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Resolution: Unresolved
Name: Thalampata
Wikidata item: https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q81044236
Disambiguation: The Thalampata is a metal percussion instrument
Description: Thalampata make its sound by vibrating the two plates made out of bronze. So its’s a percussion instrument. Behind the two metal plates, there is a string or elastic band. Players handle the instrument by inserting their hands through the strings.Thalampata is the traditional cymbals usually having a diameter 2” to 5” used to maintain rhythmic pattern of sound along with other instruments. It gives two sounds ‘thith’ and ‘thei’.
External Links: 1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Music_of_Sri_Lanka
2. https://www.timeout.com/sri-lanka/art-culture/traditional-muscial-instruments
3. https://www.srilankalocaltours.com/top-10-musical-instruments-in-sri-lanka/
4. https://www.pressreader.com/sri-lanka/sunday-times-sri-lanka/20141123/284026190328567
Image Link : 1. http://musicshop.lakshmansruthi.com/images/product/list-image/1453274239-711q5t4-6pl._SL1500_