Uploaded image for project: 'MusicBrainz Server'
  1. MusicBrainz Server
  2. MBS-4475

Internal Server Error editing a VA tracklist


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • Icon: Normal Normal
    • None
    • Bug fixes, 2012-03-12
    • None
    • None


      Caught exception in MusicBrainz::Server::Controller::ReleaseEditor::Edit->edit "Could not create MusicBrainz::Server::Edit::Medium::Edit edit

      $VAR1 = {
      'format_id' => '1',
      'separate_tracklists' => 1,
      'name' => undef,
      'to_edit' => bless( {
      'format_id' => 1,
      'release_id' => 1136196,
      'position' => 1,
      'release' => bless( {
      'release_group' => bless( {
      'last_updated' => bless( {
      'local_rd_secs' => 37577,
      'local_rd_days' => 734581,
      'rd_nanosecs' => 470380000,
      'locale' => bless(

      { 'default_time_format_length' => 'medium', 'native_territory' => 'United States', 'native_language' => 'English', 'native_complete_name' => 'English United States', 'en_language' => 'English', 'id' => 'en_US', 'default_date_format_length' => 'medium', 'en_complete_name' => 'English United States', 'en_territory' => 'United States' }

      , 'DateTime::Locale::en_US' ),
      'local_c' =>

      { 'hour' => 10, 'second' => 17, 'month' => 3, 'quarter' => 1, 'day_of_year' => 79, 'day_of_quarter' => 79, 'minute' => 26, 'day' => 19, 'day_of_week' => 1, 'year' => 2012 }

      'utc_rd_secs' => 37577,
      'formatter' => undef,
      'tz' => bless(

      { 'name' => 'UTC' }

      , 'DateTime::TimeZone::UTC' ),
      'utc_year' => 2013,
      'utc_rd_days' => 734581,
      'offset_modifier' => 0
      }, 'DateTime' ),
      'artist_credit_id' => 1,
      'relationships' => [],
      'name' => 'Nostalgia italiana 1969',
      'release_count' => 1,
      'edits_pending' => 0,
      'first_release_date' => bless(

      { 'year' => 1996 }

      , 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::PartialDate' ),
      'type_id' => 4,
      'type' => bless(

      { 'name' => 'Compilation', 'id' => 4 }

      , 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::ReleaseGroupType' ),
      'id' => 1145340,
      'gid' => 'aa49708f-6680-44e0-b331-69885c1daec2'
      }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::ReleaseGroup' ),
      'cover_art_url' => 'http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/510rGn4XkML.jpg',
      'date' => bless(

      { 'year' => 1996 }

      , 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::PartialDate' ),
      'relationships' => [
      bless( {
      'link' => bless( {
      'end_date' => bless( {}, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::PartialDate' ),
      'type_id' => 77,
      'type' => bless(

      { 'entity0_type' => 'release', 'priority' => 0, 'name' => 'amazon asin', 'description' => 'This link type is used for Amazon ASINs. This allows users to link to the Amazon pages to show the right cover art if MusicBrainz does not have the right ASIN link already. Paste any URL to any Amazon product page that contains an Amazon ASIN and the ASIN will be parsed from that URL. (Details)', 'parent_id' => 81, 'short_link_phrase' => 'has Amazon ASIN', 'link_phrase' => 'ASIN', 'entity1_type' => 'url', 'id' => 77, 'reverse_link_phrase' => 'ASIN', 'gid' => '4f2e710d-166c-480c-a293-2e2c8d658d87', 'child_order' => 0 }

      , 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::LinkType' ), 'begin_date' => bless( {}, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::PartialDate' ), 'id' => 6300 }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Link' ), 'last_updated' => bless( { 'local_rd_secs' => 37587, 'local_rd_days' => 734581, 'rd_nanosecs' => 420167000, 'locale' => $VAR1->

      {'to_edit'}{'release'}{'release_group'}{'last_updated'}{'locale'}, 'local_c' => { 'hour' => 10, 'second' => 27, 'month' => 3, 'quarter' => 1, 'day_of_year' => 79, 'day_of_quarter' => 79, 'minute' => 26, 'day' => 19, 'day_of_week' => 1, 'year' => 2012 }, 'utc_rd_secs' => 37587, 'formatter' => undef, 'tz' => bless( { 'name' => 'UTC' }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::UTC' ), 'utc_year' => 2013, 'utc_rd_days' => 734581, 'offset_modifier' => 0 }, 'DateTime' ), 'entity1_id' => 1198997, 'entity0_id' => 1136196, 'edits_pending' => 1, 'direction' => '1', 'link_id' => 6300, 'entity1' => bless( { 'reference_count' => 0, 'url' => bless( do{\(my $o = 'http://www.amazon.fr/gp/product/B00000B2ZW')}, 'URI::http' ), 'id' => 1198997, 'edits_pending' => 0, 'gid' => '4ed89af2-126a-4970-87bd-398386817920' }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::URL::ASIN' ), 'entity0' => $VAR1->{'to_edit'} {'release'}, 'id' => 707148 }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Relationship' ) ], 'edits_pending' => 2, 'release_group_id' => 1145340, 'country_id' => 81, 'info_url' => 'http://www.amazon.fr/gp/product/B00000B2ZW', 'id' => 1136196, 'labels' => [ bless( { 'release_id' => 1136196, 'catalog_number' => '74321 37353 2', 'label_id' => 174, 'release' => bless( { 'last_updated' => bless( { 'local_rd_secs' => 37578, 'local_rd_days' => 734581, 'rd_nanosecs' => 330654000, 'locale' => $VAR1->{'to_edit'}{'release'} {'release_group'}{'last_updated'}{'locale'}, 'local_c' => { 'hour' => 10, 'second' => 18, 'month' => 3, 'quarter' => 1, 'day_of_year' => 79, 'day_of_quarter' => 79, 'minute' => 26, 'day' => 19, 'day_of_week' => 1, 'year' => 2012 }, 'utc_rd_secs' => 37578, 'formatter' => undef, 'tz' => bless( { 'name' => 'UTC' }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::UTC' ), 'utc_year' => 2013, 'utc_rd_days' => 734581, 'offset_modifier' => 0 }, 'DateTime' ), 'artist_credit_id' => 1, 'date' => bless( { 'year' => 1996 }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::PartialDate' ), 'name' => 'Nostalgia italiana 1969', 'edits_pending' => 2, 'barcode' => bless( { 'code' => '743213735320' }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Barcode' ), 'release_group_id' => 1145340, 'language_id' => 195, 'country_id' => 81, 'id' => 1136196, 'script_id' => 28, 'quality' => '1', 'status_id' => 1, 'gid' => '848ce37b-8846-40f0-9f72-f6c7d568fbdb' }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Release' ), 'label' => bless( { 'last_updated' => bless( { 'local_rd_secs' => 68567, 'local_rd_days' => 734370, 'locale' => bless( { 'native_language' => 'English', 'native_territory' => 'United States', 'default_time_format_length' => 'medium', 'native_complete_name' => 'English United States', 'en_language' => 'English', 'id' => 'en_US', 'default_date_format_length' => 'medium', 'en_territory' => 'United States', 'en_complete_name' => 'English United States' }, 'DateTime::Locale::en_US' ), 'rd_nanosecs' => 649919000, 'utc_rd_secs' => 68567, 'local_c' => { 'hour' => 19, 'second' => 47, 'month' => 8, 'quarter' => 3, 'day_of_year' => 233, 'day_of_quarter' => 52, 'minute' => 2, 'day' => 21, 'day_of_week' => 7, 'year' => 2011 }, 'formatter' => undef, 'utc_year' => 2012, 'tz' => bless( { 'name' => 'UTC' }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::UTC' ), 'offset_modifier' => 0, 'utc_rd_days' => 734370 }, 'DateTime' ), 'label_code' => 116, 'name' => 'Bertelsmann Music Group', 'begin_date' => bless( {}, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::PartialDate' ), 'edits_pending' => 0, 'country_id' => 81, 'comment' => 'BMG', 'end_date' => bless( { 'month' => 8, 'day' => 5, 'year' => 2004 }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::PartialDate' ), 'type_id' => 2, 'id' => 174, 'sort_name' => 'Bertelsmann Music Group', 'gid' => '29d7c88f-5200-4418-a683-5c94ea032e38' }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Label' ), 'id' => 669502 }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::ReleaseLabel' ) ], 'script_id' => 28, 'quality' => '1', 'status_id' => 1, 'last_updated' => bless( { 'local_rd_secs' => 37578, 'local_rd_days' => 734581, 'rd_nanosecs' => 330654000, 'locale' => $VAR1->{'to_edit'}{'release'}{'release_group'} {'last_updated'}{'locale'}, 'local_c' => { 'hour' => 10, 'second' => 18, 'month' => 3, 'quarter' => 1, 'day_of_year' => 79, 'day_of_quarter' => 79, 'minute' => 26, 'day' => 19, 'day_of_week' => 1, 'year' => 2012 }, 'utc_rd_secs' => 37578, 'formatter' => undef, 'tz' => bless( { 'name' => 'UTC' }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::UTC' ), 'utc_year' => 2013, 'utc_rd_days' => 734581, 'offset_modifier' => 0 }, 'DateTime' ), 'artist_credit_id' => 1, 'name' => 'Nostalgia italiana 1969', 'artist_credit' => bless( { 'names' => [ bless( { 'join_phrase' => '', 'artist' => bless( { 'comment' => 'add compilations to this artist', 'name' => 'Various Artists', 'id' => 1, 'sort_name' => 'Various Artists', 'gid' => '89ad4ac3-39f7-470e-963a-56509c546377' }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Artist' ), 'artist_id' => 1, 'name' => 'Various Artists' }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::ArtistCreditName' ) ], 'id' => '1', 'artist_count' => 1 }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::ArtistCredit' ), 'barcode' => bless( { 'code' => '743213735320' }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Barcode' ), 'language_id' => 195, 'amazon_asin' => 'B00000B2ZW', 'gid' => '848ce37b-8846-40f0-9f72-f6c7d568fbdb' }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Release' ), 'edits_pending' => 0, 'tracklist' => bless( { 'tracks' => [ bless( { 'artist_credit_id' => 115121, 'recording_id' => 13376444, 'position' => 1, 'name' => 'Zingaro', 'artist_credit' => bless( { 'names' => [ bless( { 'join_phrase' => '', 'artist' => bless( { 'comment' => undef, 'name' => 'Bobby Solo', 'id' => 115121, 'sort_name' => 'Solo, Bobby', 'gid' => 'f57990b0-cdc4-4f1d-ab34-e32834340d9c' }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Artist' ), 'artist_id' => 115121, 'name' => 'Bobby Solo' }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::ArtistCreditName' ) ], 'id' => '115121', 'artist_count' => 1 }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::ArtistCredit' ), 'edits_pending' => 0, 'length' => 191590344, 'id' => 14609940, 'tracklist_id' => 1220719 }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Track' ), bless( { 'artist_credit_id' => 121476, 'recording_id' => 13376445, 'position' => 2, 'name' => 'Zucchero', 'artist_credit' => bless( { 'names' => [ bless( { 'join_phrase' => '', 'artist' => bless( { 'comment' => undef, 'name' => 'Rita Pavone', 'id' => 121476, 'sort_name' => 'Pavone, Rita', 'gid' => '1fe5f1ab-38c8-4b5e-866b-45499bd900e6' }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Artist' ), 'artist_id' => 121476, 'name' => 'Rita Pavone' }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::ArtistCreditName' ) ], 'id' => '121476', 'artist_count' => 1 }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::ArtistCredit' ), 'edits_pending' => 0, 'length' => 179736, 'id' => 14609941, 'tracklist_id' => 1220719 }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Track' ), bless( { 'artist_credit_id' => 22096, 'recording_id' => 13376446, 'position' => 3, 'name' => 'Un\'avventura', 'artist_credit' => bless( { 'names' => [ bless( { 'join_phrase' => '', 'artist' => bless( { 'comment' => undef, 'name' => 'Lucio Battisti', 'id' => 22096, 'sort_name' => 'Battisti, Lucio', 'gid' => 'c0c0de23-d9c1-4776-97e0-0c2529402622' }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Artist' ), 'artist_id' => 22096, 'name' => 'Lucio Battisti' }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::ArtistCreditName' ) ], 'id' => '22096', 'artist_count' => 1 }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::ArtistCredit' ), 'edits_pending' => 0, 'length' => 192796, 'id' => 14609942, 'tracklist_id' => 1220719 }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Track' ), bless( { 'artist_credit_id' => 199304, 'recording_id' => 13376447, 'position' => 4, 'name' => 'Pensiero d\'amore', 'artist_credit' => bless( { 'names' => [ bless( { 'join_phrase' => '', 'artist' => bless( { 'comment' => undef, 'name' => 'Mal', 'id' => 199304, 'sort_name' => 'Mal', 'gid' => '3b44704e-9519-4e9f-a4fc-b8b9e5891e47' }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Artist' ), 'artist_id' => 199304, 'name' => 'Mal' }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::ArtistCreditName' ) ], 'id' => '199304', 'artist_count' => 1 }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::ArtistCredit' ), 'edits_pending' => 0, 'length' => 197367, 'id' => 14609943, 'tracklist_id' => 1220719 }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Track' ), bless( { 'artist_credit_id' => 92050, 'recording_id' => 13376448, 'position' => 5, 'name' => 'Cuore stanco', 'artist_credit' => bless( { 'names' => [ bless( { 'join_phrase' => '', 'artist' => bless( { 'comment' => undef, 'name' => 'Nada', 'id' => '92050', 'sort_name' => 'Nada', 'gid' => '33ee0424-66ff-4e27-a9ea-3123b69f5866' }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Artist' ), 'artist_id' => '92050', 'name' => 'Nada' }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::ArtistCreditName' ) ], 'id' => '92050', 'artist_count' => 1 }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::ArtistCredit' ), 'edits_pending' => 0, 'length' => 193240, 'id' => 14609944, 'tracklist_id' => 1220719 }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Track' ), bless( { 'artist_credit_id' => 130633, 'recording_id' => 13376449, 'position' => 6, 'name' => "Tutta mia la citt\x{e0}", 'artist_credit' => bless( { 'names' => [ bless( { 'join_phrase' => '', 'artist' => bless( { 'comment' => undef, 'name' => 'Equipe 84', 'id' => '130633', 'sort_name' => 'Equipe 84', 'gid' => '5755a1fb-d995-4293-90e7-94f5cafa7782' }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Artist' ), 'artist_id' => '130633', 'name' => 'Equipe 84' }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::ArtistCreditName' ) ], 'id' => '130633', 'artist_count' => 1 }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::ArtistCredit' ), 'edits_pending' => 0, 'length' => 207083, 'id' => 14609945, 'tracklist_id' => 1220719 }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Track' ), bless( { 'artist_credit_id' => 45245, 'recording_id' => 13376450, 'position' => 7, 'name' => 'Belinda', 'artist_credit' => bless( { 'names' => [ bless( { 'join_phrase' => '', 'artist' => bless( { 'comment' => undef, 'name' => 'Gianni Morandi', 'id' => 45245, 'sort_name' => 'Morandi, Gianni', 'gid' => '11bb0196-0dc3-41fa-be26-671ca78799f2' }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Artist' ), 'artist_id' => 45245, 'name' => 'Gianni Morandi' }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::ArtistCreditName' ) ], 'id' => '45245', 'artist_count' => 1 }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::ArtistCredit' ), 'edits_pending' => 0, 'length' => 161165, 'id' => 14609946, 'tracklist_id' => 1220719 }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Track' ), bless( { 'artist_credit_id' => 33411, 'recording_id' => 13376451, 'position' => 8, 'name' => 'Il paradiso', 'artist_credit' => bless( { 'names' => [ bless( { 'join_phrase' => '', 'artist' => bless( { 'comment' => undef, 'name' => 'Patty Pravo', 'id' => 33411, 'sort_name' => 'Pravo, Patty', 'gid' => '0ac1c730-8510-4ee8-9fcb-5ad272da73ab' }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Artist' ), 'artist_id' => 33411, 'name' => 'Patty Pravo' }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::ArtistCreditName' ) ], 'id' => '33411', 'artist_count' => 1 }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::ArtistCredit' ), 'edits_pending' => 0, 'length' => 148418, 'id' => 14609947, 'tracklist_id' => 1220719 }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Track' ), bless( { 'artist_credit_id' => 958169, 'recording_id' => 13376452, 'position' => 9, 'name' => 'Una spina e una rosa', 'artist_credit' => bless( { 'names' => [ bless( { 'join_phrase' => '', 'artist' => bless( { 'comment' => undef, 'name' => 'Tony del Monaco', 'id' => 458475, 'sort_name' => 'Monaco, Tony del', 'gid' => '3214ba38-161c-4a17-b63b-59a9800be841' }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Artist' ), 'artist_id' => 458475, 'name' => 'Tony del Monaco' }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::ArtistCreditName' ) ], 'id' => '958169', 'artist_count' => 1 }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::ArtistCredit' ), 'edits_pending' => 0, 'length' => 183889, 'id' => 14609948, 'tracklist_id' => 1220719 }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Track' ), bless( { 'artist_credit_id' => 958170, 'recording_id' => 13376453, 'position' => 10, 'name' => 'Noi ci amiamo', 'artist_credit' => bless( { 'names' => [ bless( { 'join_phrase' => '', 'artist' => bless( { 'comment' => 'Italian group (1969-1971)', 'name' => 'Protagonisti', 'id' => 876042, 'sort_name' => 'Protagonisti', 'gid' => '9c133ed6-3c5d-4b32-ab73-da43a90a28e9' }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Artist' ), 'artist_id' => 876042, 'name' => 'Protagonisti' }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::ArtistCreditName' ) ], 'id' => '958170', 'artist_count' => 1 }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::ArtistCredit' ), 'edits_pending' => 0, 'id' => 14609949, 'tracklist_id' => 1220719 }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Track' ), bless( { 'artist_credit_id' => 22096, 'recording_id' => 13376454, 'position' => 11, 'name' => 'Mi ritorni in mente', 'artist_credit' => $VAR1->{'to_edit'}{'tracklist'}{'tracks'}[2]{'artist_credit'}, 'edits_pending' => 0, 'length' => 220770, 'id' => 14609950, 'tracklist_id' => 1220719 }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Track' ), bless( { 'artist_credit_id' => 45245, 'recording_id' => 13376455, 'position' => 12, 'name' => 'Parlami d\'amore', 'artist_credit' => $VAR1->{'to_edit'}{'tracklist'}{'tracks'}[6]{'artist_credit'}, 'edits_pending' => 0, 'length' => 211916, 'id' => 14609951, 'tracklist_id' => 1220719 }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Track' ), bless( { 'artist_credit_id' => 111338, 'recording_id' => 13376456, 'position' => 13, 'name' => 'Bada bambina', 'artist_credit' => bless( { 'names' => [ bless( { 'join_phrase' => '', 'artist' => bless( { 'comment' => undef, 'name' => 'Little Tony', 'id' => '111338', 'sort_name' => 'Little Tony', 'gid' => '76e742df-5bab-4ded-b76b-c1bc7c9ff352' }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Artist' ), 'artist_id' => '111338', 'name' => 'Little Tony' }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::ArtistCreditName' ) ], 'id' => '111338', 'artist_count' => 1 }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::ArtistCredit' ), 'edits_pending' => 0, 'length' => 172448, 'id' => 14609952, 'tracklist_id' => 1220719 }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Track' ), bless( { 'artist_credit_id' => 47631, 'recording_id' => 13376457, 'position' => 14, 'name' => "Una ragione di pi\x{f9}", 'artist_credit' => bless( { 'names' => [ bless( { 'join_phrase' => '', 'artist' => bless( { 'comment' => undef, 'name' => 'Ornella Vanoni', 'id' => 47631, 'sort_name' => 'Vanoni, Ornella', 'gid' => '003f3a74-7595-4da7-b46b-19a8f8e9a1b5' }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Artist' ), 'artist_id' => 47631, 'name' => 'Ornella Vanoni' }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::ArtistCreditName' ) ], 'id' => '47631', 'artist_count' => 1 }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::ArtistCredit' ), 'edits_pending' => 0, 'length' => 204132, 'id' => 14609953, 'tracklist_id' => 1220719 }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Track' ), bless( { 'artist_credit_id' => 66984, 'recording_id' => 13376458, 'position' => 15, 'name' => 'Il primo giorno di primavera', 'artist_credit' => bless( { 'names' => [ bless( { 'join_phrase' => '', 'artist' => bless( { 'comment' => undef, 'name' => 'Dik Dik', 'id' => 66984, 'sort_name' => 'Dik Dik', 'gid' => '7cdc6ac2-6909-4331-949f-ea072aa62207' }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Artist' ), 'artist_id' => 66984, 'name' => 'Dik Dik' }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::ArtistCreditName' ) ], 'id' => '66984', 'artist_count' => 1 }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::ArtistCredit' ), 'edits_pending' => 0, 'length' => 203087, 'id' => 14609954, 'tracklist_id' => 1220719 }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Track' ), bless( { 'artist_credit_id' => 267451, 'recording_id' => 13376459, 'position' => 16, 'name' => 'Ma che freddo fa', 'artist_credit' => bless( { 'names' => [ bless( { 'join_phrase' => '', 'artist' => bless( { 'comment' => 'Italian singer', 'name' => 'Nada', 'id' => 267451, 'sort_name' => 'Nada', 'gid' => '5915ded1-db1a-42d5-9c69-b5f2db8f7ca1' }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Artist' ), 'artist_id' => 267451, 'name' => 'Nada' }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::ArtistCreditName' ) ], 'id' => '267451', 'artist_count' => 1 }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::ArtistCredit' ), 'edits_pending' => 0, 'length' => 176471, 'id' => 14609955, 'tracklist_id' => 1220719 }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Track' ), bless( { 'artist_credit_id' => 115121, 'recording_id' => 13376460, 'position' => 17, 'name' => 'Domenica d\'Agosto', 'artist_credit' => $VAR1->{'to_edit'}{'tracklist'}{'tracks'}[0]{'artist_credit'}, 'edits_pending' => 0, 'length' => 134653, 'id' => 14609956, 'tracklist_id' => 1220719 }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Track' ), bless( { 'artist_credit_id' => 184815, 'recording_id' => 13376461, 'position' => 18, 'name' => 'Ti ho inventato io', 'artist_credit' => bless( { 'names' => [ bless( { 'join_phrase' => '', 'artist' => bless( { 'comment' => undef, 'name' => 'Wess', 'id' => '184815', 'sort_name' => 'Wess', 'gid' => '74833ef6-e4aa-4d40-9274-28f73531030b' }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Artist' ), 'artist_id' => '184815', 'name' => 'Wess' }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::ArtistCreditName' ) ], 'id' => '184815', 'artist_count' => 1 }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::ArtistCredit' ), 'edits_pending' => 0, 'length' => 221293, 'id' => 14609957, 'tracklist_id' => 1220719 }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Track' ), bless( { 'artist_credit_id' => 958171, 'recording_id' => 13376462, 'position' => 19, 'name' => "Cos'hai messo nel caff\x{e9}", 'artist_credit' => bless( { 'names' => [ bless( { 'join_phrase' => '', 'artist' => bless( { 'comment' => undef, 'name' => 'Pierre-Antoine Muracioli', 'id' => 460623, 'sort_name' => 'Muracioli, Pierre-Antoine', 'gid' => '55c354e2-11aa-4949-92a3-eaa8b78fb02d' }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Artist' ), 'artist_id' => 460623, 'name' => 'Pierre-Antoine Muracioli' }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::ArtistCreditName' ) ], 'id' => '958171', 'artist_count' => 1 }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::ArtistCredit' ), 'edits_pending' => 0, 'length' => 170907, 'id' => 14609958, 'tracklist_id' => 1220719 }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Track' ), bless( { 'artist_credit_id' => 22096, 'recording_id' => 13376463, 'position' => 20, 'name' => 'Acqua azzurra, acqua chiara', 'artist_credit' => $VAR1->{'to_edit'}{'tracklist'}{'tracks'}[2]{'artist_credit'}, 'edits_pending' => 0, 'length' => 212699, 'id' => 14609959, 'tracklist_id' => 1220719 }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Track' ) ], 'track_count' => 20, 'id' => 1220719 }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Tracklist' ), 'id' => 1151091, 'tracklist_id' => 1220719 }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Medium' ), 'tracklist' => [ bless( { 'length' => 191590344, 'recording' => bless( { 'last_updated' => bless( { 'local_rd_secs' => 37577, 'local_rd_days' => 734581, 'rd_nanosecs' => 646918000, 'locale' => $VAR1->{'to_edit'}{'release'}{'release_group'}{'last_updated'} {'locale'}, 'local_c' => { 'hour' => 10, 'second' => 17, 'month' => 3, 'quarter' => 1, 'day_of_year' => 79, 'day_of_quarter' => 79, 'minute' => 26, 'day' => 19, 'day_of_week' => 1, 'year' => 2012 }, 'utc_rd_secs' => 37577, 'formatter' => undef, 'tz' => bless( { 'name' => 'UTC' }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::UTC' ), 'utc_year' => 2013, 'utc_rd_days' => 734581, 'offset_modifier' => 0 }, 'DateTime' ), 'puids' => [], 'artist_credit_id' => 115121, 'name' => 'Zingaro', 'edits_pending' => 0, 'length' => 191590344, 'id' => 13376444, 'isrcs' => [], 'gid' => '8ca23793-32c0-41da-8ea4-dba1dc88f8e7' }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Recording' ), 'recording_id' => 13376444, 'position' => 1, 'name' => 'Zingaro', 'artist_credit' => bless( { 'names' => [ bless( { 'artist' => bless( { 'last_updated' => bless( { 'local_rd_secs' => 9407, 'local_rd_days' => 734498, 'locale' => bless( { 'native_language' => 'English', 'native_territory' => 'United States', 'default_time_format_length' => 'medium', 'native_complete_name' => 'English United States', 'en_language' => 'English', 'id' => 'en_US', 'default_date_format_length' => 'medium', 'en_territory' => 'United States', 'en_complete_name' => 'English United States' }, 'DateTime::Locale::en_US' ), 'rd_nanosecs' => 563943000, 'utc_rd_secs' => 9407, 'local_c' => { 'hour' => 2, 'second' => 47, 'month' => 12, 'quarter' => 4, 'day_of_year' => 361, 'day_of_quarter' => 88, 'minute' => 36, 'day' => 27, 'day_of_week' => 2, 'year' => 2011 }, 'formatter' => undef, 'utc_year' => 2012, 'tz' => bless( { 'name' => 'UTC' }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::UTC' ), 'offset_modifier' => 0, 'utc_rd_days' => 734498 }, 'DateTime' ), 'name' => 'Bobby Solo', 'begin_date' => bless( { 'month' => 3, 'day' => 18, 'year' => 1945 }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::PartialDate' ), 'edits_pending' => 0, 'country_id' => 105, 'type_id' => 1, 'end_date' => bless( {}, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::PartialDate' ), 'id' => 115121, 'gender_id' => 1, 'sort_name' => 'Solo, Bobby', 'gid' => 'f57990b0-cdc4-4f1d-ab34-e32834340d9c' }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Artist' ), 'name' => 'Bobby Solo' }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::ArtistCreditName' ) ] }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::ArtistCredit' ) }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Track' ), bless( { 'length' => 179736, 'recording' => bless( { 'last_updated' => bless( { 'local_rd_secs' => 37577, 'local_rd_days' => 734581, 'rd_nanosecs' => 646918000, 'locale' => $VAR1->{'to_edit'}{'release'}{'release_group'}{'last_updated'}{'locale'}

      , 'local_c' =>

      { 'hour' => 10, 'second' => 17, 'month' => 3, 'quarter' => 1, 'day_of_year' => 79, 'day_of_quarter' => 79, 'minute' => 26, 'day' => 19, 'day_of_week' => 1, 'year' => 2012 }, 'utc_rd_secs' => 37577, 'formatter' => undef, 'tz' => bless( { 'name' => 'UTC' }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::UTC' ), 'utc_year' => 2013, 'utc_rd_days' => 734581, 'offset_modifier' => 0 }, 'DateTime' ), 'puids' => [], 'artist_credit_id' => 121476, 'name' => 'Zucchero', 'edits_pending' => 0, 'length' => 179736, 'id' => 13376445, 'isrcs' => [], 'gid' => '7a8fd028-96c4-4a26-b1e2-e979a292dd36' }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Recording' ), 'recording_id' => 13376445, 'position' => 2, 'name' => 'Zucchero', 'artist_credit' => bless( { 'names' => [ bless( { 'artist' => bless( { 'last_updated' => bless( { 'local_rd_secs' => 57748, 'local_rd_days' => 734380, 'locale' => bless( { 'native_language' => 'English', 'native_territory' => 'United States', 'default_time_format_length' => 'medium', 'native_complete_name' => 'English United States', 'en_language' => 'English', 'id' => 'en_US', 'default_date_format_length' => 'medium', 'en_territory' => 'United States', 'en_complete_name' => 'English United States' }, 'DateTime::Locale::en_US' ), 'rd_nanosecs' => 603237000, 'utc_rd_secs' => 57748, 'local_c' => { 'hour' => 16, 'second' => 28, 'month' => 8, 'quarter' => 3, 'day_of_year' => 243, 'day_of_quarter' => 62, 'minute' => 2, 'day' => 31, 'day_of_week' => 3, 'year' => 2011 }, 'formatter' => undef, 'utc_year' => 2012, 'tz' => bless( { 'name' => 'UTC' }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::UTC' ), 'offset_modifier' => 0, 'utc_rd_days' => 734380 }, 'DateTime' ), 'name' => 'Rita Pavone', 'begin_date' => bless( { 'month' => 8, 'day' => 23, 'year' => 1945 }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::PartialDate' ), 'edits_pending' => 0, 'country_id' => 105, 'type_id' => 1, 'end_date' => bless( {}, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::PartialDate' ), 'id' => 121476, 'gender_id' => 2, 'sort_name' => 'Pavone, Rita', 'gid' => '1fe5f1ab-38c8-4b5e-866b-45499bd900e6' }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Artist' ), 'name' => 'Rita Pavone' }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::ArtistCreditName' ) ] }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::ArtistCredit' ) }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Track' ), bless( { 'length' => 192796, 'recording' => bless( { 'last_updated' => bless( { 'local_rd_secs' => 37577, 'local_rd_days' => 734581, 'rd_nanosecs' => 646918000, 'locale' => $VAR1->{'to_edit'}{'release'}{'release_group'}{'last_updated'}{'locale'}, 'local_c' => { 'hour' => 10, 'second' => 17, 'month' => 3, 'quarter' => 1, 'day_of_year' => 79, 'day_of_quarter' => 79, 'minute' => 26, 'day' => 19, 'day_of_week' => 1, 'year' => 2012 }

      , 'utc_rd_secs' => 37577, 'formatter' => undef, 'tz' => bless(

      { 'name' => 'UTC' }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::UTC' ), 'utc_year' => 2013, 'utc_rd_days' => 734581, 'offset_modifier' => 0 }, 'DateTime' ), 'puids' => [], 'artist_credit_id' => 22096, 'name' => 'Un\'avventura', 'edits_pending' => 0, 'length' => 192796, 'id' => 13376446, 'isrcs' => [], 'gid' => '604f239e-0ea9-4a41-9680-a7572a9659ab' }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Recording' ), 'recording_id' => 13376446, 'position' => 3, 'name' => 'Un\'avventura', 'artist_credit' => bless( { 'names' => [ bless( { 'artist' => bless( { 'last_updated' => bless( { 'local_rd_secs' => 74901, 'local_rd_days' => 734278, 'locale' => bless( { 'native_language' => 'English', 'native_territory' => 'United States', 'default_time_format_length' => 'medium', 'native_complete_name' => 'English United States', 'en_language' => 'English', 'id' => 'en_US', 'default_date_format_length' => 'medium', 'en_territory' => 'United States', 'en_complete_name' => 'English United States' }, 'DateTime::Locale::en_US' ), 'rd_nanosecs' => 78000, 'utc_rd_secs' => 74901, 'local_c' => { 'hour' => 20, 'second' => 21, 'month' => 5, 'quarter' => 2, 'day_of_year' => 141, 'day_of_quarter' => 51, 'minute' => 48, 'day' => 21, 'day_of_week' => 6, 'year' => 2011 }, 'formatter' => undef, 'utc_year' => 2012, 'tz' => bless( { 'name' => 'UTC' }

      , 'DateTime::TimeZone::UTC' ), 'offset_modifier' => 0, 'utc_rd_days' => 734278 }, 'DateTime' ), 'name' => 'Lucio Battisti', 'begin_date' => bless(

      { 'month' => 3, 'day' => 5, 'year' => 1943 }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::PartialDate' ), 'edits_pending' => 0, 'country_id' => 105, 'type_id' => 1, 'end_date' => bless( { 'month' => 9, 'day' => 9, 'year' => 1998 }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::PartialDate' ), 'id' => 22096, 'gender_id' => 1, 'sort_name' => 'Battisti, Lucio', 'gid' => 'c0c0de23-d9c1-4776-97e0-0c2529402622' }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Artist' ), 'name' => 'Lucio Battisti' }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::ArtistCreditName' ) ] }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::ArtistCredit' ) }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Track' ), bless( { 'length' => 197367, 'recording' => bless( { 'last_updated' => bless( { 'local_rd_secs' => 37577, 'local_rd_days' => 734581, 'rd_nanosecs' => 646918000, 'locale' => $VAR1->{'to_edit'}{'release'}{'release_group'}{'last_updated'}{'locale'}, 'local_c' => { 'hour' => 10, 'second' => 17, 'month' => 3, 'quarter' => 1, 'day_of_year' => 79, 'day_of_quarter' => 79, 'minute' => 26, 'day' => 19, 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'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::ArtistCreditName' ) ] }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::ArtistCredit' ) }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Track' ), bless( { 'length' => 193240, 'recording' => bless( { 'last_updated' => bless( { 'local_rd_secs' => 37577, 'local_rd_days' => 734581, 'rd_nanosecs' => 646918000, 'locale' => $VAR1->{'to_edit'}{'release'}{'release_group'}{'last_updated'}{'locale'}, 'local_c' => { 'hour' => 10, 'second' => 17, 'month' => 3, 'quarter' => 1, 'day_of_year' => 79, 'day_of_quarter' => 79, 'minute' => 26, 'day' => 19, 'day_of_week' => 1, 'year' => 2012 }, 'utc_rd_secs' => 37577, 'formatter' => undef, 'tz' => bless( { 'name' => 'UTC' }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::UTC' ), 'utc_year' => 2013, 'utc_rd_days' => 734581, 'offset_modifier' => 0 }, 'DateTime' ), 'puids' => [], 'artist_credit_id' => 92050, 'name' => 'Cuore stanco', 'edits_pending' => 0, 'length' => 193240, 'id' => 13376448, 'isrcs' => [], 'gid' => 'cc9c6ad8-0562-45fa-93db-5398efff3c44' }, 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'English', 'id' => 'en_US', 'default_date_format_length' => 'medium', 'en_territory' => 'United States', 'en_complete_name' => 'English United States' }, 'DateTime::Locale::en_US' ), 'rd_nanosecs' => 61444000, 'utc_rd_secs' => 70039, 'local_c' => { 'hour' => 19, 'second' => 19, 'month' => 5, 'quarter' => 2, 'day_of_year' => 141, 'day_of_quarter' => 51, 'minute' => 27, 'day' => 21, 'day_of_week' => 6, 'year' => 2011 }, 'formatter' => undef, 'utc_year' => 2012, 'tz' => bless( { 'name' => 'UTC' }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::UTC' ), 'offset_modifier' => 0, 'utc_rd_days' => 734278 }, 'DateTime' ), 'name' => 'Equipe 84', 'begin_date' => bless( {}, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::PartialDate' ), 'edits_pending' => 0, 'country_id' => 105, 'type_id' => 2, 'end_date' => bless( {}, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::PartialDate' ), 'id' => 130633, 'sort_name' => 'Equipe 84', 'gid' => '5755a1fb-d995-4293-90e7-94f5cafa7782' }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Artist' ), 'name' => 'Equipe 84' }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::ArtistCreditName' ) ] }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::ArtistCredit' ) }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Track' ), bless( { 'length' => 161165, 'recording' => bless( { 'last_updated' => bless( { 'local_rd_secs' => 37577, 'local_rd_days' => 734581, 'rd_nanosecs' => 646918000, 'locale' => $VAR1->{'to_edit'}{'release'}{'release_group'}{'last_updated'}{'locale'}, 'local_c' => { 'hour' => 10, 'second' => 17, 'month' => 3, 'quarter' => 1, 'day_of_year' => 79, 'day_of_quarter' => 79, 'minute' => 26, 'day' => 19, 'day_of_week' => 1, 'year' => 2012 }, 'utc_rd_secs' => 37577, 'formatter' => undef, 'tz' => bless( { 'name' => 'UTC' }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::UTC' ), 'utc_year' => 2013, 'utc_rd_days' => 734581, 'offset_modifier' => 0 }, 'DateTime' ), 'puids' => [], 'artist_credit_id' => 45245, 'name' => 'Belinda', 'edits_pending' => 0, 'length' => 161165, 'id' => 13376450, 'isrcs' => [], 'gid' => '62a1ec9d-c7fc-4f83-af29-f80e1887f409' }, 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'offset_modifier' => 0, 'utc_rd_days' => 734278 }, 'DateTime' ), 'name' => 'Gianni Morandi', 'begin_date' => bless( { 'month' => 12, 'day' => 11, 'year' => 1944 }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::PartialDate' ), 'edits_pending' => 0, 'country_id' => 105, 'type_id' => 1, 'end_date' => bless( {}, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::PartialDate' ), 'id' => 45245, 'gender_id' => 1, 'sort_name' => 'Morandi, Gianni', 'gid' => '11bb0196-0dc3-41fa-be26-671ca78799f2' }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Artist' ), 'name' => 'Gianni Morandi' }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::ArtistCreditName' ) ] }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::ArtistCredit' ) }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Track' ), bless( { 'length' => 148418, 'recording' => bless( { 'last_updated' => bless( { 'local_rd_secs' => 37577, 'local_rd_days' => 734581, 'rd_nanosecs' => 646918000, 'locale' => $VAR1->{'to_edit'}{'release'}{'release_group'}{'last_updated'}{'locale'}, 'local_c' => { 'hour' => 10, 'second' => 17, 'month' => 3, 'quarter' => 1, 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'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Recording' ), 'recording_id' => 13376452, 'position' => 9, 'name' => 'Una spina e una rosa', 'artist_credit' => bless( { 'names' => [ bless( { 'artist' => bless( { 'type_id' => 1, 'end_date' => bless( {}, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::PartialDate' ), 'name' => 'Tony del Monaco', 'begin_date' => bless( {}, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::PartialDate' ), 'edits_pending' => 0, 'id' => 458475, 'sort_name' => 'Monaco, Tony del', 'gid' => '3214ba38-161c-4a17-b63b-59a9800be841' }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Artist' ), 'name' => 'Tony del Monaco' }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::ArtistCreditName' ) ] }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::ArtistCredit' ) }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Track' ), bless( { 'length' => undef, 'recording' => bless( { 'last_updated' => bless( { 'local_rd_secs' => 37577, 'local_rd_days' => 734581, 'rd_nanosecs' => 646918000, 'locale' => $VAR1->{'to_edit'}{'release'}{'release_group'}{'last_updated'}{'locale'}, 'local_c' => { 'hour' => 10, 'second' => 17, 'month' => 3, 'quarter' => 1, 'day_of_year' => 79, 'day_of_quarter' => 79, 'minute' => 26, 'day' => 19, 'day_of_week' => 1, 'year' => 2012 }, 'utc_rd_secs' => 37577, 'formatter' => undef, 'tz' => bless( { 'name' => 'UTC' }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::UTC' ), 'utc_year' => 2013, 'utc_rd_days' => 734581, 'offset_modifier' => 0 }, 'DateTime' ), 'puids' => [], 'artist_credit_id' => 958170, 'name' => 'Noi ci amiamo', 'edits_pending' => 0, 'id' => 13376453, 'isrcs' => [], 'gid' => '43f2b285-c9f0-4f8a-9e60-d2f107bc50d0' }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Recording' ), 'recording_id' => 13376453, 'position' => 10, 'name' => 'Noi ci amiamo', 'artist_credit' => bless( { 'names' => [ bless( { 'artist' => bless( { 'last_updated' => bless( { 'local_rd_secs' => 37577, 'local_rd_days' => 734581, 'locale' => bless( { 'native_language' => 'English', 'native_territory' => 'United States', 'default_time_format_length' => 'medium', 'native_complete_name' => 'English United States', 'en_language' 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'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::ArtistCreditName' ) ] }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::ArtistCredit' ) }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Track' ), bless( { 'length' => 220770, 'recording' => bless( { 'last_updated' => bless( { 'local_rd_secs' => 37577, 'local_rd_days' => 734581, 'rd_nanosecs' => 646918000, 'locale' => $VAR1->{'to_edit'}{'release'}{'release_group'}{'last_updated'}{'locale'}, 'local_c' => { 'hour' => 10, 'second' => 17, 'month' => 3, 'quarter' => 1, 'day_of_year' => 79, 'day_of_quarter' => 79, 'minute' => 26, 'day' => 19, 'day_of_week' => 1, 'year' => 2012 }, 'utc_rd_secs' => 37577, 'formatter' => undef, 'tz' => bless( { 'name' => 'UTC' }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::UTC' ), 'utc_year' => 2013, 'utc_rd_days' => 734581, 'offset_modifier' => 0 }, 'DateTime' ), 'puids' => [], 'artist_credit_id' => 22096, 'name' => 'Mi ritorni in mente', 'edits_pending' => 0, 'length' => 220770, 'id' => 13376454, 'isrcs' => [], 'gid' => '694e7f2b-869b-463f-a9a3-4fc59794e690' }, 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{ 'names' => [ bless( { 'artist' => bless( { 'last_updated' => bless( { 'local_rd_secs' => 4572, 'local_rd_days' => 734494, 'locale' => bless( { 'native_language' => 'English', 'native_territory' => 'United States', 'default_time_format_length' => 'medium', 'native_complete_name' => 'English United States', 'en_language' => 'English', 'id' => 'en_US', 'default_date_format_length' => 'medium', 'en_territory' => 'United States', 'en_complete_name' => 'English United States' }, 'DateTime::Locale::en_US' ), 'rd_nanosecs' => 311358000, 'utc_rd_secs' => 4572, 'local_c' => { 'hour' => 1, 'second' => 12, 'month' => 12, 'quarter' => 4, 'day_of_year' => 357, 'day_of_quarter' => 84, 'minute' => 16, 'day' => 23, 'day_of_week' => 5, 'year' => 2011 }, 'formatter' => undef, 'utc_year' => 2012, 'tz' => bless( { 'name' => 'UTC' }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::UTC' ), 'offset_modifier' => 0, 'utc_rd_days' => 734494 }, 'DateTime' ), 'name' => 'Dik Dik', 'begin_date' => bless( {}, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::PartialDate' ), 'edits_pending' => 0, 'country_id' => 105, 'type_id' => 2, 'end_date' => bless( {}, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::PartialDate' ), 'id' => 66984, 'sort_name' => 'Dik Dik', 'gid' => '7cdc6ac2-6909-4331-949f-ea072aa62207' }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Artist' ), 'name' => 'Dik Dik' }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::ArtistCreditName' ) ] }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::ArtistCredit' ) }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Track' ), bless( { 'length' => 176471, 'recording' => bless( { 'last_updated' => bless( { 'local_rd_secs' => 37577, 'local_rd_days' => 734581, 'rd_nanosecs' => 646918000, 'locale' => $VAR1->{'to_edit'}{'release'}{'release_group'}{'last_updated'}{'locale'}, 'local_c' => { 'hour' => 10, 'second' => 17, 'month' => 3, 'quarter' => 1, 'day_of_year' => 79, 'day_of_quarter' => 79, 'minute' => 26, 'day' => 19, 'day_of_week' => 1, 'year' => 2012 }, 'utc_rd_secs' => 37577, 'formatter' => undef, 'tz' => bless( { 'name' => 'UTC' }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::UTC' ), 'utc_year' => 2013, 'utc_rd_days' => 734581, 'offset_modifier' => 0 }, 'DateTime' ), 'puids' => [], 'artist_credit_id' => 267451, 'name' => 'Ma che freddo fa', 'edits_pending' => 0, 'length' => 176471, 'id' => 13376459, 'isrcs' => [], 'gid' => 'e48a65a8-bea6-4171-9b9a-f53d1c5d3fd1' }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Recording' ), 'recording_id' => 13376459, 'position' => 16, 'name' => 'Ma che freddo fa', 'artist_credit' => bless( { 'names' => [ bless( { 'artist' => bless( { 'last_updated' => bless( { 'local_rd_secs' => 81251, 'local_rd_days' => 734278, 'locale' => bless( { 'native_language' => 'English', 'native_territory' => 'United States', 'default_time_format_length' => 'medium', 'native_complete_name' => 'English United States', 'en_language' => 'English', 'id' => 'en_US', 'default_date_format_length' => 'medium', 'en_territory' => 'United States', 'en_complete_name' => 'English United States' }, 'DateTime::Locale::en_US' ), 'rd_nanosecs' => 738467000, 'utc_rd_secs' => 81251, 'local_c' => { 'hour' => 22, 'second' => 11, 'month' => 5, 'quarter' => 2, 'day_of_year' => 141, 'day_of_quarter' => 51, 'minute' => 34, 'day' => 21, 'day_of_week' => 6, 'year' => 2011 }, 'formatter' => undef, 'utc_year' => 2012, 'tz' => bless( { 'name' => 'UTC' }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::UTC' ), 'offset_modifier' => 0, 'utc_rd_days' => 734278 }, 'DateTime' ), 'name' => 'Nada', 'begin_date' => bless( {}, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::PartialDate' ), 'edits_pending' => 0, 'country_id' => 105, 'comment' => 'Italian singer', 'end_date' => bless( {}, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::PartialDate' ), 'type_id' => 1, 'id' => 267451, 'gender_id' => 2, 'sort_name' => 'Nada', 'gid' => '5915ded1-db1a-42d5-9c69-b5f2db8f7ca1' }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Artist' ), 'name' => 'Nada' }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::ArtistCreditName' ) ] }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::ArtistCredit' ) }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Track' ), bless( { 'length' => 134653, 'recording' => bless( { 'last_updated' => bless( { 'local_rd_secs' => 37577, 'local_rd_days' => 734581, 'rd_nanosecs' => 646918000, 'locale' => $VAR1->{'to_edit'}{'release'}{'release_group'}{'last_updated'}{'locale'}, 'local_c' => { 'hour' => 10, 'second' => 17, 'month' => 3, 'quarter' => 1, 'day_of_year' => 79, 'day_of_quarter' => 79, 'minute' => 26, 'day' => 19, 'day_of_week' => 1, 'year' => 2012 }, 'utc_rd_secs' => 37577, 'formatter' => undef, 'tz' => bless( { 'name' => 'UTC' }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::UTC' ), 'utc_year' => 2013, 'utc_rd_days' => 734581, 'offset_modifier' => 0 }, 'DateTime' ), 'puids' => [], 'artist_credit_id' => 115121, 'name' => 'Domenica d\'Agosto', 'edits_pending' => 0, 'length' => 134653, 'id' => 13376460, 'isrcs' => [], 'gid' => 'a56e4514-93a4-48d0-88e1-b23f51e3b697' }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Recording' ), 'recording_id' => 13376460, 'position' => 17, 'name' => 'Domenica d\'agosto', 'artist_credit' => bless( { 'names' => [ bless( { 'artist' => bless( { 'last_updated' => bless( { 'local_rd_secs' => 9407, 'local_rd_days' => 734498, 'locale' => bless( { 'native_language' => 'English', 'native_territory' => 'United States', 'default_time_format_length' => 'medium', 'native_complete_name' => 'English United States', 'en_language' => 'English', 'id' => 'en_US', 'default_date_format_length' => 'medium', 'en_territory' => 'United States', 'en_complete_name' => 'English United States' }, 'DateTime::Locale::en_US' ), 'rd_nanosecs' => 563943000, 'utc_rd_secs' => 9407, 'local_c' => { 'hour' => 2, 'second' => 47, 'month' => 12, 'quarter' => 4, 'day_of_year' => 361, 'day_of_quarter' => 88, 'minute' => 36, 'day' => 27, 'day_of_week' => 2, 'year' => 2011 }, 'formatter' => undef, 'utc_year' => 2012, 'tz' => bless( { 'name' => 'UTC' }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::UTC' ), 'offset_modifier' => 0, 'utc_rd_days' => 734498 }, 'DateTime' ), 'name' => 'Bobby Solo', 'begin_date' => bless( { 'month' => 3, 'day' => 18, 'year' => 1945 }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::PartialDate' ), 'edits_pending' => 0, 'country_id' => 105, 'type_id' => 1, 'end_date' => bless( {}, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::PartialDate' ), 'id' => 115121, 'gender_id' => 1, 'sort_name' => 'Solo, Bobby', 'gid' => 'f57990b0-cdc4-4f1d-ab34-e32834340d9c' }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Artist' ), 'name' => 'Bobby Solo' }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::ArtistCreditName' ) ] }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::ArtistCredit' ) }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Track' ), bless( { 'length' => 221293, 'recording' => bless( { 'last_updated' => bless( { 'local_rd_secs' => 37577, 'local_rd_days' => 734581, 'rd_nanosecs' => 646918000, 'locale' => $VAR1->{'to_edit'}{'release'}{'release_group'}{'last_updated'}{'locale'}, 'local_c' => { 'hour' => 10, 'second' => 17, 'month' => 3, 'quarter' => 1, 'day_of_year' => 79, 'day_of_quarter' => 79, 'minute' => 26, 'day' => 19, 'day_of_week' => 1, 'year' => 2012 }, 'utc_rd_secs' => 37577, 'formatter' => undef, 'tz' => bless( { 'name' => 'UTC' }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::UTC' ), 'utc_year' => 2013, 'utc_rd_days' => 734581, 'offset_modifier' => 0 }, 'DateTime' ), 'puids' => [], 'artist_credit_id' => 184815, 'name' => 'Ti ho inventato io', 'edits_pending' => 0, 'length' => 221293, 'id' => 13376461, 'isrcs' => [], 'gid' => '108b875d-b42d-4103-8cc3-f30f5a171d09' }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Recording' ), 'recording_id' => 13376461, 'position' => 18, 'name' => 'Ti ho inventato io', 'artist_credit' => bless( { 'names' => [ bless( { 'artist' => bless( { 'last_updated' => bless( { 'local_rd_secs' => 48755, 'local_rd_days' => 734495, 'locale' => bless( { 'native_language' => 'English', 'native_territory' => 'United States', 'default_time_format_length' => 'medium', 'native_complete_name' => 'English United States', 'en_language' => 'English', 'id' => 'en_US', 'default_date_format_length' => 'medium', 'en_territory' => 'United States', 'en_complete_name' => 'English United States' }, 'DateTime::Locale::en_US' ), 'rd_nanosecs' => 229784000, 'utc_rd_secs' => 48755, 'local_c' => { 'hour' => 13, 'second' => 35, 'month' => 12, 'quarter' => 4, 'day_of_year' => 358, 'day_of_quarter' => 85, 'minute' => 32, 'day' => 24, 'day_of_week' => 6, 'year' => 2011 }, 'formatter' => undef, 'utc_year' => 2012, 'tz' => bless( { 'name' => 'UTC' }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::UTC' ), 'offset_modifier' => 0, 'utc_rd_days' => 734495 }, 'DateTime' ), 'name' => 'Wess', 'begin_date' => bless( {}, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::PartialDate' ), 'edits_pending' => 0, 'end_date' => bless( {}, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::PartialDate' ), 'type_id' => 1, 'id' => '184815', 'gender_id' => 1, 'sort_name' => 'Wess', 'gid' => '74833ef6-e4aa-4d40-9274-28f73531030b' }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Artist' ), 'name' => 'Wess' }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::ArtistCreditName' ) ] }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::ArtistCredit' ) }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Track' ), bless( { 'length' => 170907, 'recording' => bless( { 'last_updated' => bless( { 'local_rd_secs' => 37577, 'local_rd_days' => 734581, 'rd_nanosecs' => 646918000, 'locale' => $VAR1->{'to_edit'}{'release'}{'release_group'}{'last_updated'}{'locale'}, 'local_c' => { 'hour' => 10, 'second' => 17, 'month' => 3, 'quarter' => 1, 'day_of_year' => 79, 'day_of_quarter' => 79, 'minute' => 26, 'day' => 19, 'day_of_week' => 1, 'year' => 2012 }, 'utc_rd_secs' => 37577, 'formatter' => undef, 'tz' => bless( { 'name' => 'UTC' }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::UTC' ), 'utc_year' => 2013, 'utc_rd_days' => 734581, 'offset_modifier' => 0 }, 'DateTime' ), 'puids' => [], 'artist_credit_id' => 958171, 'name' => "Cos'hai messo nel caff\x{e9}", 'edits_pending' => 0, 'length' => 170907, 'id' => 13376462, 'isrcs' => [], 'gid' => '33e959ec-b628-405f-8d27-90223e4d6728' }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Recording' ), 'recording_id' => 13376462, 'position' => 19, 'name' => "Cos'hai messo nel caff\x{e8}", 'artist_credit' => bless( { 'names' => [ bless( { 'artist' => bless( { 'type_id' => 1, 'end_date' => bless( {}, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::PartialDate' ), 'name' => 'Pierre-Antoine Muracioli', 'begin_date' => bless( { 'month' => 1, 'day' => 23, 'year' => '1945' }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::PartialDate' ), 'edits_pending' => 0, 'id' => '460623', 'sort_name' => 'Muracioli, Pierre-Antoine', 'gid' => '55c354e2-11aa-4949-92a3-eaa8b78fb02d' }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Artist' ), 'name' => 'Pierre-Antoine Muracioli' }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::ArtistCreditName' ) ] }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::ArtistCredit' ) }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Track' ), bless( { 'length' => 212699, 'recording' => bless( { 'last_updated' => bless( { 'local_rd_secs' => 37577, 'local_rd_days' => 734581, 'rd_nanosecs' => 646918000, 'locale' => $VAR1->{'to_edit'}{'release'}{'release_group'}{'last_updated'}{'locale'}, 'local_c' => { 'hour' => 10, 'second' => 17, 'month' => 3, 'quarter' => 1, 'day_of_year' => 79, 'day_of_quarter' => 79, 'minute' => 26, 'day' => 19, 'day_of_week' => 1, 'year' => 2012 }, 'utc_rd_secs' => 37577, 'formatter' => undef, 'tz' => bless( { 'name' => 'UTC' }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::UTC' ), 'utc_year' => 2013, 'utc_rd_days' => 734581, 'offset_modifier' => 0 }, 'DateTime' ), 'puids' => [], 'artist_credit_id' => 22096, 'name' => 'Acqua azzurra, acqua chiara', 'edits_pending' => 0, 'length' => 212699, 'id' => 13376463, 'isrcs' => [], 'gid' => 'f32141e3-9ab5-4c5f-abc3-19570454c54a' }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Recording' ), 'recording_id' => 13376463, 'position' => 20, 'name' => 'Acqua azzurra, acqua chiara', 'artist_credit' => bless( { 'names' => [ bless( { 'artist' => bless( { 'last_updated' => bless( { 'local_rd_secs' => 74901, 'local_rd_days' => 734278, 'locale' => bless( { 'native_language' => 'English', 'native_territory' => 'United States', 'default_time_format_length' => 'medium', 'native_complete_name' => 'English United States', 'en_language' => 'English', 'id' => 'en_US', 'default_date_format_length' => 'medium', 'en_territory' => 'United States', 'en_complete_name' => 'English United States' }, 'DateTime::Locale::en_US' ), 'rd_nanosecs' => 78000, 'utc_rd_secs' => 74901, 'local_c' => { 'hour' => 20, 'second' => 21, 'month' => 5, 'quarter' => 2, 'day_of_year' => 141, 'day_of_quarter' => 51, 'minute' => 48, 'day' => 21, 'day_of_week' => 6, 'year' => 2011 }, 'formatter' => undef, 'utc_year' => 2012, 'tz' => bless( { 'name' => 'UTC' }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::UTC' ), 'offset_modifier' => 0, 'utc_rd_days' => 734278 }, 'DateTime' ), 'name' => 'Lucio Battisti', 'begin_date' => bless( { 'month' => 3, 'day' => 5, 'year' => 1943 }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::PartialDate' ), 'edits_pending' => 0, 'country_id' => 105, 'type_id' => 1, 'end_date' => bless( { 'month' => 9, 'day' => 9, 'year' => 1998 }

      , 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::PartialDate' ), 'id' => 22096, 'gender_id' => 1, 'sort_name' => 'Battisti, Lucio', 'gid' => 'c0c0de23-d9c1-4776-97e0-0c2529402622' }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Artist' ), 'name' => 'Lucio Battisti' }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::ArtistCreditName' ) ] }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::ArtistCredit' ) }, 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Track' ) ] }; 3193:10 is not a valid track length at lib/MusicBrainz/Server/Track.pm line 59 MusicBrainz::Server::Track::UnformatTrackLength('3193:10') called at lib/MusicBrainz/Server/Track.pm line 11 MusicBrainz::Server::Track::_ANON('3193:10') called at lib/MusicBrainz/Server/Edit/Medium/Util.pm line 40 MusicBrainz::Server::Edit::Medium::Util::filter_subsecond_differences('ARRAY(0xf14da78)') called at lib/MusicBrainz/Server/Edit/Medium/Edit.pm line 163 MusicBrainz::Server::Edit::Medium::Edit::initialize('MusicBrainz::Server::Edit::Medium::Edit=HASH(0x7ae00e8)', 'format_id', 1, 'separate_tracklists', 1, 'name', undef, 'to_edit', 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Medium=HASH(0x7ae3340)', ...) called at lib/MusicBrainz/Server/Data/Edit.pm line 323 MusicBrainz::Server::Data::Edit::ANON_() called at local/lib/perl5/Try/Tiny.pm line 76 eval

      {...} called at local/lib/perl5/Try/Tiny.pm line 67 Try::Tiny::try('CODE(0x7aed398)', 'Try::Tiny::Catch=REF(0x7aef828)') called at lib/MusicBrainz/Server/Data/Edit.pm line 333 MusicBrainz::Server::Data::Edit::preview('MusicBrainz::Server::Data::Edit=HASH(0x9c6b180)', 'edit_type', 52, 'editor_id', 127391, 'format_id', 1, 'separate_tracklists', 1, ...) called at lib/MusicBrainz/Server/Wizard/ReleaseEditor.pm line 1215 MusicBrainz::Server::Wizard::ReleaseEditor::_ANON('edit_type', 52, 'editor_id', 127391, 'format_id', 1, 'separate_tracklists', 1, 'name', ...) called at lib/MusicBrainz/Server/Wizard/ReleaseEditor.pm line 1260 MusicBrainz::Server::Wizard::ReleaseEditor::ANON_() called at local/lib/perl5/Try/Tiny.pm line 76 eval {...}

      called at local/lib/perl5/Try/Tiny.pm line 67 Try::Tiny::try('CODE(0xf15c188)', 'Try::Tiny::Catch=REF(0xf14a638)') called at lib/MusicBrainz/Server/Wizard/ReleaseEditor.pm line 1269 MusicBrainz::Server::Wizard::ReleaseEditor::create_edit('MusicBrainz::Server::Wizard::ReleaseEditor::Edit=HASH(0xc59c6e8)', 'CODE(0xf14fd90)', 52, 127391, 'format_id', 1, 'separate_tracklists', 1, 'name', ...) called at lib/MusicBrainz/Server/Wizard/ReleaseEditor.pm line 1216 MusicBrainz::Server::Wizard::ReleaseEditor::_preview_edit('MusicBrainz::Server::Wizard::ReleaseEditor::Edit=HASH(0xc59c6e8)', 52, undef, 'format_id', 1, 'separate_tracklists', 1, 'name', undef, ...) called at lib/MusicBrainz/Server/Wizard/ReleaseEditor.pm line 823 MusicBrainz::Server::Wizard::ReleaseEditor::ANON(52, undef, 'format_id', 1, 'separate_tracklists', 1, 'name', undef, 'tracklist', ...) called at lib/MusicBrainz/Server/Wizard/ReleaseEditor.pm line 1116 MusicBrainz::Server::Wizard::ReleaseEditor::_edit_release_track_edits('MusicBrainz::Server::Wizard::ReleaseEditor::Edit=HASH(0xc59c6e8)', 'edit_note', undef, 'data', 'HASH(0xce7a768)', 'create_edit', 'CODE(0xce988a8)', 'previewing', 1, ...) called at lib/MusicBrainz/Server/Wizard/ReleaseEditor.pm line 919 MusicBrainz::Server::Wizard::ReleaseEditor::create_common_edits('MusicBrainz::Server::Wizard::ReleaseEditor::Edit=HASH(0xc59c6e8)', 'edit_note', undef, 'data', 'HASH(0xce7a768)', 'create_edit', 'CODE(0xce988a8)', 'previewing', 1, ...) called at lib/MusicBrainz/Server/Wizard/ReleaseEditor.pm line 899 MusicBrainz::Server::Wizard::ReleaseEditor::create_edits('MusicBrainz::Server::Wizard::ReleaseEditor::Edit=HASH(0xc59c6e8)', 'data', 'HASH(0xce7a768)', 'create_edit', 'CODE(0xce988a8)', 'edit_note', undef, 'previewing', 1, ...) called at local/lib/perl5/x86_64-linux-gnu-thread-multi/Moose/Meta/Method/Augmented.pm line 48 MusicBrainz::Server::Wizard::ReleaseEditor::Edit::create_edits('MusicBrainz::Server::Wizard::ReleaseEditor::Edit=HASH(0xc59c6e8)', 'data', 'HASH(0xce7a768)', 'create_edit', 'CODE(0xce988a8)', 'edit_note', undef, 'previewing', 1, ...) called at lib/MusicBrainz/Server/Wizard/ReleaseEditor.pm line 825 MusicBrainz::Server::Wizard::ReleaseEditor::prepare_edits('MusicBrainz::Server::Wizard::ReleaseEditor::Edit=HASH(0xc59c6e8)') called at lib/MusicBrainz/Server/Wizard/ReleaseEditor.pm line 84 MusicBrainz::Server::Wizard::ReleaseEditor::ANON_ called at lib/MusicBrainz/Server/Wizard.pm line 169 MusicBrainz::Server::Wizard::navigate_to_page('MusicBrainz::Server::Wizard::ReleaseEditor::Edit=HASH(0xc59c6e8)') called at lib/MusicBrainz/Server/Wizard.pm line 402 MusicBrainz::Server::Wizard::_route('MusicBrainz::Server::Wizard::ReleaseEditor::Edit=HASH(0xc59c6e8)', 'MusicBrainz::Server::Form::ReleaseEditor::Recordings=HASH(0xc...') called at lib/MusicBrainz/Server/Wizard.pm line 133 MusicBrainz::Server::Wizard::process('MusicBrainz::Server::Wizard::ReleaseEditor::Edit=HASH(0xc59c6e8)') called at lib/MusicBrainz/Server/Wizard/ReleaseEditor.pm line 93 MusicBrainz::Server::Wizard::ReleaseEditor::run('MusicBrainz::Server::Wizard::ReleaseEditor::Edit=HASH(0xc59c6e8)') called at lib/MusicBrainz/Server/Controller/ReleaseEditor/Edit.pm line 17 MusicBrainz::Server::Controller::ReleaseEditor::Edit::edit('MusicBrainz::Server::Controller::ReleaseEditor::Edit=HASH(0xb...', 'MusicBrainz::Server=HASH(0xb90cab0)') called at local/lib/perl5/Catalyst/Action.pm line 65 Catalyst::Action::execute('Catalyst::Action=HASH(0xb531070)', 'MusicBrainz::Server::Controller::ReleaseEditor::Edit=HASH(0xb...', 'MusicBrainz::Server=HASH(0xb90cab0)') called at local/lib/perl5/Catalyst.pm line 1667 eval

      {...} called at local/lib/perl5/Catalyst.pm line 1667 Catalyst::execute('MusicBrainz::Server=HASH(0xb90cab0)', 'MusicBrainz::Server::Controller::ReleaseEditor::Edit', 'Catalyst::Action=HASH(0xb531070)') called at local/lib/perl5/Catalyst/Plugin/StackTrace.pm line 94 Catalyst::Plugin::StackTrace::execute('MusicBrainz::Server=HASH(0xb90cab0)', 'MusicBrainz::Server::Controller::ReleaseEditor::Edit', 'Catalyst::Action=HASH(0xb531070)') called at lib/MusicBrainz/Server.pm line 316 MusicBrainz::Server::execute('MusicBrainz::Server=HASH(0xb90cab0)', 'MusicBrainz::Server::Controller::ReleaseEditor::Edit', 'Catalyst::Action=HASH(0xb531070)') called at local/lib/perl5/Catalyst/Action.pm line 60 Catalyst::Action::dispatch('Catalyst::Action=HASH(0xb531070)', 'MusicBrainz::Server=HASH(0xb90cab0)') called at local/lib/perl5/Catalyst/ActionChain.pm line 38 Catalyst::ActionChain::dispatch('Catalyst::ActionChain=HASH(0xbfb4ea8)', 'MusicBrainz::Server=HASH(0xb90cab0)') called at local/lib/perl5/Catalyst/Controller.pm line 125 Catalyst::Controller::_ACTION('MusicBrainz::Server::Controller::ReleaseEditor::Add=HASH(0xb3...', 'MusicBrainz::Server=HASH(0xb90cab0)') called at local/lib/perl5/Catalyst/Action.pm line 65 Catalyst::Action::execute('Catalyst::Action=HASH(0xb530b18)', 'MusicBrainz::Server::Controller::ReleaseEditor::Add=HASH(0xb3...', 'MusicBrainz::Server=HASH(0xb90cab0)') called at local/lib/perl5/Catalyst.pm line 1667 eval {...}

      called at local/lib/perl5/Catalyst.pm line 1667 Catalyst::execute('MusicBrainz::Server=HASH(0xb90cab0)', 'MusicBrainz::Server::Controller::ReleaseEditor::Add', 'Catalyst::Action=HASH(0xb530b18)') called at local/lib/perl5/Catalyst/Plugin/StackTrace.pm line 94 Catalyst::Plugin::StackTrace::execute('MusicBrainz::Server=HASH(0xb90cab0)', 'MusicBrainz::Server::Controller::ReleaseEditor::Add', 'Catalyst::Action=HASH(0xb530b18)') called at lib/MusicBrainz/Server.pm line 316 MusicBrainz::Server::execute('MusicBrainz::Server=HASH(0xb90cab0)', 'MusicBrainz::Server::Controller::ReleaseEditor::Add', 'Catalyst::Action=HASH(0xb530b18)') called at local/lib/perl5/Catalyst/Action.pm line 60 Catalyst::Action::dispatch('Catalyst::Action=HASH(0xb530b18)', 'MusicBrainz::Server=HASH(0xb90cab0)') called at local/lib/perl5/Catalyst/Dispatcher.pm line 257 Catalyst::Dispatcher::_do_forward('Catalyst::Dispatcher=HASH(0x3622e88)', 'forward', 'MusicBrainz::Server=HASH(0xb90cab0)', '_ACTION') called at local/lib/perl5/Catalyst/Dispatcher.pm line 237 Catalyst::Dispatcher::forward('Catalyst::Dispatcher=HASH(0x3622e88)', 'MusicBrainz::Server=HASH(0xb90cab0)', '_ACTION') called at local/lib/perl5/Catalyst.pm line 342 Catalyst::forward('MusicBrainz::Server=HASH(0xb90cab0)', '_ACTION') called at local/lib/perl5/Catalyst/Controller.pm line 99 Catalyst::Controller::_DISPATCH('MusicBrainz::Server::Controller::ReleaseEditor::Add=HASH(0xb3...', 'MusicBrainz::Server=HASH(0xb90cab0)') called at local/lib/perl5/Catalyst/Action.pm line 65 Catalyst::Action::execute('Catalyst::Action=HASH(0xb6728e0)', 'MusicBrainz::Server::Controller::ReleaseEditor::Add=HASH(0xb3...', 'MusicBrainz::Server=HASH(0xb90cab0)') called at local/lib/perl5/Catalyst.pm line 1667 eval

      {...} called at local/lib/perl5/Catalyst.pm line 1667 Catalyst::execute('MusicBrainz::Server=HASH(0xb90cab0)', 'MusicBrainz::Server::Controller::ReleaseEditor::Add', 'Catalyst::Action=HASH(0xb6728e0)') called at local/lib/perl5/Catalyst/Plugin/StackTrace.pm line 94 Catalyst::Plugin::StackTrace::execute('MusicBrainz::Server=HASH(0xb90cab0)', 'MusicBrainz::Server::Controller::ReleaseEditor::Add', 'Catalyst::Action=HASH(0xb6728e0)') called at lib/MusicBrainz/Server.pm line 316 MusicBrainz::Server::execute('MusicBrainz::Server=HASH(0xb90cab0)', 'MusicBrainz::Server::Controller::ReleaseEditor::Add', 'Catalyst::Action=HASH(0xb6728e0)') called at local/lib/perl5/Catalyst/Action.pm line 60 Catalyst::Action::dispatch('Catalyst::Action=HASH(0xb6728e0)', 'MusicBrainz::Server=HASH(0xb90cab0)') called at local/lib/perl5/Catalyst/Dispatcher.pm line 257 Catalyst::Dispatcher::do_forward('Catalyst::Dispatcher=HASH(0x3622e88)', 'forward', 'MusicBrainz::Server=HASH(0xb90cab0)', '/release_editor/_DISPATCH') called at local/lib/perl5/Catalyst/Dispatcher.pm line 237 Catalyst::Dispatcher::forward('Catalyst::Dispatcher=HASH(0x3622e88)', 'MusicBrainz::Server=HASH(0xb90cab0)', '/release_editor/_DISPATCH') called at local/lib/perl5/Catalyst.pm line 342 Catalyst::forward('MusicBrainz::Server=HASH(0xb90cab0)', '/release_editor/_DISPATCH') called at local/lib/perl5/Catalyst/Dispatcher.pm line 105 Catalyst::Dispatcher::dispatch('Catalyst::Dispatcher=HASH(0x3622e88)', 'MusicBrainz::Server=HASH(0xb90cab0)') called at local/lib/perl5/Catalyst.pm line 1613 Catalyst::dispatch('MusicBrainz::Server=HASH(0xb90cab0)') called at lib/MusicBrainz/Server.pm line 280 Class::MOP::Class:::around('CODE(0x31da228)', 'MusicBrainz::Server=HASH(0xb90cab0)') called at local/lib/perl5/x86_64-linux-gnu-thread-multi/Class/MOP/Method/Wrapped.pm line 162 Class::MOP::Method::Wrapped::ANON('MusicBrainz::Server=HASH(0xb90cab0)') called at local/lib/perl5/x86_64-linux-gnu-thread-multi/Class/MOP/Method/Wrapped.pm line 91 MusicBrainz::Server::dispatch('MusicBrainz::Server=HASH(0xb90cab0)') called at local/lib/perl5/Catalyst.pm line 1963 Catalyst::ANON_() called at local/lib/perl5/Try/Tiny.pm line 76 eval {...}

      called at local/lib/perl5/Try/Tiny.pm line 67 Try::Tiny::try('CODE(0xb8dccd8)', 'Try::Tiny::Catch=REF(0xbfa84e0)') called at local/lib/perl5/Catalyst.pm line 1969 Catalyst::handle_request('MusicBrainz::Server', 'env', 'HASH(0xb8dffe0)') called at lib/Catalyst/Plugin/AutoRestart.pm line 119 Catalyst::Plugin::AutoRestart::handle_request('MusicBrainz::Server', 'env', 'HASH(0xb8dffe0)') called at local/lib/perl5/Catalyst/Engine.pm line 856 Catalyst::Engine::_ANON_('CODE(0xb8dcdc8)') called at local/lib/perl5/Plack/Handler/FCGI.pm line 134 Plack::Handler::FCGI::run('Plack::Handler::FCGI=HASH(0x1676a30)', 'CODE(0xb86dfa0)') called at local/lib/perl5/Plack/Loader.pm line 88 Plack::Loader::run('Plack::Loader=HASH(0x163fe00)', 'Plack::Handler::FCGI=HASH(0x1676a30)') called at local/lib/perl5/Plack/Runner.pm line 263 Plack::Runner::run('Plack::Runner=HASH(0x1442808)') called at local/bin/plackup line 10 at lib/MusicBrainz/Server/Data/Edit.pm line 333"

      Stack trace:

      line 1268 MusicBrainz::Server::Wizard::ReleaseEditor
      line 1269 MusicBrainz::Server::Wizard::ReleaseEditor
      line 1216 MusicBrainz::Server::Wizard::ReleaseEditor
      line 823 MusicBrainz::Server::Wizard::ReleaseEditor
      line 1116 MusicBrainz::Server::Wizard::ReleaseEditor
      line 919 MusicBrainz::Server::Wizard::ReleaseEditor
      line 899 MusicBrainz::Server::Wizard::ReleaseEditor
      line 825 MusicBrainz::Server::Wizard::ReleaseEditor
      line 84 MusicBrainz::Server::Wizard::ReleaseEditor
      line 169 MusicBrainz::Server::Wizard
      line 402 MusicBrainz::Server::Wizard
      line 133 MusicBrainz::Server::Wizard
      line 93 MusicBrainz::Server::Wizard::ReleaseEditor
      line 17 MusicBrainz::Server::Controller::ReleaseEditor::Edit
      line 316 MusicBrainz::Server
      line 316 MusicBrainz::Server
      line 316 MusicBrainz::Server
      line 280 MusicBrainz::Server

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      URL: http://musicbrainz.org/release/848ce37b-8846-40f0-9f72-f6c7d568fbdb/edit

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