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  1. MusicBrainz Server
  2. MBS-3428

If seed new release with track artist ids it doesnt properly resolve the artist ids


      I seed this release with this file http://www.jthink.net/jaikoz/scratch/addtrackartistsids.html , it is a various artist release and in the seed file I specify each track artist id rather than just the name. Everything looks okay and you can see from the Tracklist tab each artist id has been correctly resolved to the correct artist name but when you get to the Add Missing Entities tab for each artist it lists all the artists with the same name and prompts you to pick one or add a new one, whereas it should just use the artist you have already specified

            warp Kuno Woudt
            ijabz Paul Taylor
            4 Vote for this issue
            0 Start watching this issue


                Version Package
                Bug fixes, 2011-12-05