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  1. MusicBrainz Server
  2. MBS-5170

in the edit summary, there is "begin date"/"end date" reglardless of whether it's "person", "group" or "other"


      if you add the new artist to the database, in the edit summary there is just "begin date" regardless of whether it's person, group or other. it's misleading. for example: http://musicbrainz.org/edit/18451983 (you can see begin date, but it should be born/born date). but when you're creating the artist and change the option to person, there is "born", for group it's "founded" and for other it's "began". so, "born(date)", "founded" and "began(or begin date)" should be also in the actual edit summary. the same should apply for "deceased", "dissolved" and "ended", now there's just "end date".

            ianmcorvidae Ian McEwen
            culinko Peter Culak
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                Version Package
                Bug fixes, 2012-09-03