New Feature
Resolution: Unresolved
I tagged two components on this but ideally many different types would apply. A few times now as a MB editor I have come across situations where it is not clear cut how to interpret the real world content into the MB database. In one case I did a complete overhaul of the Environments series by Irv Teibel and posted my lengthy discussion for why I made the decisions I did onto the forum. Folks commended the effort but noted that there was no good place to preserve the reasoning as the forum was not reliable and it isn't clear if the wiki can be used for this. More importantly, a new editor wouldn't know to look on the forum or the wiki for direction on reasoning behind existing edits. Some users suggested putting the reasoning into the edits themselves, but this was impractical, some of the reasoning was paragraphs long.
What I am suggesting is some kind of way to leave notes on different MB entity types for future editors to see much in the way that Wikipedia uses the talk page.