New Feature
Resolution: Unresolved
This will probably need to be part of a schema change.
When works are related to each other using the "has part" relationship, or recordings are related to each other using the "compilation of" relationship, it should be possible for entities to inherit relationships.
For example, Work A has parts Work B and Work C. If a composer is related to Work A, then this composer relationship should automatically be shown on Work B and Work C. This remove the need for linking the composer to all sub-works of a suite.
The inheritance for a relationship should be able to be overridden by adding the corresponding relationship to a sub-work. So, if it turned out that another composed wrote Work C, but it was still a part of Work A, the composer could be related to Work C and the inherited relationship from Work A would be ignored.
In the future, if we introduce a Performance entity, then we'll almost certainly want to inherit performance ARs from the Performance to related Recordings.
There are probably other situations where we would want inheritance, but I can't think of any right now!