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  1. MusicBrainz Server
  2. MBS-3043

Release editor allows "null" as recording id in tracklist edits


      Discovered on production: http://musicbrainz.org/edit/14852318

      I have been able to reproduce this, by following these steps:

      1. open http://bullet-bill:3000/release/aff4a693-5970-4e2e-bd46-e2ee49c22de7/edit
      2. click next (tracklist tab, basic view)
      3. change the track title for track 2 into "the Hate Bug (Big Bug NYC remix)"
      4. click next, the recording tab will ask for confirmation.
      5. click select on track 2, but don't pick any of the options.
      6. click next
      7. click select on track 2 again, the suggested recording now shows "[removed] (?:??)"
      8. click "Use suggested recording"
      9. click next
      a. Enter edit

            warp Kuno Woudt
            warp Kuno Woudt
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                Version Package
                Bug fixes, 2011-08-08