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  1. ListenBrainz
  2. LB-1380

add alt text support to the Art Creator


      I think it'd be a great idea to generate alt text along with the new sharable images created by the Art Creator. many social media platforms support adding alt text when posting images, including Twitter X, Mastodon (and other Fediverse platforms), Discord, and many more, I'm certain. adding alt text to these images would make these sharables more accessible to those with vision impairments/loss, and would in theory make the shared images searchable in some cases?

      an ideal solution might be the ability to send the image and alt text directly to whatever site a user would want to post to, but that's probably outside the scope of this particular ticket...

      a random example of mine with proposed alt text below

      a listing of my top ten releases this month:
      1. Super Ghostbusters by Vargskelethor
      2. The Birthday Girl vs. The Internet by Triple-Q
      3. Animation Mix by Cyriak
      4. Death By Cancellation by Triple-Q
      5. My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic - Season 1 by My Little Pony
      6. I’m Gonna Dedicate the Rest of This Album to Forgetting It. by Triple-Q
      7. The laziest year ever. by Triple-Q
      8. Soft Spectrum II by Various Artists
      9. ujbeats vol.1&2 by Snail’s House
      10. Wanderlust by Ponies At Dawn

      I don't know if there's a generally accepted character limit for alt text, but X limits it to 1,000 characters and Mastodon (at least the official client) limits it to 1,500 characters. Discord apparently has no limit on how long alt text can be, but we should still be conscious of limits, in case an album or artist with an exceedingly long name makes it to the top ten, for instance

        1. ListenBrainz-stats-UltimateRiff-This month(2).png
          116 kB
        2. screenshot-1.png
          50 kB
        3. screenshot-2.png
          28 kB

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