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Resolution: Fixed
The sasando is a harp-like traditional string instrument from the island of Rote, Indonesia.
Disambiguation: Indonesian traditional harp/zither instrument.
Sasando or should be called Sasandu (Literaly: the sound produced from vibration) was born from the inspiration of the discoverer of the interaction with nature. From the legend of the Rote people, there are various versions of the history of the birth of this instrument.
Type: Traditional string instrument
How To Play: Picking the strings
Wikidata: https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q1585780
Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sasando
External Links:
http://www.sasandoshop.com/ website that sell sasando
https://kebudayaan.kemdikbud.go.id/bpnbbali/2017/10/02/sejarah-lahirnya-alat-musik-sasando/ history of the sasando based on Indonesia Minister of Education and Cultures