Resolution: Unresolved
The apps all need to be code signed.
For users with moderate to strict security settings, MB products such as Picard, AcousticBrainz Fingerprinter and AcousticBrainz GUI all trigger various security settings. Once that is done, users can download and run them without security alerts. Further, code signing is one the requirements to post any application in almost any app store as well.
- is a dependency of
AB-1 AcousticBrainz OSX GUI client is not code signed
- Open
PICARD-342 Picard is not properly signed for Mac OS X Gatekeeper
- Closed
PICARD-641 Picard 1.3 is not code signed on OS X
- Closed
- is related to
OTHER-198 Enroll MetaBrainz in the Mac Developer Program so that we can distribute codesigned apps
- Closed