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  1. MusicBrainz Server
  2. MBS-13358

Upgrade the required version of Perl to 5.38

      The currently required version 5.30 of Perl is out of support since June 2023.

      From Perl policy about maintenance and support, they "officially" support the two most recent stable release series. Also they encourage vendors to ship the most recent supported release of Perl at the time of their code freeze.

      Given Perl 5 version history, a new stable minor version is released each year, so it is expected that 5.36 won't be "officially" supported at some point in 2024.

      Therefore the latest stable version 5.38 of Perl should be required for the next database schema change in May 2024.


      1. Development setup (musicbrainz-docker#273)
      2. CircleCI tests (musicbrainz-server#3239)
      3. beta.musicbrainz.org (musicbrainz-server#3239)
      4. musicbrainz.org (musicbrainz-server#3239)
      5. mirrors (musicbrainz-docker#276)

            yvanzo yvanzo
            yvanzo yvanzo
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                Version Package
                Schema change, 2024 Q2