Name: 'Claviorgan' or 'Claviorganum' is a keyboard instrument consisting of strings, pipes & organ for producing pleasant sound.

      A type of organised piano or harpsicchord etc.

      Also known as: Clavecin Organisé(French), Orgelklavier(German), Claviorgano(Italian)

      Wikidata Item:  Q1099112

      Invention: Who invented Claviorgan is quite obscure but source referring it go as back as fifteenth century in whole Europe. Its history is thus neither continuous nor connected but comprises a series of important types.

      External Links: Release on amazon, wikipedia, Clavigrgan

      Disambiguation: keyboard instrument, similar to a Harpsichord with pipes attached

      Description: a string instrument with pipes combined to them, combinations of ‘virgynalles’ and ‘regals’ with an organ and may have pedals as well

      Examples uses can be found at:~

                       Cembalo Barucchieri

                       Domenico Zipoli Partite in C Major

                       Il Primo Libro Di Capricci, by Girolamo Frescobaldi



              Name: 'Claviorgan' or 'Claviorganum' is a keyboard instrument consisting of strings, pipes & organ for producing pleasant sound.

              A type of organised piano or harpsicchord etc.

              Also known as: Clavecin Organisé(French), Orgelklavier(German), Claviorgano(Italian)

              Wikidata Item:  Q1099112

              Invention: Who invented Claviorgan is quite obscure but source referring it go as back as fifteenth century in whole Europe. Its history is thus neither continuous nor connected but comprises a series of important types.

              External Links: Release on amazon, wikipedia, Clavigrgan

              Disambiguation: keyboard instrument, similar to a Harpsichord with pipes attached

              Description: a string instrument with pipes combined to them, combinations of ‘virgynalles’ and ‘regals’ with an organ and may have pedals as well

              Examples uses can be found at:~

                               Cembalo Barucchieri

                               Domenico Zipoli Partite in C Major

                               Il Primo Libro Di Capricci, by Girolamo Frescobaldi


                    ApekattQuest, MonkeyPython MonkeyPython
                    alex_s7 Alex S.
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                        Version Package
                        let's get serious.

                          ApekattQuest, MonkeyPython MonkeyPython
                          alex_s7 Alex S.
                          0 Vote for this issue
                          4 Start watching this issue


                              Version Package
                              let's get serious.