Sub-New Feature
Resolution: Incomplete
Child of INST-630: Create clapper tree
Name: Lummi sticks, groups of wooden dowels tapped against each other to create a rhythm.
Aliases: "Lemmi sticks" (ref, ref), "Maori Sticks" (Sometimes seen as different instrument, sometimes used synonymously with Lemmi sticks ref, ref, ref)
Wikidata: Q6703366
Origin: First seen used by the Lummi Native American Tribe (ref), who lived on the Eastern side of Washington State (ref). They have also been seen in a game played by the Maoris of New Zealand (ref), and has since been played by scout groups all around the world (ref).
Type of: Rhythm sticks
External links:
- http://divinesign.weebly.com/miscellaneous1.html <-- Article about the origins of Lemmi sticks, with videos of their use.
- http://barbfeick.com/instruments/lummi.htm <-- Step-by-step tutorial of the Lummi Sicks game
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lummi_stick <-- Wikipedia page
- https://musiciselementary.com/product/lummi-sticks-set-of-12/ <-- Shop listing
- https://www.teachertube.com/video/maori-stick-game-lummi-stick-game-421811 <-- video explanation of the stick game
- Unique Games and Sports Around the World: A Reference Guide, Page 359
Disambiguation: A group of wooden dowels often used in its respective Lummi sticks game.
Description: Groups of wooden dowels tapped together to create rhythm for simple rhythm games played by Scout groups across the globe. Each stick is around 7 inches long, and 1 inch wide. Lummi sticks are said to have originated from the Lummi Native American tribe.
- https://www.musictogether.com/store/uploads/images/medium/427d4c26f2172ca51b3ab835042acb90.png <-- Pair of Lummi sticks on transparent background
- https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/616ZuHd8HDL._SX355_.jpg <-- Stacks of coloured sticks on white background
- https://musiciselementary.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/twoplainrhythmsticks4276.jpg <-- Pair of Lummi sticks on white background
- https://i.pinimg.com/736x/ea/1b/e7/ea1be7473112056f6b017db9448406d4--lummi-sticks-traditional-girl-scout-games.jpg <-- Children playing with Lemmi sticks
Example uses:
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7DixUK2XHE4 <-- Girl scout group playing traditional game
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ITnsdi2csKY <-- Two adults playing and singing traditional New Zealand song
- No "official" recordings found
Lummi stick
Sub-New Feature
Resolution: Incomplete
Child of INST-630: Create clapper tree
Name: Lummi sticks, groups of wooden dowels tapped against each other to create a rhythm.
Aliases: "Lemmi sticks" (ref, ref), "Maori Sticks" (Sometimes seen as different instrument, sometimes used synonymously with Lemmi sticks ref, ref, ref)
Wikidata: Q6703366
Origin: First seen used by the Lummi Native American Tribe (ref), who lived on the Eastern side of Washington State (ref). They have also been seen in a game played by the Maoris of New Zealand (ref), and has since been played by scout groups all around the world (ref).
Type of: Rhythm sticks
External links:
- http://divinesign.weebly.com/miscellaneous1.html <-- Article about the origins of Lemmi sticks, with videos of their use.
- http://barbfeick.com/instruments/lummi.htm <-- Step-by-step tutorial of the Lummi Sicks game
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lummi_stick <-- Wikipedia page
- https://musiciselementary.com/product/lummi-sticks-set-of-12/ <-- Shop listing
- https://www.teachertube.com/video/maori-stick-game-lummi-stick-game-421811 <-- video explanation of the stick game
- Unique Games and Sports Around the World: A Reference Guide, Page 359
Disambiguation: A group of wooden dowels often used in its respective Lummi sticks game.
Description: Groups of wooden dowels tapped together to create rhythm for simple rhythm games played by Scout groups across the globe. Each stick is around 7 inches long, and 1 inch wide. Lummi sticks are said to have originated from the Lummi Native American tribe.
- https://www.musictogether.com/store/uploads/images/medium/427d4c26f2172ca51b3ab835042acb90.png <-- Pair of Lummi sticks on transparent background
- https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/616ZuHd8HDL._SX355_.jpg <-- Stacks of coloured sticks on white background
- https://musiciselementary.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/twoplainrhythmsticks4276.jpg <-- Pair of Lummi sticks on white background
- https://i.pinimg.com/736x/ea/1b/e7/ea1be7473112056f6b017db9448406d4--lummi-sticks-traditional-girl-scout-games.jpg <-- Children playing with Lemmi sticks
Example uses:
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7DixUK2XHE4 <-- Girl scout group playing traditional game
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ITnsdi2csKY <-- Two adults playing and singing traditional New Zealand song
- No "official" recordings found