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  1. MusicBrainz Server
  2. MBS-7400

"merge artist" edit with "rename artist credit" option is a tracklist changing edit but is missing in release, release-group and recording edit histories


      I do watch my collection edits. I want to know when my tracklists will change in order to review the edits.
      The edit system is great because it tries to show, in release edit history (open) indirect edits that will end up changing the tracklist like the global Edit artist credit for instance.
      But tosay i have spotted a missing edit in that same release, although it has the same changing effect as the previous, it's the Merge artists with Rename artist credits: Yes, it's not in the release edits.

      Same for recording where they are not shown.
      Probably same for release group.

            chirlu Ulrich Klauer
            jesus2099 jesus2099
            1 Vote for this issue
            0 Start watching this issue


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