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  1. MusicBrainz Server
  2. MBS-13680

'Products' view: films, games, podcasts, broadcast series etc


    • Icon: New Feature New Feature
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Normal Normal
    • None
    • None
    • None
    • None

      A lot of music is created that is not appropriate as a MusicBrainz' "release", such as:

      • music created for 'releases' where audio is not the primary format, e.g. for film, stage and video games;
      • primarily audio releases that are nonetheless not well suited to MB's release format, e.g. long-running podcast or broadcast series.

      These are well supported in MusicBrainz, using MusicBrainz' 'works' and 'series'! (podcast series example / video game work example) Unfortunately, they are under-used and hidden from view, because of MB's preference (in terms of page layout and display) for showing traditional releases on the default artist page/view. This has led to much editor friction, and a fair bit of database inconsistency.

      This ticket proposes to better surface these existing MusicBrainz features to users, ideally via artist page design changes with only minor database changes.

      'Product' is a placeholder name, happy to replace with something better if suggested.


      1a. Add a 'product' checkbox to works (and series?). If checked, allow users to select from a dropdown of 'product' options, like film, video game, podcast, etc. Adding a release date would be great too, allowing taggers and apps etc to make full use of the feature.

      1b. Add new work types as appropriate, e.g. Video game soundtrack, film soundtrack. Do the same for recording series types e.g. add Podcast, Broadcast.

      2a. Feature these works/series on the homepage.
      (mockup shows possible 'primary' position, at the top of the artist page view)

      2b. Feature these works/series on the homepage, as well as other sometimes-missed pages (works, recordings).
      (mockup shows possible 'secondary' position, at the bottom of the artist page view)

      2c. Feature these works/series on the homepage - this mockup only shows work and release types that already exist (if it is decided not to add a product marker or make new types.

      3. Create a separate page/tab where 'products' are displayed.

      4. Stretch goal! Let Picard add 'tagger' buttons to series and works, and load them if their MBID/url is pasted into the search bar.

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