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  1. BookBrainz
  2. BB-477

Can't select type of relationship first. Must chose entity first


      Currently there is no way of seeing which things can be related, you have to first select an entity (say a writer or a publisher), then the list of available relationships for that entity becomes visible

      This is fairly cumbersome and, leads to the situation where I will create an author or publisher but then the wanted relationship doesn't even exist (yet) (example: "publisher has copyright on work")

      In addition, it is nearly impossible to differentiate between what sort of entity it is in the relation search field (icons notwithstanding) which leads to confusion and wrong relationships entered.

      Possibly related, if a relationship is selected, and then another entity is entered and selected, the previously selected relationship goes blank, even if that relationship is valid for the new selected entity.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            ApekattQuest, MonkeyPython MonkeyPython
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            2 Start watching this issue


                Version Package
                Minimal usable interface