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  1. MusicBrainz Server
  2. MBS-12705

Allow undoing repeatable attribute row removals


    • Icon: Improvement Improvement
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Normal Normal
    • None
    • None
    • Relationship editor
    • None

      See attached gif (on the MBS-12679 branch but it seems to be the same in beta) for the "studied at" Artist-Place rel, I assume it applies to others too:

      1) Non-creditable attributes have a greyed out "credited as" - that suggests to me that the user can do something to enable the field (fill the attribute or something) but that's not the case. (now fixed)

      2) While for instruments we get a nice plus button and "Add instrument", for level of studies and subject we get a green... minus? and it's on its own. Not sure if intentional, maybe something is borked in my setup, but very unintuitive. (now fixed)

      3) It's possible to remove empty rows, including the last empty row (I know this is also the case for ISWCs and whatnot, but it's still... weird) (still weird but consistent with other repeatable fields so let's keep it for now)

      4) When removing any row, including empty ones, you get "[removed] x" - still with the removal icon, despite it not being possible to remove the  [removed] row anymore. (explained on the comments)

      5) The [removed] row gives no indication of what was removed, nor a way to undo the removal - so why keep it at all rather than get rid of it? I would understand it more if you could undo the removal and bring the old content back.

            bitmap Michael Wiencek
            reosarevok Nicolás Tamargo
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