Resolution: Unresolved
For whatever reason, ListenBrainz seems to store the listens of some Ricky Martin songs correctly, but they aren't stored correctly in the stats
These are examples of the listens in question
(First attachment is the listens)
{ "track_metadata": { "track_name": "Livin’ la Vida Loca", "artist_name": "Ricky Martin", "release_name": "The Greatest Hits", "additional_info": { "duration_ms": 243373, "artist_mbids": [ "70ea63ea-70dc-4b63-951a-2c249d2b3b0a" ], "media_player": "mpv", "release_mbid": "66b41b73-a24d-4670-943f-edd7c597c3ba", "recording_mbid": "3dd4b7a1-9153-4626-96f5-ff3d5dabe773", "submission_client": "ListenBrainz PowerAmp", "submission_client_version": "0.1.0", "recording_msid": "187ecad3-573a-4d75-afea-5ec662266d63" }, "mbid_mapping": { "recording_mbid": "3dd4b7a1-9153-4626-96f5-ff3d5dabe773", "recording_name": "Livin’ la Vida Loca", "release_mbid": "2995e21f-f0b7-46b6-9c6e-4eb653d7ea12", "artists": [ { "artist_mbid": "70ea63ea-70dc-4b63-951a-2c249d2b3b0a", "artist_credit_name": "Ricky Martin", "join_phrase": "" } ], "artist_mbids": [ "70ea63ea-70dc-4b63-951a-2c249d2b3b0a" ], "caa_id": 26703215877, "caa_release_mbid": "6b6ec3cb-736e-43fa-ab4a-fac6c856b263" } }, "listened_at": 1690683986, "recording_msid": "187ecad3-573a-4d75-afea-5ec662266d63", "user_name": "StratusFearMe21", "inserted_at": 1690773914 }
And this is how they're stored in the stats (second attachment)
The top tracks seems to be correct, but the top albums are incorrect. The listens from Ricky Martin were from the greatest hits album, not the Ricky Martin album or the Sound Loaded album