Resolution: Won't Do
currently any single click in the description-area on jira tickets will convert the description into an edit field, useful, but annoying when all you wanted was to copy text or focus on the page etc.
example: https://tickets.metabrainz.org/browse/INST-251 any single click on the description renders it a text box instead.
first mentioned: https://chatlogs.metabrainz.org/brainzbot/metabrainz/msg/3818510/
Deactivate click-to-edit descriptions on jira tickets
Resolution: Won't Do
currently any single click in the description-area on jira tickets will convert the description into an edit field, useful, but annoying when all you wanted was to copy text or focus on the page etc.
example: https://tickets.metabrainz.org/browse/INST-251 any single click on the description renders it a text box instead.
first mentioned: https://chatlogs.metabrainz.org/brainzbot/metabrainz/msg/3818510/