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  1. MusicBrainz Server
  2. MBS-4478

Misleading messages when adding new entities through an edit


      Edit an existing release, and on the Recordings tab switch one of the tracks to "Add a new recording."

      1. On the Edit Note tab, the mouseover text for the new recording is: "This entity will be created when edits are entered." This is misleading, as the recording is not actually created when you enter the edit, but when the edit finally passes.

      2. While the edit is open, the mouseover text for the new recording is: "This entity has been removed, and cannot be displayed correctly." This is clearly wrong, since the entity has never existed and is going to be created later.

      3. Once the edit has been accepted, the edit shows nothing about the recordings. It is an Edit Medium type, and shows the medium affected but nothing else. Example here on test: http://test.musicbrainz.org/edit/16086440

            reosarevok Nicolás Tamargo
            eey0re Oliver Lineham
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