Resolution: Unresolved
Stuff you could use to do in last fm, plus improvements on the same:
- Being able to have a neat little image or html widget that let you say "this is what I am listening to right now"
- Same as above, but "top artists", "top tracks" etc.
- Being able to tag things, there was conventional genre tags like "metal" or "chillout" but also stuff like "play at night", "seen live", "stuff to listen to while on the bus" and ""mr Japanese space man"
- Being able to make tag radios was cool
Stats - most played artist. Most played album, Most played track.Same as above for each but for "the last week", "the last month", "the last year" (365 days) and "all time"- Historical data (when did I start listening to x album?)
- I'm still hoping for some sort of miracle reverse-engineer iScrobbler 1.2 to submit to LB instead of l.fm at some point 😹
- Being able to edit listens! Like if you know which release something is, even if it's not linked in LB
(or be able to remove listens altogether)Compare yourself with other people, both your friends (friendingability) and "musical neighbours"-- Weekly suggested artists based on aggregad data and what friends listened to.
- There was a last.fm plugin/site/thing that analysed your play data and compared it to last.fm "genre-playlist-tag" and gave you a neat graphic pie chart or such with your most listened to "genres" (you could also manually chose which tags to ignore)
- has related issue
LB-1214 Add playlist covers
- Open