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  1. MusicBrainz Server
  2. MBS-3772

Trying to change release recordings resulted in "Internal Server Error"


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • Icon: Normal Normal
    • None
    • None
    • Edit system
    • None

      Here's an EP release called "Aavikko" from band "Aavikko": http://musicbrainz.org/release/81fe94b2-7d7f-40b8-8a63-314fc3835572

      That's the vinyl release. The EP was released also as a CD: http://musicbrainz.org/release/a1887c17-09f0-31e5-8087-edd8e5721de5

      According to MusicBrainz database, the two releases have the same recordings. That's not correct - the vinyl contains "lo-fi" versions, which are totally different recordings than the "hi-fi" CD versions. I'm not talking about the general quality difference between vinyl and CD - the recordings really are separate. The lo-fi versions were recorded on a cassette player at home (or so it's claimed), and the hi-fi versions were recorded at a studio.

      Here's a collection called "History of Muysic", which includes the lo-fi versions: http://musicbrainz.org/release/efc1a833-d36f-4474-8ceb-e33f21d10e02

      So, what I tried to do was to edit the recordings of the lo-fi EP release. I tried to change the recordings to use the recordings on "History of Muysic". Steps to reproduce:

      1. Open http://musicbrainz.org/release/81fe94b2-7d7f-40b8-8a63-314fc3835572

      2. Click "Edit".

      3. Click "Recordings".

      4. The recording list is hidden initially, so click "Edit".

      5. Click "Change" on the first recording.

      6. Type the recording name to the search field.

      7. Select the recording that appears on "History of Muysic".

      8. Click "Done".

      9. Repeat steps 5-8 for the rest of the recordings.

      10. Click "Next >>".

      11. Add some edit note. I tried to use the following:

      Change recordings to be the same as on the "History of Muysic" collection. This is because the "Aavikko" EP was released as two versions: hi-fi CD and lo-fi vinyl, so the two releases need separate recordings. The "History of Muysic" collection includes the lo-fi versions, so those recordings can be re-used.
      The track lengths seem to be from the CD, so they are probably wrong. Maybe they could be set to match the track lengths on "History of Muysic", but as I don't have the "Aavikko" vinyl, I can't really verify that.

      12. Click "Enter Edit".

      13. Observe the error page:

      nternal Server Error
      Oops, something went wrong!
      Caught exception in MusicBrainz::Server::Controller::ReleaseEditor::Edit->edit "Can't call method "id" without a package or object reference at /home/musicbrainz/musicbrainz-server/script/../lib/MusicBrainz/Server/Wizard/ReleaseEditor.pm line 1208."
      Stack trace:
          line 1206 MusicBrainz::Server::Wizard::ReleaseEditor
          line 787 MusicBrainz::Server::Wizard::ReleaseEditor
          line 42 MusicBrainz::Server::Wizard::ReleaseEditor::Edit
          line 859 MusicBrainz::Server::Wizard::ReleaseEditor
          line 788 MusicBrainz::Server::Wizard::ReleaseEditor
          line 94 MusicBrainz::Server::Wizard::ReleaseEditor
          line 17 MusicBrainz::Server::Controller::ReleaseEditor::Edit
          line 273 MusicBrainz::Server
      Request data:
      $VAR1 = {
                'query_parameters' => {},
                'body_parameters' => {
                                       'save' => 'Enter edit',
                                       'wizard_page_id' => '4',
                                       'edit_note' => 'Change recordings to be the same as on the "History of Muysic" collection. This is because the "Aavikko" EP was released as two versions: hi-fi CD and lo-fi vinyl, so the two releases need separate recordings. The "History of Muysic" collection includes the lo-fi versions, so those recordings can be re-used.
      The track lengths seem to be from the CD, so they are probably wrong. Maybe they could be set to match the track lengths on "History of Muysic", but as I don\'t have the "Aavikko" vinyl, I can\'t really verify that.
                                       'wizard_session_id' => '0.104488445622479'
      URL: http://musicbrainz.org/release/81fe94b2-7d7f-40b8-8a63-314fc3835572/edit
      We're terribly sorry for this problem. Please wait a few minutes and repeat your request — the problem may go away.
      If the problem persists, please report a bug and include any error message that is shown above.
      Please be sure to include the stack trace and request data shown above!

            acid2 Oliver Charles
            tanu Tanu Kaskinen
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