c1d05', 'docs/default_settings.jpg': '257f56b4f51157727f05d14244c92223', 'ui_options_format_performer_tags.py': '99f2c6abe70ec86708fdeb5ffd5d418e', 'ui_options_format_performer_tags.ui': '601e283ac1f08807c2501d605dfbeec0'}, 'license': 'GPL-2.0-or-later', 'license_url': 'https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html', 'name': 'Format Performer Tags', 'version': '0.8.1'}, 'genre_mapper': {'api_versions': ['2.0', '2.1', '2.2', '2.3', '2.6', '2.7', '2.8', '2.9'], 'author': 'Bob Swift', 'description': '

This plugin provides the ability to standardize genres in the "genre"\ntag by matching the genres as found to a standard genre as defined in\nthe genre replacement mapping configuration option. Once installed a\nsettings page will be added to Picard\'s options, which is where the\nplugin is configured.\n

\nPlease see the user guide on GitHub for more information.

', 'files': {'__init__.py': '4876a1980fe9784d5732d5835d492a56', 'options_genre_mapper.ui': '59c6163104b2da85e4d149736e1827fd', 'ui_options_genre_mapper.py': '37d011c4113606747383a162a97a4777'}, 'license': 'GPL-2.0', 'license_url': 'https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.txt', 'name': 'Genre Mapper', 'version': '0.5'}, 'haikuattrs': {'api_versions': ['2.2', '2.3', '2.4', '2.5', '2.6'], 'author': 'Philipp Wolfer', 'description': '

Save and load metadata to/from Haiku BFS attributes.

', 'files': {'haikuattrs.py': '875bc7c76e013736290cdbfa13aaa713'}, 'license': 'GPL-2.0-or-later', 'license_url': 'https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html', 'name': 'Haiku BFS Attributes', 'version': '1.2'}, 'hyphen_unicode': {'api_versions': ['0.9', '0.10', '0.11', '0.15', '2.0'], 'author': 'Alan Swanson ', 'description': '

Replaces unicode character HYPHEN (U+2010) [0xE2 0x80\n0x90] with typographically identical HYPHEN-MINUS (U+002D) [0x2D] for fonts\nthat do not support HYPHEN and to prevent visually duplicate filenames\ndifferentiated only by their hyphens.


Unicode duplicated hyphen from ASCII as an unambiguous way to designate a\nhyphen from a minus whilst still being typographically indentical. Since\ntext processing on music tags is rare so choice is purely pedantic esepcially\nas keyboards only have HYPHEN-MINUS.


Replaces character on "album", "title", "artist", "artists", "artistsort",\n"albumartist", "albumartists" and "albumartistsort" tags.

', 'files': {'hyphen_unicode.py': 'b224d88f1c77b8e80093a4da2ee24a3e'}, 'license': 'GPL-3.0-or-later', 'license_url': 'https://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html', 'name': 'Hyphen unicode', 'version': '1.0.1'}, 'instruments': {'api_versions': ['2.0'], 'author': 'David Mandelberg', 'description': '

Adds a multi-valued tag (~instruments) containing all the instruments (including vocals), \n for use in scripts.

', 'files': {'instruments.py': 'd97960ce7f31682981e58940a59b9196'}, 'license': 'GPL-3.0-or-later', 'license_url': 'https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html', 'name': 'Instruments', 'version': '1.0.1'}, 'keep': {'api_versions': ['0.15.0', '0.15.1', '0.16.0', '1.0.0', '1.1.0', '1.2.0', '1.3.0', '2.0'], 'author': 'Wieland Hoffmann', 'description': '

Adds a $keep() function to delete all tags except the ones that you want.\nTags beginning with musicbrainz_ are kept automatically, as are tags\nbeginning with _.


To keep all tags that can have a description (like comment, lyricsandperformer), add<tagname without description>(not including:`) to the\nlist of tags to keep.

', 'files': {'keep.py': 'a8a6b8448cb3f358c07a983842ab9378'}, 'license': 'GPL-2.0-or-later', 'license_url': 'https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html', 'name': 'Keep tags', 'version': '1.2.1'}, 'key_wheel_converter': {'api_versions': ['2.3', '2.4', '2.6', '2.7'], 'author': 'Bob Swift', 'description': "

Adds functions to convert between 'standard', 'camelot', 'open key' and 'traktor' key formats.

", 'files': {'key_wheel_converter.py': 'fdc3cf9eb060a0590b561d2bdb47b028'}, 'license': 'GPL-2.0', 'license_url': 'https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.txt', 'name': 'Key Wheel Converter', 'version': '1.1'}, 'lastfm': {'api_versions': ['2.0'], 'author': 'Lukáš Lalinský, Philipp Wolfer', 'description': '

Use tags from Last.fm as genre.

', 'files': {'__init__.py': '329be6b67153bf9b3cfc1fbc91a56c29', 'ui_options_lastfm.py': '3a3a19ba1116645cf4a2d01f8e454a10', 'ui_options_lastfm.ui': '0cd776c4ce19cbeccdc6b508d63ea93e'}, 'name': 'Last.fm', 'version': '0.10.1'}, 'loadasnat': {'api_versions': ['1.4.0', '2.0', '2.1', '2.2'], 'author': 'Philipp Wolfer', 'description': '

Allows loading selected tracks as non-album tracks. Useful for tagging single tracks where you do not care about the album.

', 'files': {'loadasnat.py': 'cc1bad0a7c0f7a9aef730470c96f0a46'}, 'license': 'GPL-2.0-or-later', 'license_url': 'https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html', 'name': 'Load as non-album track', 'version': '0.4'}, 'losslessfuncs': {'api_versions': ['2.0', '2.1', '2.2', '2.3', '2.4', '2.5', '2.6', '2.7', '2.8', '2.9', '2.10', '2.11'], 'author': 'Philipp Wolfer', 'description': '

Tagger script functions to detect if a file is lossless or lossy

', 'files': {'__init__.py': '22523f93104feffbe43cc9360b17f7ca'}, 'license': 'GPL-2.0', 'license_url': 'https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html', 'name': 'Tagger script functions $is_lossless() and $is_lossy()', 'version': '0.3'}, 'mod': {'api_versions': ['2.8'], 'author': 'Philipp Wolfer', 'description': '

Support for loading and renaming various tracker module formats (.mod, .xm, .it, .mptm, .ahx, .mtm, .med, .s3m, .ult, .699, .okt). There is limited support for writing the title tag as track name for some formats.

', 'files': {'__init__.py': 'da66951133387480033200d856f2886e'}, 'license': 'GPL-2.0', 'license_url': 'https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html', 'name': 'MOD files', 'version': '0.1'}, 'moodbars': {'api_versions': ['2.0'], 'author': 'Len Joubert, Sambhav Kothari', 'description': '

Calculate Moodbars for selected files and albums.

\nAccording to WikiPedia\na "Moodbar is a computer visualization used for navigating within a piece of music or any other recording on a digital audio track.\nThis is done with a commonly horizontal bar that is divided into vertical stripes.\nEach stripe has a colour combination showing the "mood" within a short part of the audio track."

\nTo use this plugin you will need to download special executables to create the moodbars -\nat the time of writing, executables are only available for various Linux distributions\n(see the Amarok Moodbar page for details).

', 'files': {'__init__.py': 'f07c72ff9d9e5a8923a30411681681b8', 'ui_options_moodbar.py': 'ca7b615b705d0a646075e7ecc856355d', 'ui_options_moodbar.ui': '710fa292a99225b4cfb9fb9661382428'}, 'license': 'GPL-2.0', 'license_url': 'https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html', 'name': 'Moodbars', 'version': '2.3.3'}, 'musixmatch': {'api_versions': ['2.0'], 'author': 'm-yn, Sambhav Kothari, Philipp Wolfer', 'description': '

Fetch first 30% of lyrics from Musixmatch

', 'files': {'README': '8ead2860a1e939898c789f86f51dc7e3', '__init__.py': 'c79d43947409fe168d9c513ec58d2789', 'ui_options_musixmatch.py': 'fae79dc04af8f302d6a25aab4c1424be'}, 'license': 'GPL-2.0', 'license_url': 'https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html', 'name': 'Musixmatch Lyrics', 'version': '1.1.1'}, 'no_release': {'api_versions': ['2.0'], 'author': 'Johannes Weißl, Philipp Wolfer', 'description': '

Do not store specific release information in releases of unknown origin.

', 'files': {'no_release.py': '6e46429c3604cd4f1d66387d2176120a'}, 'name': 'No release', 'version': '0.3'}, 'non_ascii_equivalents': {'api_versions': ['0.9', '0.10', '0.11', '0.15', '2.0'], 'author': 'Anderson Mesquita ', 'description': '

Replaces accented and otherwise non-ASCII characters\nwith a somewhat equivalent version of their ASCII counterparts. This allows old\ndevices to be able to display song artists and titles somewhat correctly,\ninstead of displaying weird or blank symbols. It\'s an attempt to do a little\nbetter than Musicbrainz\'s native "Replace non-ASCII characters" option.


Currently replaces characters on "album", "artist", and "title" tags.

', 'files': {'non_ascii_equivalents.py': '0e91d256974b7acc181b86b8779eba3d'}, 'license': 'GPL-3.0-or-later', 'license_url': 'https://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html', 'name': 'Non-ASCII Equivalents', 'version': '0.4'}, 'padded': {'api_versions': ['0.15.0', '0.15.1', '0.16.0', '1.0.0', '1.1.0', '1.2.0', '1.3.0', '2.0'], 'author': 'Wieland Hoffmann', 'description': '

Adds padded disc- and tracknumbers so the length of all disc- and tracknumbers\nis the same. They are stored in the _paddedtracknumber and _paddeddiscnumber\ntags.

', 'files': {'padded.py': '4f40bf3c25d96e97d26533a77d66aab0'}, 'license': 'GPL-2.0-or-later', 'license_url': 'https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html', 'name': 'Padded disc and tracknumbers', 'version': '1.0.1'}, 'papercdcase': {'api_versions': ['2.0', '2.1', '2.2'], 'author': 'Philipp Wolfer, Sambhav Kothari', 'description': '

Create a paper CD case from an album or cluster using http://papercdcase.com

', 'files': {'papercdcase.py': 'cd343275cf0cf20ea6a2303d03b43e59'}, 'license': 'GPL-2.0-or-later', 'license_url': 'https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html', 'name': 'Paper CD case', 'version': '1.2.1'}, 'persistent_variables': {'api_versions': ['2.0', '2.1', '2.2', '2.3', '2.4', '2.6', '2.7'], 'author': 'Bob Swift (rdswift)', 'description': '

\nThis plugin provides the ability to store and retrieve script variables that persist across tracks and albums.\nThis allows things like finding and storing the earliest recording date of all of the tracks on an album.\n


\nThere are two types of persistent variables maintained - album variables and session variables. Album variables\npersist across all tracks on an album. Each album\'s information is stored separately, and is reset when the\nalbum is refreshed. The information is cleared when an album is removed. Session variables persist across all\nalbums and tracks, and are cleared when Picard is shut down or restarted.\n


\nThis plugin adds eight new scripting functions to allow management of persistent script variables:\n

  • $set_a(name,value) : Sets the album persistent variable name to value.
  • \n
  • $unset_a(name) : Unsets the album persistent variable name.
  • \n
  • $get_a(name) : Gets the album persistent variable name.
  • \n
  • $clear_a() : Clears all album persistent variables.
  • \n
  • $set_s(name,value) : Sets the session persistent variable name to value.
  • \n
  • $unset_s(name) : Unsets the session persistent variable name.
  • \n
  • $get_s(name) : Gets the session persistent variable name.
  • \n
  • $clear_s() : Clears all session persistent variables.
  • \n


\nPlease see the user guide on GitHub for more information.\n

', 'files': {'__init__.py': '5d0144c8d0ea2d4a977d5dae9fbc952d', 'ui_variables_dialog.py': '1570a42b07938d50f6a1583be5e0c886'}, 'license': 'GPL-2.0-or-later', 'license_url': 'https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html', 'name': 'Persistent Variables', 'version': '1.1'}, 'playlist': {'api_versions': ['2.0'], 'author': 'Francis Chin, Sambhav Kothari, Chris Hylen', 'description': '

Generate an Extended M3U playlist (.m3u8 file, UTF8\nencoded text). Relative pathnames are used where audio files are in the same\ndirectory as the playlist, otherwise absolute (full) pathnames are used.

', 'files': {'playlist.py': '4c6c99917d7ef558fb061332ea2eff3a'}, 'license': 'GPL-2.0-or-later', 'license_url': 'https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html', 'name': 'Generate M3U playlist', 'version': '1.2.1'}, 'post_tagging_actions': {'api_versions': ['2.10', '2.11'], 'author': 'Giorgio Fontanive', 'description': '

This plugin lets you set up actions that run with a context menu click. \nAn action consists in a command line executed for each album or each track along\nwith a few options to tweak the behaviour. \nThis can be used to run external programs and pass some variables to it.

', 'files': {'__init__.py': '510a0ac4facddbb6550cb5ec70f9f5f7', 'actions_status.py': '65d59f32e043e814c491a3046c6941fc', 'actions_status.ui': 'ec999f34323522933569e91f5bd86b99', 'docs/guide.md': 'fbc4af3e8a666f6fdbdcf0011a5a5978', 'docs/options.png': '6f89c36c6203c9b315a53cd01fe43834', 'options_post_tagging_actions.py': '56ac5f6dc0017cd11482b09da2ecf4a5', 'options_post_tagging_actions.ui': '1eca69c5cc884f92adf8173d1b401335'}, 'license': 'GPL-2.0', 'license_url': 'https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html', 'name': 'Post Tagging Actions', 'version': '0.1'}, 'release_type': {'api_versions': ['0.9.0', '0.10', '0.15', '2.0'], 'author': 'Elliot Chance', 'description': '

Appends information to EPs and Singles

', 'files': {'release_type.py': 'c66f0989f9ebcc94bc3ed183806e8b91'}, 'name': 'Release Type', 'version': '1.4'}, 'releasetag_aggregations': {'api_versions': ['2.5', '2.6'], 'author': 'Philipp Wolfer', 'description': '

Add functions to aggregate tags on a release:

  • $album_all(name)
  • \u200e$album_avg(name, precision=2)
  • \u200e$album_max(name, precision=2)
  • \u200e$album_min(name, precision=2)
  • \u200e$album_mode(name)
  • \u200e$album_distinct(name, separator=; )
  • \u200e$album_multi_avg(name, precision=2)
  • \u200e$album_multi_max(name, precision=2)
  • \u200e$album_multi_min(name, precision=2)
  • \u200e$album_multi_mode(name)
  • \u200e$album_multi_distinct(name, separator=; )
The functions work only in file naming scripts and the files should either be part of a release or cluster!

', 'files': {'releasetag_aggregations.py': '82805070b9373021f3a62aa81780750c'}, 'license': 'GPL-2.0-or-later', 'license_url': 'https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html', 'name': 'Release tag aggregation functions', 'version': '0.4'}, 'remove_perfect_albums': {'api_versions': ['2.0', '2.1', '2.2', '2.3'], 'author': 'ichneumon, hrglgrmpf', 'description': '

Remove all perfectly matched albums from the selection.

', 'files': {'remove_perfect_albums.py': '46d3a77e17b676cce4b329ebf828d5b3'}, 'license': 'GPL-2.0', 'license_url': 'https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html', 'name': 'Remove Perfect Albums', 'version': '0.3'}, 'reorder_sides': {'api_versions': ['2.0'], 'author': 'David Mandelberg, Sambhav Kothari', 'description': '

Split mediums and re-order sides to match side order rather than\n medium order. E.g., if a release has two mediums with track numbers\n A1, A2, ..., D1, D2, ... and B1, B2, ..., C1, C2,\n ..., this plugin will split the release into four mediums and\n reorder the new mediums so that the track numbers are A1, A2,\n ..., B1, B2, ..., C1, C2, ..., D1, D2, ...


This is primarily intended to make vinyl records designed for record\n changers\n (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Record_changer#Automatic_sequencing)\n play in the correct order.

', 'files': {'reorder_sides.py': '5306e70b65db0b8e2892c30133b7385b'}, 'license': 'GPL-3.0-or-later', 'license_url': 'https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html', 'name': 'Re-order sides of a release', 'version': '1.2'}, 'replace_forbidden_symbols': {'api_versions': ['0.9', '0.10', '0.11', '0.15', '2.0', '2.2'], 'author': 'Alex Rustler ', 'description': '

Replaces Windows forbidden symbols: :, /, *, ?, ", ., | etc.\n with a similar UNICODE version.\n Currently replaces characters on "album", "artist",\n "title", "albumartist", "releasetype", "label" tags.\n Also add $replace_forbidden() function for Tagger.\n Example: $set(composer,$script_forbidden(%composer%))

', 'files': {'replace_forbidden_symbols.py': '5af9047e3c336ab95be09ee85090190e'}, 'license': 'GPL-3.0-or-later', 'license_url': 'https://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html', 'name': 'Replace Forbidden Symbols', 'version': '0.3'}, 'replaygain2': {'api_versions': ['2.0'], 'author': 'complexlogic', 'description': '

Calculates ReplayGain information for tracks and albums according to the\nReplayGain 2.0 specification.\nThis plugin depends on the ReplayGain utility rsgain. Users\nare required to install rsgain and set its path in the plugin settings before use.




Select one or more tracks or albums, then right click and select Plugin->Calculate ReplayGain. The plugin\nwill calculate ReplayGain information for the selected items and display the results in the metadata\nwindow. Click the save button to write the tags to file.


The following file formats are supported:

  • MP3 (.mp3)
  • \n
  • FLAC (.flac)
  • \n
  • Ogg (.ogg, .oga, spx)
  • \n
  • Opus (.opus)
  • \n
  • MPEG-4 Audio (.m4a, .mp4)
  • \n
  • Wavpack (.wv)
  • \n
  • Monkey\'s Audio (.ape)
  • \n
  • WMA (.wma)
  • \n
  • MP2 (.mp2)
  • \n
  • WAV (.wav)
  • \n
  • AIFF (.aiff)
  • \n
  • TAK (.tak)
  • \n
  • MusePack (Stream Version 8 only) (.mpc)
  • \n

This plugin is based on the original ReplayGain plugin by Philipp Wolfer and Sophist.

', 'files': {'__init__.py': '69cf4b2738c3522c176b67eb789a0bbf', 'ui_options_replaygain2.py': '4bae8b24cbc5057353ee95bf08835209', 'ui_options_replaygain2.ui': 'dc399977085c4cf5bc9001f87ad0517f'}, 'license': 'GPL-2.0', 'license_url': 'https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html', 'name': 'ReplayGain 2.0', 'version': '1.6'}, 'save_and_rewrite_header': {'api_versions': ['0.9.0', '0.10', '0.15', '2.0'], 'author': 'Nicolas Cenerario', 'description': '

This plugin adds a context menu action to save files and rewrite their header.

', 'files': {'save_and_rewrite_header.py': '18375c5625822596c1df0a769c220288'}, 'license': 'GPL-3.0-or-later', 'license_url': 'http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt', 'name': 'Save and rewrite header', 'version': '0.3'}, 'script_logger': {'api_versions': ['2.0', '2.1', '2.2', '2.3', '2.6', '2.9'], 'author': 'Bob Swift (rdswift)', 'description': "

This plugin provides a new script function $logline() to write entries\nto Picard's system log. By default, the log level is set at Info, but\nany level can be used by providing the level as an optional second\nparameter to the function.


The function is used as:




where text is the text to write to the log. The entry will be written\nat log level Info by default, but this can be changed by specifying a\ndifferent level as an optional second parameter. Allowable log levels are:

  • E (Error)
  • \n
  • W (Warning)
  • \n
  • I (Info)
  • \n
  • D (Debug)
  • \n

If an unknown level is entered, the function will use the default Info\nlevel.

", 'files': {'__init__.py': '58682cc4c596eea9f1500b18281092e3'}, 'license': 'GPL-2.0', 'license_url': 'https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.txt', 'name': 'Script Logger', 'version': '0.1'}, 'search_engine_lookup': {'api_versions': ['2.0', '2.1', '2.2', '2.3'], 'author': 'Bob Swift', 'description': '

Adds a right click option on a cluster to look up album information using a search engine in a browser window.


Adds a right click option on an album or track to look up cover art for the selected album or title.

', 'files': {'README.md': '2b73f5c4acc3cb90bfd84d13954d0638', '__init__.py': '7547e3fc3ff0c9441afe53b01c310291', 'ui_options_search_engine_editor.py': 'afdd9fa0eaf8e13bcc982955e9629fa9', 'ui_options_search_engine_editor.ui': 'affbb6cd2adaa9f0d1d6533327ef8676', 'ui_options_search_engine_lookup.py': '0480990c911854b3c9af0a2eb3e93da1', 'ui_options_search_engine_lookup.ui': '3127bac9fd30ec58a9774cc6b0b12c53'}, 'license': 'GPL-2.0', 'license_url': 'https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.txt', 'name': 'Search Engine Lookup', 'version': '2.1.0'}, 'smart_title_case': {'api_versions': ['2.0'], 'author': 'Sophist based on an earlier plugin by Javier Kohen', 'description': '

Capitalize First Character In Every Word Of Album/Track Title/Artist.
\nLeaves words containing embedded uppercase as-is i.e. USA or DoA.
\nFor Artist/AlbumArtist, title cases only artists not join phrases
\ne.g. The Beatles feat. The Who.

', 'files': {'smart_title_case.py': '5851c22ffe01141fe8e7e7b5771463c8'}, 'license': 'GPL-2.0-or-later', 'license_url': 'https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html', 'name': 'Smart Title Case', 'version': '0.4.2'}, 'sort_multivalue_tags': {'api_versions': ['0.15', '2.0'], 'author': 'Sophist', 'description': '

This plugin sorts multi-value tags e.g. Performers alphabetically.

\nNote: Some multi-value tags are excluded for the following reasons:

  1. Sequence is important e.g. Artists
  2. \n
  3. The sequence of one tag is linked to the sequence of another e.g. Label and Catalogue number.
  4. \n
', 'files': {'sort_multivalue_tags.py': '4f25a8402f5ce6a44427bd4df94af766'}, 'license': 'GPL-2.0-or-later', 'license_url': 'https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html', 'name': 'Sort Multi-Value Tags', 'version': '1.0'}, 'soundtrack': {'api_versions': ['1.0', '2.0'], 'author': 'Samir Benmendil', 'description': '

Sets the albumartist to "Soundtrack" if releasetype is a soundtrack.

', 'files': {'soundtrack.py': '86606046dc6144a4ad9f039e4c6f8487'}, 'license': 'WTFPL', 'license_url': 'http://www.wtfpl.net/', 'name': 'Soundtrack', 'version': '0.2'}, 'standardise_feat': {'api_versions': ['1.4', '2.0', '2.1', '2.2', '2.3'], 'author': 'Sambhav Kothari', 'description': '

Standardises "featuring" join phrases for artists to "feat."

', 'files': {'standardise_feat.py': 'c00cb5bb9a9a82a083fd7ddccb65b372'}, 'license': 'GPL-3.0', 'license_url': 'http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt', 'name': 'Standardise Feat.', 'version': '0.3'}, 'standardise_performers': {'api_versions': ['2.0'], 'author': 'Sophist', 'description': '

Splits multi-instrument performer tags into single\ninstruments and combines names so e.g. (from 10cc by 10cc track 1):

\nPerformer [acoustic guitar, bass, dobro, electric guitar and tambourine]: Graham Gouldman\nPerformer [acoustic guitar, electric guitar, grand piano and synthesizer]: Lol Creme\nPerformer [electric guitar, moog and slide guitar]: Eric Stewart\n


\nPerformer [acoustic guitar]: Graham Gouldman; Lol Creme\nPerformer [bass]: Graham Gouldman\nPerformer [dobro]: Graham Gouldman\nPerformer [electric guitar]: Eric Stewart; Graham Gouldman; Lol Creme\nPerformer [grand piano]: Lol Creme\nPerformer [moog]: Eric Stewart\nPerformer [slide guitar]: Eric Stewart\nPerformer [synthesizer]: Lol Creme\nPerformer [tambourine]: Graham Gouldman\n

Update: This version now sorts the performer tags in order to maintain a consistent value and avoid tags appearing to change even though the base data is equivalent.

', 'files': {'standardise_performers.py': '5b972b4dd81b352eeb1de072d6912641'}, 'license': 'GPL-2.0', 'license_url': 'https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html', 'name': 'Standardise Performers', 'version': '1.0'}, 'submit_folksonomy_tags': {'api_versions': ['2.2', '2.9'], 'author': 'Flaky', 'description': '

A plugin allowing submission of specific tags on tracks you own (defaults to genre and mood) as folksonomy tags on MusicBrainz. Supports submitting to recording, release, release group and release artist entities.


A MusicBrainz login is required to use this plugin. Log in first by going to the General options. Then, to use, right click on a track or release then go to Plugins and depending on what you want to submit, choose the option you want.


Uses code from rdswift\'s "Submit ISRC" plugin (specifically, the handling of the network response)

', 'files': {'README.md': '1c3fcdabc7ee5fe6c6aeb13ed7582a81', '__init__.py': '1b9694e33b8bd4354e7ab3a4073500bf', 'ui_config.py': '5b910e78b7f7fdc80e02527bd9ae86a2'}, 'license': 'GPL-2.0', 'license_url': 'https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.txt', 'name': 'Submit Folksonomy Tags', 'version': '0.3'}, 'submit_isrc': {'api_versions': ['2.0', '2.1', '2.2', '2.3', '2.6', '2.9'], 'author': 'Bob Swift', 'description': '

\nAdds a right click option on an album to submit the ISRCs to the MusicBrainz server\nspecified in the Options.\n


\nTo use this function, you must first match your files to the appropriate tracks for\na release. Once this is done, but before you save your files if you have Picard set\nto overwrite the \'isrc\' tag in your files, right-click the release and select "Submit\nISRCs" in the "Plugins" section. For each file that has a single valid ISRC in its\nmetadata, the ISRC will be added to the recording on the release if it does not\nalready exist. Once all tracks for the release have been processed, the missing\nISRCs will be submitted to MusicBrainz.\n


\nIf a file\'s metadata contains multiple ISRCs, such as if the file has already been\ntagged, then no ISRCs will be submitted for that file.\n


\nIf one of the files contains an invalid ISRC, or if the same ISRC appears in the\nmetadata for two or more files, then a notice will be displayed and the submission\nprocess will be aborted.\n


\nWhen ISRCs have been submitted, a notice will be displayed showing whether or not\nthe submission was successful.\n

', 'files': {'README.md': '468166e4537e97efabc34ab552aa67f5', '__init__.py': 'c03990caf114e92ff6df8f5517ebb86a'}, 'license': 'GPL-2.0', 'license_url': 'https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.txt', 'name': 'Submit ISRC', 'version': '1.1'}, 'tangoinfo': {'api_versions': ['2.6', '2.7'], 'author': 'Felix Elsner, Sambhav Kothari, Philipp Wolfer', 'description': '

Load genre, date and vocalist tags for latin dance music\nfrom tango.info.

', 'files': {'README.md': '721e8cb08e8b4ae69f66187157063bd5', '__init__.py': '2c7a54bd0f2bd8bf23edf35b7db82309'}, 'license': 'GPL-2.0', 'license_url': 'https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html', 'name': 'Tango.info Adapter', 'version': '0.2.0'}, 'theaudiodb': {'api_versions': ['2.0', '2.1', '2.2', '2.3', '2.4', '2.5', '2.6'], 'author': 'Philipp Wolfer', 'description': '

Use cover art from TheAudioDB.

', 'files': {'__init__.py': '86cf840d7f9302d61cbda7edf011f4f5', 'ui_options_theaudiodb.py': 'c19d8c4d8a9eeddfb29792b314f204dd', 'ui_options_theaudiodb.ui': '57b6048ba8166b0a460322466e713454'}, 'license': 'GPL-2.0-or-later', 'license_url': 'https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html', 'name': 'TheAudioDB cover art', 'version': '1.3.1'}, 'titlecase': {'api_versions': ['2.0'], 'author': 'Javier Kohen, Sambhav Kothari', 'description': '

Capitalize First Character In Every Word Of A Title

', 'files': {'titlecase.py': '0da64f5950dbc5c2ae3c5b016e428e47'}, 'license': 'GPL-2.0', 'license_url': 'https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html', 'name': 'Title Case', 'version': '1.0.2'}, 'tracks2clipboard': {'api_versions': ['2.0'], 'author': 'Michael Elsdörfer, Sambhav Kothari', 'description': "

Exports a cluster's tracks to the clipboard, so it can be copied into the tracklist field on MusicBrainz

", 'files': {'tracks2clipboard.py': 'c9efa9499819980dcfc5f565ce6a2108'}, 'name': 'Copy Cluster to Clipboard', 'version': '1.0'}, 'viewvariables': {'api_versions': ['2.0'], 'author': 'Sophist', 'description': '

Display a dialog box listing the metadata variables for the track / file.

\nThis allows you to see metadata variables beginning with "~" which are not normally visible in the metadata\npane of the main Picard window, which can be useful when you are writing tagging or file naming scripts.

', 'files': {'__init__.py': '0ffaa4f0b7989c71953d7a49f24f5a0b', 'ui_variables_dialog.py': 'e9f8b8e57c6785054b6188223e7710df', 'ui_variables_dialog.ui': 'f67e419bf358d920a68a8cc964b062fd'}, 'license': 'GPL-2.0', 'license_url': 'https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html', 'name': 'View script variables', 'version': '0.7.2'}, 'wikidata': {'api_versions': ['2.0', '2.1', '2.2'], 'author': 'Daniel Sobey, Sambhav Kothari', 'description': '

Query wikidata to get genre tags

', 'files': {'__init__.py': '45d3410e3aa3392c8333345b85f1c78f', 'ui_options_wikidata.py': '71e408c2e3922e66bbaa4c54f936bd49', 'ui_options_wikidata.ui': 'f1eb5acfc21a654d9726a19c28e0bd35'}, 'license': 'WTFPL', 'license_url': 'http://www.wtfpl.net/', 'name': 'Wikidata Genre', 'version': '1.4.5'}, 'workandmovement': {'api_versions': ['2.1', '2.2', '2.3', '2.4', '2.5', '2.6', '2.7', '2.8'], 'author': 'Philipp Wolfer', 'description': '

Set work and movement based on work relationships.


This plugin attempts to set the movement and movementnumber tags, but only\nif the work linked to the recording is part of a larger work. The work tag\nthen gets set to the work of which the movement is a part of.


If the recording is only linked to a simple work without separate parts then it\nis not considered a proper work and the work and movement related tags will be\ncleared.


The plugin will always set the original values, as loaded from MusicBrainz, of\nthe work and musicbrainz_workid tags into the variables %%recording_work%\nand %%recording_workid% to be used in scripting.

', 'files': {'__init__.py': '52074ee438ed26e925146d00bd0f6f30', 'roman.py': 'a0f22ff96d6e08bef57e8dfa5a451807'}, 'license': 'GPL-2.0-or-later', 'license_url': 'https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html', 'name': 'Work & Movement', 'version': '1.1'}}} D: 13:44:53,505 webservice/ratecontrol._out_of_backoff:231: ('picard.musicbrainz.org', 443): oobackoff; delay: 1000ms -> 1000ms; slow start; window size 1.000 -> 2.000 D: 13:44:53,710 webservice/ratecontrol.decrement_requests:155: ('musicbrainz.org', 443): Decrementing requests to: 0 D: 13:44:53,710 webservice._handle_reply:558: Received reply for https://musicbrainz.org/ws/2/collection -> HTTP 200 (OK) D: 13:44:53,710 webservice._handle_reply:571: Response received: {'collections': [], 'collection-offset': 0, 'collection-count': 0} D: 13:44:53,711 collection.request_finished:142: User collections: [] D: 13:44:53,711 webservice/ratecontrol._out_of_backoff:231: ('musicbrainz.org', 443): oobackoff; delay: 1000ms -> 1000ms; slow start; window size 1.000 -> 2.000 D: 13:45:00,750 ui/itemviews.dropMimeData:798: Drop target = D: 13:45:00,752 ui/itemviews.drop_urls:755: Dropped the URL: 'file:///C:/Users/perso/Music/freac/HEAT ISLAND (TV Opening Theme Version).opus' D: 13:45:00,756 tagger.add_files:910: Adding files [] D: 13:45:00,757 formats/vorbis._load:134: Loading file 'C:\\Users\\perso\\Music\\freac\\HEAT ISLAND (TV Opening Theme Version).opus' D: 13:45:00,762 coverart/image.__init__:88: Saving image data 805e0a6a15795e23da8481bc02a751f5c13f92ed7739cdaa5ac68dd3537eb1789e07b7daa1c9c66ab072c141ec1f845e3da052530a4abbb385b10093ccb4b76b to 'C:\\Users\\perso\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\picardfdu41vu8.jpg' D: 13:45:00,763 file.move:641: Moving from None to D: 13:45:02,304 acoustid._run_next_task:280: Starting fingerprint calculator 'C:\\Program Files\\MusicBrainz Picard\\fpcalc.exe' 'C:\\Users\\perso\\Music\\freac\\HEAT ISLAND (TV Opening Theme Version).opus' D: 13:45:02,540 acoustid._lookup_fingerprint:185: AcoustID: looking up the fingerprint for file 'C:\Users\perso\Music\freac\HEAT ISLAND (TV Opening Theme Version).opus' D: 13:45:02,540 webservice.post_url:682: POST-DATA 'meta=recordings%20releasegroups%20releases%20tracks%20compress%20sources&fingerprint=AQACbH2WSLGCpnGP77gZ4pWRVzOSSUmi4UePu-gDa5tRaZGCPGaRPGOJS-FwSnj0IFnSGeF8nCGuMApOH9fxNSjCdDt0Jg7yS8QpKdTQj0LzPEic7oiV6MCfJrBKK_hx42IyeFGDHHrwxJ3QZEqWHMf2ItIPfKiOhzXxHH8uNE9wnchzJF1QMpGD64j5Dd6hadGyDb-g60Ap9Ugl6UNI6fiKF66ipBil5HgeHOHRNHpx6UK8T5CPjXmxSxauD2dkKI0oNJl01NKhHxcJM1PC4MsldDu0PDwu4XqE64F2olkXGY92fBd-6Cy67ROaRTn-4ugnNE1yXMmFHzmHps5RTg_iRQ9-aOGDWpnx5UlwrOEERT6aTHqgS8cPLYzKoFxy4RdcFfmG88iT8EEPcZxUtNnwPMP14NB_NMyOLkp2_INuWFM7fMmhLg9OoT_CTDiTPEH-4T_MvNBlCXuPV4LyoFr2onFO6C8-QpwWpcObo-4RRu1xBk_yBLkb9D20RB2-6Pho4Ycu5chzOAqP63gwPcyHxprxzMePo6_RvLhwHXmLSsYLcT9i8bgv3Ni44NJxUriI60fL6LhlAXl6iVC85EHuGV4XHt92XB8eHj2PMNaiCHr6BLGMf2heVJWOPNGDW9DDI0wootwXPHqwo_kwTdGOa49w6WjqIBJv6MqRS8e5wwprfN0QcUNThdCsHXmCUG2aw4xI4d2hLTKkq8Ono3yER2g2MyOeQ1U__LAzFVdy6MyDS6iVBU26bmC1C0_24Ax8hcWV48qDSg9cHxp3Hfse5DwqPZoQhuqx5od2HmF-fMdzGc2eNPiO-njwSA_ooxJJOLyGkGMOicqHvEffo5kegY2SBzk-Z9ASk0apfcUV8YK-o9FRHjq_ET8aleCeh-gF_ceOxqIOTcfvIZUXnMePMmmOaGcK7S0unEqHiyekaEc6iTn6GOeDy2i4HL3xHE-F07EwsccUh8Fz3MjlDJqmGYcthD94VByPTvnw48tRv0KDMx-e4sKnI7KUHD3DBFM-6OpxHVeOWgxSh0anPMh5PNCsEFqc48mFc0doZYEdopIePEdQMT6aMceXBxdzNK2E8C9C6pB7RDsqscWVC-HpDE2PS4e65eiyC2LMaHh2FMqDRx_KhSHSfMdLlDx-IT88KRm-XWB3NI6OnviP_VCo6cKPptdQ5oGuC70Md8Rz8N-h7zI-TGEUdjh56NIFP0SO7xryuMIZdoKWf6g97IeuVkHDoKOPXNfwLQ9C6fAjoVSSGY8OTo9QOcrhOqikXPiu4Pqgw1WWCs9y4elxHlr6QwonPRKuSzj6Flom5fgxJS7CH89y4rmEkD9ENSwmiziP61Gh90KY8YE1H466FK1yBSyP5hT6G9-PZzn6FEYf_LiP-EUvwaKgF6GoD0R57COu4fWwTVvQPif-4Ue-HCeJL0evouFykMuFQ4-oosnGFKV4PB8OXgm8X_ii48meDFeOMCdR68hz4dqhyTsahZ1w5cK1HN-IK2lSweKx60KOyiERKZPURbj2QrNzhOGID30uOHSM9LAULdCe47tw9FkEUz1KlfjxohkLrVGOZ8ePZwjj5ijvIH8wbofr4FIyY51mBbqhyMpSwSljtIEqXoD4qriUC08eRHuPV8OlB8-RP0WvyNDSBz90PMqE9keYKdeQS8eHK5PhPXj04NlxKnnRdNkRHvmDa8cJMdSEJ8en44_RKU7RbMKu459wGsrWRUSe5HgPHw--JF-Cbo2FPBBzhI2CZw_yD--RTEcj5XiT4z9KiUFTZcf_gH3wHI3R4zxCOAtFXDvED2cE-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&duration=79&client=v8pQ6oyB&clientversion=2.11.0.final0&format=json' D: 13:45:02,540 webservice/ratecontrol.get_delay_to_next_request:122: ('api.acoustid.org', 443): First request D: 13:45:02,541 webservice/ratecontrol.increment_requests:147: ('api.acoustid.org', 443): Incrementing requests to: 1 D: 13:45:02,821 webservice/ratecontrol.decrement_requests:155: ('api.acoustid.org', 443): Decrementing requests to: 0 D: 13:45:02,822 webservice._handle_reply:558: Received reply for https://api.acoustid.org/v2/lookup -> HTTP 200 (OK) D: 13:45:02,822 webservice._handle_reply:571: Response received: {'results': [{'id': 'ae2501ba-b78e-4eba-80d9-efa82dd5b7bc', 'recordings': [{'artists': [{'id': '3ebf9b8d-755e-4f98-adcc-a0089a40b8a5', 'name': 'RHYMESTER'}], 'duration': 79, 'id': 'a997472a-2007-45fe-97e9-80d968f32922', 'releasegroups': [{'artists': [{'id': '3ebf9b8d-755e-4f98-adcc-a0089a40b8a5', 'joinphrase': ' feat. 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D: 13:45:02,824 ui/mainwindow.set_statusbar_message:472: Loading album 0abc7c40-a96d-4b0f-98ae-410cefec978c … D: 13:45:02,824 file.move:641: Moving from to D: 13:45:02,827 webservice/ratecontrol._out_of_backoff:231: ('api.acoustid.org', 443): oobackoff; delay: 1000ms -> 500ms; slow start; window size 1.000 -> 2.000 D: 13:45:02,828 webservice/ratecontrol.get_delay_to_next_request:127: ('musicbrainz.org', 443): Last request was 9763 ms ago, starting another one D: 13:45:02,828 webservice/ratecontrol.increment_requests:147: ('musicbrainz.org', 443): Incrementing requests to: 1 D: 13:45:02,909 webservice/ratecontrol.decrement_requests:155: ('musicbrainz.org', 443): Decrementing requests to: 0 D: 13:45:02,910 webservice._handle_reply:558: Received reply for https://musicbrainz.org/ws/2/release/0abc7c40-a96d-4b0f-98ae-410cefec978c?inc=aliases%2Bannotation%2Bartist-credits%2Bartist-rels%2Bartists%2Bcollections%2Bdiscids%2Bgenres%2Bisrcs%2Blabels%2Bmedia%2Brecording-rels%2Brecordings%2Brelease-group-level-rels%2Brelease-groups%2Brelease-rels%2Bseries-rels%2Burl-rels%2Buser-collections%2Bwork-rels -> HTTP 200 (OK) D: 13:45:02,910 webservice._handle_reply:571: Response received: {'packaging': None, 'id': '0abc7c40-a96d-4b0f-98ae-410cefec978c', 'country': 'JP', 'status-id': '4e304316-386d-3409-af2e-78857eec5cfe', 'release-group': {'id': '184a0c9f-c69b-3dd5-bf03-7fc64f434e61', 'secondary-types': [], 'genres': [], 'disambiguation': '', 'primary-type': 'Single', 'artist-credit': [{'joinphrase': ' feat. 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FIRE BALL'] W: 13:45:02,918 C:\/Users/perso/AppData/Local/MusicBrainz/Picard/plugins/smart_title_case.zip/smart_title_case.title_case:143: SmartTitleCase: ~albumartists: ['RHYMESTER', 'FIRE BALL'] unchanged D: 13:45:02,918 C:\/Users/perso/AppData/Local/MusicBrainz/Picard/plugins/additional_artists_details.zip/additional_artists_details._artist_processing:281: Additional Artists Details: Retrieving artist ID e2de412c-d2ff-4575-972e-52d40c513471 information from MusicBrainz. D: 13:45:02,918 C:\/Users/perso/AppData/Local/MusicBrainz/Picard/plugins/additional_artists_details.zip/additional_artists_details._artist_processing:281: Additional Artists Details: Retrieving artist ID 3ebf9b8d-755e-4f98-adcc-a0089a40b8a5 information from MusicBrainz. D: 13:45:02,919 webservice/ratecontrol._out_of_backoff:231: ('musicbrainz.org', 443): oobackoff; delay: 1000ms -> 1000ms; slow start; window size 2.000 -> 3.000 D: 13:45:02,919 webservice/ratecontrol.get_delay_to_next_request:122: ('coverartarchive.org', 443): First request D: 13:45:02,920 webservice/ratecontrol.increment_requests:147: ('coverartarchive.org', 443): Incrementing requests to: 1 D: 13:45:02,920 webservice/ratecontrol.get_delay_to_next_request:122: ('acousticbrainz.org', 80): First request D: 13:45:02,920 webservice/ratecontrol.increment_requests:147: ('acousticbrainz.org', 80): Incrementing requests to: 1 D: 13:45:02,921 webservice/ratecontrol.get_delay_to_next_request:130: ('musicbrainz.org', 443): Last request was 92 ms ago, waiting 908 ms before starting another one D: 13:45:03,075 webservice/ratecontrol.decrement_requests:155: ('acousticbrainz.org', 80): Decrementing requests to: 0 D: 13:45:03,077 webservice._handle_reply:558: Received reply for http://acousticbrainz.org/api/v1/high-level?recording_ids=e5588406-07af-4670-8fc3-6e6238a9f1f7;679c7e90-08dd-4b7c-a60a-483f7e220881;a997472a-2007-45fe-97e9-80d968f32922&map_classes=true -> HTTP 301 (Moved Permanently) D: 13:45:03,077 webservice._handle_redirect:496: Redirect to https://acousticbrainz.org/api/v1/high-level?recording_ids=e5588406-07af-4670-8fc3-6e6238a9f1f7;679c7e90-08dd-4b7c-a60a-483f7e220881;a997472a-2007-45fe-97e9-80d968f32922&map_classes=true requested D: 13:45:03,077 webservice/ratecontrol.copy_minimal_delay:165: ('acousticbrainz.org', 443): Copy minimun delay from ('acousticbrainz.org', 80), setting it to 1000ms D: 13:45:03,077 webservice/ratecontrol._out_of_backoff:231: ('acousticbrainz.org', 80): oobackoff; delay: 1000ms -> 1000ms; slow start; window size 1.000 -> 2.000 D: 13:45:03,078 webservice/ratecontrol.get_delay_to_next_request:130: ('acousticbrainz.org', 80): Last request was 158 ms ago, waiting 842 ms before starting another one D: 13:45:03,078 webservice/ratecontrol.get_delay_to_next_request:122: ('acousticbrainz.org', 443): First request D: 13:45:03,078 webservice/ratecontrol.increment_requests:147: ('acousticbrainz.org', 443): Incrementing requests to: 1 D: 13:45:03,079 webservice/ratecontrol.get_delay_to_next_request:130: ('musicbrainz.org', 443): Last request was 251 ms ago, waiting 749 ms before starting another one D: 13:45:03,167 webservice/ratecontrol.decrement_requests:155: ('coverartarchive.org', 443): Decrementing requests to: 0 E: 13:45:03,167 webservice._handle_reply:534: Network request error for https://coverartarchive.org/release-group/184a0c9f-c69b-3dd5-bf03-7fc64f434e61/ -> Error transferring https://coverartarchive.org/release-group/184a0c9f-c69b-3dd5-bf03-7fc64f434e61/ - server replied: NOT FOUND (QT code 203, HTTP code 404) D: 13:45:03,167 coverart.next_in_queue:143: Trying cover art provider Amazon … D: 13:45:03,168 coverart.next_in_queue:143: Trying cover art provider Deezer … W: 13:45:03,168 webservice.get:599: This method is deprecated, use WebService.get_url() instead D: 13:45:03,168 webservice/ratecontrol._out_of_backoff:231: ('coverartarchive.org', 443): oobackoff; delay: 1000ms -> 500ms; slow start; window size 1.000 -> 2.000 D: 13:45:03,168 webservice/ratecontrol.get_delay_to_next_request:130: ('acousticbrainz.org', 80): Last request was 248 ms ago, waiting 752 ms before starting another one D: 13:45:03,169 webservice/ratecontrol.get_delay_to_next_request:130: ('musicbrainz.org', 443): Last request was 341 ms ago, waiting 659 ms before starting another one D: 13:45:03,169 webservice/ratecontrol.get_delay_to_next_request:122: ('api.deezer.com', 443): First request D: 13:45:03,169 webservice/ratecontrol.increment_requests:147: ('api.deezer.com', 443): Incrementing requests to: 1 D: 13:45:03,431 webservice/ratecontrol.decrement_requests:155: ('api.deezer.com', 443): Decrementing requests to: 0 D: 13:45:03,432 webservice._handle_reply:558: Received reply for https://api.deezer.com/search?q=artist:%22RHYMESTER%22%20album:%22HEAT%20ISLAND%20(Single)%22 -> HTTP 200 (OK)