Resolution: Fixed
Reproduced three times on beta, worked fine when entering the edit on the main server.
Fehler: Caught exception in MusicBrainz::Server::Controller::Release->remove_cover_art "The edit could not be created. POST: $VAR1 = { 'confirm.edit_note' => 'replacing with a version without the white borders', 'confirm.as_auto_editor' => '1' }; Exception:$VAR1 = 'Could not create MusicBrainz::Server::Edit::Release::RemoveCoverArt edit $VAR1 = { \'release\' => bless( { \'status\' => bless( { \'name\' => \'Official\', \'id\' => 1 }, \'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::ReleaseStatus\' ), \'release_group\' => bless( { \'last_updated\' => bless( { \'local_rd_secs\' => 61694, \'local_rd_days\' => 734801, \'rd_nanosecs\' => 242374000, \'locale\' => bless( { \'default_time_format_length\' => \'medium\', \'native_territory\' => \'United States\', \'native_language\' => \'English\', \'native_complete_name\' => \'English United States\', \'en_language\' => \'English\', \'id\' => \'en_US\', \'default_date_format_length\' => \'medium\', \'en_complete_name\' => \'English United States\', \'en_territory\' => \'United States\' }, \'DateTime::Locale::en_US\' ), \'local_c\' => { \'hour\' => 17, \'second\' => 14, \'month\' => 10, \'quarter\' => 4, \'day_of_year\' => 299, \'day_of_quarter\' => 25, \'minute\' => 8, \'day\' => 25, \'day_of_week\' => 4, \'year\' => 2012 }, \'utc_rd_secs\' => 61694, \'formatter\' => undef, \'tz\' => bless( { \'name\' => \'UTC\' }, \'DateTime::TimeZone::UTC\' ), \'utc_year\' => 2013, \'utc_rd_days\' => 734801, \'offset_modifier\' => 0 }, \'DateTime\' ), \'primary_type\' => bless( { \'name\' => \'Album\', \'id\' => 1 }, \'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::ReleaseGroupType\' ), \'artist_credit_id\' => 55011, \'secondary_types\' => [], \'relationships\' => [], \'name\' => \'Book of Chet\', \'release_count\' => 1, \'edits_pending\' => 0, \'first_release_date\' => bless( { \'month\' => 8, \'day\' => 28, \'year\' => 2012 }, \'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::PartialDate\' ), \'comment\' => \'\', \'primary_type_id\' => 1, \'id\' => 1205754, \'gid\' => \'c971e594-2f15-4ffe-ad22-ad0a0e90a9c8\' }, \'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::ReleaseGroup\' ), \'cover_art_url\' => \'http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/419ckh65YZL.jpg\', \'date\' => bless( { \'month\' => 8, \'day\' => 28, \'year\' => 2012 }, \'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::PartialDate\' ), \'relationships\' => [ bless( { \'link\' => bless( { \'ended\' => \'0\', \'end_date\' => bless( {}, \'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::PartialDate\' ), \'type_id\' => 77, \'type\' => bless( { \'entity0_type\' => \'release\', \'priority\' => 0, \'name\' => \'amazon asin\', \'description\' => \'This link type is used for Amazon ASINs. This allows users to link to the Amazon pages to show the right cover art if MusicBrainz does not have the right ASIN link already. Paste any URL to any Amazon product page that contains an Amazon ASIN and the ASIN will be parsed from that URL. (Details)\', \'parent_id\' => 81, \'short_link_phrase\' => \'has Amazon ASIN\', \'link_phrase\' => \'ASIN\', \'entity1_type\' => \'url\', \'id\' => 77, \'reverse_link_phrase\' => \'ASIN\', \'gid\' => \'4f2e710d-166c-480c-a293-2e2c8d658d87\', \'child_order\' => 0 }, \'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::LinkType\' ), \'begin_date\' => bless( {}, \'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::PartialDate\' ), \'id\' => 6300 }, \'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Link\' ), \'last_updated\' => bless( { \'local_rd_secs\' => 61362, \'local_rd_days\' => 734803, \'rd_nanosecs\' => 277676000, \'locale\' => $VAR1->{\'release\'}{\'release_group\'}{\'last_updated\'}{\'locale\'}, \'local_c\' => { \'hour\' => 17, \'second\' => 42, \'month\' => 10, \'quarter\' => 4, \'day_of_year\' => 301, \'day_of_quarter\' => 27, \'minute\' => 2, \'day\' => 27, \'day_of_week\' => 6, \'year\' => 2012 }, \'utc_rd_secs\' => 61362, \'formatter\' => undef, \'tz\' => $VAR1->{\'release\'}{\'release_group\'}{\'last_updated\'}{\'tz\'}, \'utc_year\' => 2013, \'utc_rd_days\' => 734803, \'offset_modifier\' => 0 }, \'DateTime\' ), \'entity1_id\' => 1512070, \'entity0_id\' => 1212475, \'edits_pending\' => 1, \'direction\' => \'1\', \'link_id\' => 6300, \'entity1\' => bless( { \'url\' => bless( do{\\(my $o = \'http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B008BUOBME\')}, \'URI::http\' ), \'id\' => 1512070, \'edits_pending\' => 0, \'gid\' => \'a0b2c92e-c6c7-4b28-ae47-bab367f94337\' }, \'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::URL::ASIN\' ), \'entity0\' => $VAR1->{\'release\'}, \'id\' => 849276 }, \'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Relationship\' ) ], \'edits_pending\' => 2, \'release_group_id\' => 1205754, \'mediums\' => [ bless( { \'format_id\' => 1, \'release_id\' => 1212475, \'position\' => 1, \'release\' => $VAR1->{\'release\'}, \'edits_pending\' => 0, \'tracklist\' => bless( { \'track_count\' => 10, \'id\' => 1383878 }, \'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Tracklist\' ), \'format\' => bless( { \'name\' => \'CD\', \'has_discids\' => \'1\', \'id\' => 1, \'child_order\' => 0, \'year\' => 1982 }, \'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::MediumFormat\' ), \'id\' => 1238691, \'tracklist_id\' => 1383878 }, \'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Medium\' ) ], \'info_url\' => \'http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B008BUOBME\', \'id\' => 1212475, \'labels\' => [ bless( { \'release_id\' => 1212475, \'label_id\' => 18955, \'label\' => bless( { \'last_updated\' => bless( { \'local_rd_secs\' => 68425, \'local_rd_days\' => 734448, \'locale\' => bless( { \'native_language\' => \'English\', \'native_territory\' => \'United States\', \'default_time_format_length\' => \'medium\', \'native_complete_name\' => \'English United States\', \'en_language\' => \'English\', \'id\' => \'en_US\', \'default_date_format_length\' => \'medium\', \'en_territory\' => \'United States\', \'en_complete_name\' => \'English United States\' }, \'DateTime::Locale::en_US\' ), \'rd_nanosecs\' => 884879000, \'utc_rd_secs\' => 68425, \'local_c\' => { \'hour\' => 19, \'second\' => 25, \'month\' => 11, \'quarter\' => 4, \'day_of_year\' => 311, \'day_of_quarter\' => 38, \'minute\' => 0, \'day\' => 7, \'day_of_week\' => 1, \'year\' => 2011 }, \'formatter\' => undef, \'utc_year\' => 2012, \'tz\' => bless( { \'name\' => \'UTC\' }, \'DateTime::TimeZone::UTC\' ), \'offset_modifier\' => 0, \'utc_rd_days\' => 734448 }, \'DateTime\' ), \'name\' => \'Sunnyside Records\', \'begin_date\' => bless( { \'year\' => 1982 }, \'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::PartialDate\' ), \'edits_pending\' => 0, \'ended\' => \'0\', \'country_id\' => 222, \'comment\' => \'\', \'end_date\' => bless( {}, \'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::PartialDate\' ), \'type_id\' => 4, \'id\' => 18955, \'ipi_codes\' => [], \'sort_name\' => \'Sunnyside Records\', \'gid\' => \'92851d27-e2c0-402c-8e48-ec13e9e0137b\' }, \'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Label\' ), \'id\' => 748256 }, \'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::ReleaseLabel\' ) ], \'script_id\' => 28, \'quality\' => \'1\', \'status_id\' => 1, \'script\' => bless( { \'frequency\' => 4, \'iso_code\' => \'Latn\', \'iso_number\' => \'215\', \'name\' => \'Latin\', \'id\' => 28 }, \'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Script\' ), \'last_updated\' => bless( { \'local_rd_secs\' => 40612, \'local_rd_days\' => 734817, \'rd_nanosecs\' => 779262000, \'locale\' => $VAR1->{\'release\'}{\'release_group\'}{\'last_updated\'}{\'locale\'}, \'local_c\' => { \'hour\' => 11, \'second\' => 52, \'month\' => 11, \'quarter\' => 4, \'day_of_year\' => 315, \'day_of_quarter\' => 41, \'minute\' => 16, \'day\' => 10, \'day_of_week\' => 6, \'year\' => 2012 }, \'utc_rd_secs\' => 40612, \'formatter\' => undef, \'tz\' => $VAR1->{\'release\'}{\'release_group\'}{\'last_updated\'}{\'tz\'}, \'utc_year\' => 2013, \'utc_rd_days\' => 734817, \'offset_modifier\' => 0 }, \'DateTime\' ), \'language\' => bless( { \'frequency\' => 2, \'iso_code_3\' => \'mul\', \'name\' => \'[Multiple languages]\', \'id\' => 284, \'iso_code_2t\' => \'mul\', \'iso_code_2b\' => \'mul\' }, \'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Language\' ), \'artist_credit_id\' => 55011, \'name\' => \'Book of Chet\', \'artist_credit\' => bless( { \'names\' => [ bless( { \'join_phrase\' => \'\', \'artist\' => bless( { \'comment\' => \'\', \'name\' => \'Luciana Souza\', \'id\' => 55011, \'ipi_codes\' => [], \'sort_name\' => \'Souza, Luciana\', \'gid\' => \'19bf356a-1505-47f9-9466-03582fce2a4d\' }, \'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Artist\' ), \'artist_id\' => 55011, \'name\' => \'Luciana Souza\' }, \'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::ArtistCreditName\' ) ], \'id\' => \'55011\', \'artist_count\' => 1 }, \'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::ArtistCredit\' ), \'barcode\' => bless( { \'code\' => \'016728131629\' }, \'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Barcode\' ), \'language_id\' => 284, \'amazon_asin\' => \'B008BUOBME\', \'comment\' => \'\', \'cover_art_presence\' => \'present\', \'gid\' => \'ed6f1784-a10b-433d-b137-b0de5340a9e6\' }, \'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Release\' ), \'to_delete\' => bless( { \'types\' => [ \'Vorderseite\' ], \'comment\' => \'\', \'approved\' => 1, \'small_thumbnail\' => \'http://coverartarchive.org/release/ed6f1784-a10b-433d-b137-b0de5340a9e6/2365601381-250.jpg\', \'large_thumbnail\' => \'http://coverartarchive.org/release/ed6f1784-a10b-433d-b137-b0de5340a9e6/2365601381-500.jpg\', \'id\' => \'2365601381\', \'edit\' => 19429717, \'image\' => \'http://coverartarchive.org/release/ed6f1784-a10b-433d-b137-b0de5340a9e6/2365601381.jpg\' }, \'Net::CoverArtArchive::CoverArt\' ) }; Can\'t call method "name" on an undefined value at lib/MusicBrainz/Server/Edit/Release/RemoveCoverArt.pm line 50. at lib/MusicBrainz/Server/Data/Edit.pm line 360. '; at lib/MusicBrainz/Server/Controller.pm line 101. at lib/Sql.pm line 294." Stack-Trace: line 19 MusicBrainz::Server::Model::MB line 144 MusicBrainz::Server::Controller line 717 MusicBrainz::Server::Controller::Release line 311 MusicBrainz::Server line 311 MusicBrainz::Server line 311 MusicBrainz::Server line 270 MusicBrainz::Server line 366 MusicBrainz::Server line 277 MusicBrainz::Server Anfragedaten: $VAR1 = { 'query_parameters' => {}, 'body_parameters' => { 'confirm.edit_note' => 'replacing with a version without the white borders', 'confirm.as_auto_editor' => '1' } }; Interface language: de URL: https://beta.musicbrainz.org/release/ed6f1784-a10b-433d-b137-b0de5340a9e6/remove-cover-art/2365601381