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  1. MusicBrainz Server
  2. MBS-10519

Make it easier to follow links whose titles only contain non-printable characters


      On most pages entities are linked via their name. If those contain no visibly rendered characters it's rather hard to follow them. White space characters can be especially annoying. 

      1. https://musicbrainz.org/release/b10beb49-3ba7-41d4-b131-78e85e11504a (U+1D159: MUSICAL SYMBOL NULL NOTEHEAD)
        • On Windows a visual representation (like on cover art) is rendered making it clickable but not on all systems it seems
      2. https://musicbrainz.org/recording/b9f04c56-7397-4931-a9a6-41d1f32260ed (U+200C: ZERO WIDTH NON-JOINER)

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