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  1. MusicBrainz Server
  2. MBS-13435

Improve the release-release group name mismatch report to consider aliases (where translations are to be stored)


    • Icon: Improvement Improvement
    • Resolution: Won't Do
    • Icon: Normal Normal
    • None
    • None
    • Reports


      It's normal for a release group, localized in many markets, to contain releases where the name doesn't match the release group.  However, it would be expected for those names to exist as localized aliases on the release group.  The report shouldn't include releases where the name doesn't match the release group, but does match a release group alias.

      For example, https://beta.musicbrainz.org/release/7a36d5b1-6f6b-42bb-8b43-9ba884b94eb9 is currently on the report because the title(s) were translated for a different market.

      I would also ignore all pseudo-releases since by definition they will end up on the report without serving any editing purpose.

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            yindesu yindesu
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