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  1. ListenBrainz
  2. LB-665

Improve the API endpoint for recommended recordings


    • Icon: Improvement Improvement
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Normal Normal
    • None
    • API
    • None

      I'm super happy to be playing with the API to fetch recommended tracks! Now I'm implementing a client for it and found a few things that need improving in the endpoint:

      1. the parameters for the artist_type is either "top" or "similar", but the data in the JSON uses the terms "top_artists" and "similar_artists". Ideally we'd use one for the parameters and the returned json.
      2. Currently the JSON structure changes based on the type of data is returned. That makes parsing the JSON more cumbersome. I would like to propose to change the format to be a bit more generic like the example attachment.
      3. We should add an offset parameter to allow paging results and then we should allow users to fetch all of the results we have available in the DB.

            vansika Vansika Pareek
            rob Robert Kaye
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            1 Start watching this issue


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