Uploaded image for project: 'MusicBrainz Server'
  1. MusicBrainz Server
  2. MBS-2460

Timeline graph should include MusicBrainz events


      The timeline graph needs to include MusicBrainz events; from the proposal:

      "show MusicBrainz events like software releases and policy changes (potentially with many categories – some people care about every style change, and some people only want to see software releases, and everything in-between)"

      These should likely be implemented as vertical lines, hoverable or clickable to show event details and relevant URLs; they should be able to be turned on and off as desired, along with other lines of the graph.

            ianmcorvidae Ian McEwen
            ianmcorvidae Ian McEwen
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                Version Package
                Bug fixes, 2011-06-20