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  1. MusicBrainz Server
  2. MBS-7373

Edit diff for reordering is misleading


      This doesn't seem to affect every reorder edit, but see for example: https://beta.musicbrainz.org/edit/26826844
      In that edit, I swapped the positions of tracks 1 and 2 and of tracks 3 and 4 by pressing the up arrow on tracks 2 and 4.

      The diff which is displayed claims the track MBIDs for tracks 2 and 4 are being changed (but not tracks 1 and 3, it seems), when (according to bitmap who tested locally), the track MBIDs move along with the tracks (as we intended it to work).

      It also claims the recording for track 2 is being changed, when in fact none of the recordings change, they move along with the tracks like the MBIDs do.

      The expected behaviour, for me at least, would be to detect reordering and handle it better so that it doesn't claim that track MBIDs and recording associations are changing when they're not.

            bitmap Michael Wiencek
            nikki nikki
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