Resolution: Fixed
I typed in a username in the collaborator box, but no popup appeared, so I just hit submit and got this error. Looks like there should be some additional validation to ensure that .id is actually set.
Caught exception in MusicBrainz::Server::Controller::Collection->edit "Failed query: 'INSERT INTO editor_collection_collaborator (editor, collection) VALUES (?, ?)' ( 2629205) 23502 DBD::Pg::st execute failed: ERROR: null value in column "editor" violates not-null constraint DETAIL: Failing row contains (2629205, null). [for Statement "INSERT INTO editor_collection_collaborator (editor, collection) VALUES (?, ?)" with ParamValues: 1=undef, 2='2629205'] at lib/Sql.pm line 116.
Request data:
$VAR1 = { 'query_parameters' => {}, 'body_parameters' => { 'edit-list.type_id' => '1', 'edit-list.description' => 'A collection of Creative Commons Carnatic music releases', 'edit-list.collaborators.0' => '...name i typed...', 'edit-list.name' => 'Dunya Carnatic CC', 'edit-list.collaborators.0.id' => '', 'edit-list.public' => '1' } };