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  1. MusicBrainz Server
  2. MBS-13067

Also redirect attribute/reltype MBIDs with /mbid/ endpoint


    • Icon: Improvement Improvement
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Normal Normal
    • None
    • None
    • Data display
    • None

      Right now, trying to access an MBID like the one for Person artist type (https://musicbrainz.org/mbid/b6e035f4-3ce9-331c-97df-83397230b0df) from the MBID endpoint just says "No MusicBrainz entities match the MBID b6e035f4-3ce9-331c-97df-83397230b0df. Either it’s incorrect, it was for an entity that has since been deleted, or it is an ID for something else than an entity (for example, a relationship type)."


      This is not ideal, given that this is a perfectly valid MBID (and we return it in the API) - we should be sending the user to the Artist Type page, and probably highlighting the Person row in that page. Of course, that cannot happen until those pages are actually made visible to all users (MBS-11178).

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            reosarevok Nicolás Tamargo
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