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  1. MusicBrainz Server
  2. MBS-4312

Track parser tries to reorder tracks even for rels with DiscIDs


      Being able to move tracks around in the track parser with all the information moving with them is admittedly pretty useful in a lot of cases. When there's a discID, though, you won't be able to change the order of tracks+durations, because that's mandated by the discID... but the track parser will still try (try to edit the track order in http://musicbrainz.org/release/6901edd8-4d0f-405d-81ab-369022d2df5b for example). This means you'll be blocked from advancing ("The length of track n cannot be changed since this release has a Disc ID attached to it."). This feature shouldn't be called when a medium has a discID, either just not working or allowing just to rename the tracks (which is the most likely reason why somebody would want to do such a change anyway when a discID is present)

            bitmap Michael Wiencek
            reosarevok Nicolás Tamargo
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