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  1. MusicBrainz Server
  2. MBS-3813

Release editor gets stuck on tracklist tab saying there are errors when there are none


      The release editor gets stuck with the message "Warning: There were one or more errors, please check the following fields: " when trying to switch to recordings or edit note tabs. It doesn't list any fields however and doesn't show any errors anywhere.

      I can "clear" the error by going to one of the earlier tabs and back but I can't go to the next tabs. I can't find anything wrong with my track lists so it must got confused in its internal data structures or something and I can't find a way around it so I'm unable to submit my release.

      I'm too tired and annoyed right now to try and find out how to reproduce it. Basically I have several mediums.. I based my release on another one and added discs and moved them around.

            warp Kuno Woudt
            shepard Simon Reinhardt
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                Version Package
                Bug fixes, 2011-12-05