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  1. MusicBrainz Server
  2. MBS-2889

Advanced tracklist edit: artist field is disabled by default for multi-disc VA releases


      On Various Artist releases where there are enough discs for the advanced tracklist edit to show the discs collapsed when the page is first loaded (for example, releases with 5 discs), the artist field on the advanced tracklist editor is unchecked by default and disabled from editing without first enabling it.

      To recreate:

      Go to a many disc release (As an example: http://musicbrainz.org/release/90d4c5e9-5bd8-4801-ab00-ee0c250de4a1)
      Click Edit
      Click Tracklist tab
      Click Advanced button
      Expand a disc
      Add 1 or more tracks
      Note that the new tracks have 'Various Artists' listed as the Artist, and this can't be changed as expected by just clicking the artist field and typing. Instead (and this took me a little while to figure out), the box next to artist must be checked to allow the field to be edited.

      Given that the field is automatically checked and editable straight away for VA releases with few discs (e.g. 2 disc releases) this is inconsistent, and makes for a frustrating user experience.

            acid2 Oliver Charles
            cerdd83 Cerdd Eightythree
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                Version Package
                Bug Fixes, 2012-02-20