D: 08:15:48,154 tagger.__init__:316: Platform: Windows-10-10.0.22631-SP0 CPython 3.8.10 D: 08:15:48,154 tagger.__init__:318: Versions: Picard 2.12, Python 3.8.10, PyQt 5.15.10, Qt 5.15.2, Mutagen 1.47.0, Discid discid 1.2.0, libdiscid 0.6.4, astrcmp C, SSL OpenSSL 1.1.1b 26 Feb 2019 D: 08:15:48,154 tagger.__init__:319: Configuration file path: 'C:/Users/ramar/AppData/Roaming/MusicBrainz/Picard.ini' D: 08:15:48,154 tagger.__init__:321: User directory: 'C:\\Users\\ramar\\AppData\\Local\\MusicBrainz\\Picard' D: 08:15:48,154 tagger.__init__:322: System long path support: True D: 08:15:48,154 tagger.__init__:325: Qt Env.: QT_PLUGIN_PATH='C:\\Program Files\\MusicBrainz Picard\\PyQt5\\Qt5\\plugins' D: 08:15:48,154 i18n.setup_gettext:146: UI language: system D: 08:15:48,155 i18n._log_lang_env_vars:131: Env vars: D: 08:15:48,155 i18n.setup_gettext:154: Trying locales: ['en_GB'] D: 08:15:48,166 i18n.setup_gettext:160: Set locale to: 'en_GB' D: 08:15:48,166 i18n.setup_gettext:171: Using locale: 'en_GB' D: 08:15:48,173 i18n._load_translation:118: Loading gettext translation for picard, localedir='C:\\Program Files\\MusicBrainz Picard\\locale', language='en_GB' D: 08:15:48,174 i18n._load_translation:118: Loading gettext translation for picard-attributes, localedir='C:\\Program Files\\MusicBrainz Picard\\locale', language='en_GB' D: 08:15:48,176 i18n._load_translation:118: Loading gettext translation for picard-constants, localedir='C:\\Program Files\\MusicBrainz Picard\\locale', language='en_GB' D: 08:15:48,176 i18n._load_translation:121: [Errno 2] No translation file found for domain: 'picard-constants' D: 08:15:48,176 i18n._load_translation:118: Loading gettext translation for picard-countries, localedir='C:\\Program Files\\MusicBrainz Picard\\locale', language='en_GB' D: 08:15:48,177 i18n.setup_gettext:191: _ = > D: 08:15:48,177 i18n.setup_gettext:192: N_ = at 0x000001C9ECD51040> D: 08:15:48,178 i18n.setup_gettext:193: ngettext = > D: 08:15:48,178 i18n.setup_gettext:194: gettext_countries = > D: 08:15:48,178 i18n.setup_gettext:195: gettext_attributes = > D: 08:15:48,178 i18n.setup_gettext:196: pgettext_attributes = > D: 08:15:48,193 webservice._network_accessible_changed:388: Network accessible requested: 1, actual: 1 D: 08:15:48,206 webservice.set_cache:410: NetworkDiskCache dir: 'C:/Users/ramar/AppData/Local/MusicBrainz/Picard/cache/network/' current size: 90.0 MB max size: 100 MB D: 08:15:48,206 pluginmanager.load_plugins_from_directory:264: Looking for plugins in directory 'C:\\Users\\ramar\\AppData\\Local\\MusicBrainz\\Picard\\plugins', 0 names found I: 08:15:48,207 pluginmanager.load_plugins_from_directory:252: Plugin directory 'C:\\Program Files\\MusicBrainz Picard\\plugins' doesn't exist D: 08:15:48,211 ui/playertoolbar.__init__:91: Internal player: QtMultimedia available, initializing QMediaPlayer D: 08:15:48,247 ui/playertoolbar.__init__:98: Internal player: available, QMediaPlayer set up D: 08:15:48,593 tagger.main:1576: Looking for Qt locale en_GB in C:/Program Files/MusicBrainz Picard/PyQt5/Qt5/translations I: 08:15:48,598 browser/browser.start:121: Starting the browser integration ( D: 08:15:48,635 ui/mainwindow.auto_update_check:1786: Skipping startup check for program updates. Today: 2024-07-12, Last check: 2024-07-11 (Check interval: 7 days), Update level: 1 (beta) D: 08:15:48,636 config.event:261: Config file update requested on thread 75380 I: 08:15:54,298 browser/browser.log_message:172: "GET /openalbum?id=ac51687e-e1fb-4b95-8fed-78e08de11c29 HTTP/1.1" 200 - D: 08:15:54,301 ui/mainwindow.set_statusbar_message:472: Loading album ac51687e-e1fb-4b95-8fed-78e08de11c29 … D: 08:15:54,303 webservice/ratecontrol.get_delay_to_next_request:122: ('musicbrainz.org', 443): First request D: 08:15:54,303 webservice/ratecontrol.increment_requests:147: ('musicbrainz.org', 443): Incrementing requests to: 1 D: 08:15:55,005 webservice/ratecontrol.decrement_requests:155: ('musicbrainz.org', 443): Decrementing requests to: 0 D: 08:15:55,006 webservice._handle_reply:559: Received reply for https://musicbrainz.org/ws/2/release/ac51687e-e1fb-4b95-8fed-78e08de11c29?inc=aliases%2Bannotation%2Bartist-credits%2Bartist-rels%2Bartists%2Bcollections%2Bdiscids%2Bisrcs%2Blabels%2Bmedia%2Brecording-level-rels%2Brecording-rels%2Brecordings%2Brelease-group-level-rels%2Brelease-groups%2Brelease-rels%2Bseries-rels%2Btags%2Burl-rels%2Bwork-level-rels%2Bwork-rels -> HTTP 200 (OK) D: 08:15:55,007 webservice._handle_reply:572: Response received: {'disambiguation': '', 'status': 'Promotion', 'title': 'Da Drought 2', 'release-events': [{'date': '2004', 'area': {'type-id': None, 'id': '489ce91b-6658-3307-9877-795b68554c98', 'sort-name': 'United States', 'disambiguation': '', 'iso-3166-1-codes': ['US'], 'name': 'United States', 'type': None}}], 'collections': [{'id': 'a10d8255-b4ab-49f6-a45b-eff984594318', 'entity-type': 'release', 'release-count': 10352, 'type-id': 'c26c6ec4-17f0-32de-95c5-fa724dbdb308', 'type': 'Owned music', 'name': 'MusicLib', 'editor': 'UdinRex'}, {'type-id': 'c26c6ec4-17f0-32de-95c5-fa724dbdb308', 'release-count': 1286, 'entity-type': 'release', 'id': 'e4888fd9-8460-4207-9df4-322dde291d3c', 'editor': 'kilo breath', 'type': 'Owned music', 'name': 'my shit'}, {'entity-type': 'release', 'id': '3f93b423-72b7-421a-b5eb-0c2e14d08deb', 'type-id': 'c26c6ec4-17f0-32de-95c5-fa724dbdb308', 'release-count': 22657, 'name': 'Owned music', 'type': 'Owned music', 'editor': 'fonewearl'}, {'release-count': 1991, 'type-id': '5feda0f8-14cf-38fd-89d0-ac2d48ad3324', 'id': 'df97485d-5045-45cc-8fdd-63b567f03785', 'entity-type': 'release', 'editor': 'reynardviscart', 'type': 'Wishlist', 'name': 'To Get'}], 'date': '2004', 'country': 'US', 'text-representation': {'script': 'Latn', 'language': 'eng'}, 'aliases': [], 'packaging': None, 'label-info': [], 'status-id': '518ffc83-5cde-34df-8627-81bff5093d92', 'relations': [{'source-credit': '', 'end': None, 'begin': None, 'attributes': [], 'ended': False, 'type-id': '9896ecd0-6d29-482d-a21e-bd5d1b5e3425', 'url': {'resource': 'http://datpiff.com/Lil-Wayne-Da-Drought-2-mid14546.html', 'id': '2df46a6c-d859-4937-a998-b82ac7478a38'}, 'attribute-ids': {}, 'target-type': 'url', 'type': 'download for free', 'target-credit': '', 'direction': 'forward', 'attribute-values': {}}], 'quality': 'normal', 'artist-credit': [{'joinphrase': '', 'artist': {'id': 'ac9a487a-d9d2-4f27-bb23-0f4686488345', 'tags': [{'count': 1, 'name': '2000s'}, {'count': 1, 'name': '2010s'}, {'count': 1, 'name': 'criminal'}, {'count': 10, 'name': 'gangsta rap'}, {'name': 'hip hop', 'count': 5}, {'count': 1, 'name': 'pop'}, {'name': 'pop rap', 'count': 3}, {'count': 3, 'name': 'r&b'}, {'name': 'rap rock', 'count': 3}, {'count': 1, 'name': 'rock'}, {'count': 7, 'name': 'southern hip hop'}, {'count': 1, 'name': 'trap'}], 'aliases': [{'primary': None, 'sort-name': 'D. 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delay: 1000ms -> 500ms; slow start; window size 1.000 -> 2.000 D: 08:15:55,945 webservice/ratecontrol.get_delay_to_next_request:122: ('ia902706.us.archive.org', 443): First request D: 08:15:55,946 webservice/ratecontrol.increment_requests:147: ('ia902706.us.archive.org', 443): Incrementing requests to: 1 D: 08:15:56,627 webservice/ratecontrol.decrement_requests:155: ('ia902706.us.archive.org', 443): Decrementing requests to: 0 D: 08:15:56,628 webservice._handle_reply:559: Received reply for https://ia902706.us.archive.org/0/items/mbid-ac51687e-e1fb-4b95-8fed-78e08de11c29/index.json -> HTTP 200 (OK) D: 08:15:56,628 webservice._handle_reply:572: Response received: {'images': [{'types': ['Front'], 'front': True, 'back': False, 'edit': 32529525, 'image': 'http://coverartarchive.org/release/ac51687e-e1fb-4b95-8fed-78e08de11c29/10089493065.jpg', 'comment': '', 'approved': True, 'id': '10089493065', 'thumbnails': {'large': 'http://coverartarchive.org/release/ac51687e-e1fb-4b95-8fed-78e08de11c29/10089493065-500.jpg', 'small': 'http://coverartarchive.org/release/ac51687e-e1fb-4b95-8fed-78e08de11c29/10089493065-250.jpg'}}], 'release': 'http://musicbrainz.org/release/ac51687e-e1fb-4b95-8fed-78e08de11c29'} D: 08:15:56,628 coverart/providers/caa._caa_json_downloaded:293: CAA types: included: {'front'}, excluded: {'raw/unedited', 'matrix/runout', 'watermark'} D: 08:15:56,628 coverart/providers/caa._caa_json_downloaded:313: CAA image accepted: http://coverartarchive.org/release/ac51687e-e1fb-4b95-8fed-78e08de11c29/10089493065.jpg ['front'] D: 08:15:56,628 coverart.queue_put:205: Queuing cover art image CaaCoverArtImage(url='http://coverartarchive.org/release/ac51687e-e1fb-4b95-8fed-78e08de11c29/10089493065-500.jpg', types=['front'], support_types=True, support_multi_types=True, is_front=True) D: 08:15:56,629 coverart.next_in_queue:195: Downloading CaaCoverArtImage(url='http://coverartarchive.org/release/ac51687e-e1fb-4b95-8fed-78e08de11c29/10089493065-500.jpg', types=['front'], support_types=True, support_multi_types=True, is_front=True) D: 08:15:56,629 webservice/ratecontrol._out_of_backoff:231: ('ia902706.us.archive.org', 443): oobackoff; 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