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  1. MusicBrainz Server
  2. MBS-13744

"Update recording title" shown when no recording is selected

    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Normal Normal
    • 2024-09-17
    • None
    • Release editor
    • None

      1. Start adding a new release that isn't based on an existing one.
      2. On the recordings tab, click a track's "Edit" button and then type something into the "Search" field.

      As soon as the search text differs from the track title (even by just whitespace), the "Update the recording title to match the track title" checkbox appears. This doesn't make sense, since I haven't selected an existing recording to update. The checkbox persists even after I've closed the bubble without selecting an existing recording. If I edit the search text to match the track title, the checkbox disappears.

      The edit note tab doesn't display recording additions, so it's disconcerting to see this checkbox – it makes me unsure of whether the name of the new recording is going to match the track title or the search term. (From manual testing, I think that the recording fortunately still uses the track's title.)

      There are a zillion existing tickets still open about the search field incorrectly renaming recordings (see chaban's helpful list on MBS-8952, fixed by bitmap). I'm not sure how many of them are dupes that can be closed now, but I'm still able to repro the issue described here on beta.

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