Resolution: Fixed
OSX Sierra 10.12.4
After pressing lookup for cluster it gets placed on right in [loading album information]
Waiting does nothing, counter at bottom says 0 requests. Refresh causes debug log to output I: 16:01:45 Not reloading, some requests are still active.
Log of what happens when lookup belwo
D: 15:59:10 Looking up the metadata for cluster Hollow Man... D: 15:59:10 WSREQ: Last request to (u'musicbrainz.org', 443) was 23598 ms ago, starting another one D: 15:59:11 Received reply for https://musicbrainz.org:443/ws/2/release?query=release:(hollow man) tracks:(8) artist:(iamsleepless)&limit=25: HTTP 200 (OK) D: 15:59:11 Cluster Hollow Man identified! D: 15:59:11 Loading album 58f4fdb1-4159-4b4d-b996-98a60a6fa8ab ... D: 15:59:11 Moving <File u'01 - distant-admiration.mp3'> from <Cluster u'Hollow Man'> to <Cluster u'Unmatched Files'> D: 15:59:11 Moving <File u'02 - a-world-apart.mp3'> from <Cluster u'Hollow Man'> to <Cluster u'Unmatched Files'> D: 15:59:11 Moving <File u'03 - hollow-man.mp3'> from <Cluster u'Hollow Man'> to <Cluster u'Unmatched Files'> D: 15:59:11 Moving <File u'04 - suspended-in-time.mp3'> from <Cluster u'Hollow Man'> to <Cluster u'Unmatched Files'> D: 15:59:11 Moving <File u'05 - lonely-girl.mp3'> from <Cluster u'Hollow Man'> to <Cluster u'Unmatched Files'> D: 15:59:11 Moving <File u'06 - fly-away-with-me.mp3'> from <Cluster u'Hollow Man'> to <Cluster u'Unmatched Files'> D: 15:59:11 Moving <File u'07 - in-my-arms.mp3'> from <Cluster u'Hollow Man'> to <Cluster u'Unmatched Files'> D: 15:59:11 Moving <File u'08 - transcending-time.mp3'> from <Cluster u'Hollow Man'> to <Cluster u'Unmatched Files'> D: 15:59:11 Removing <Cluster u'Hollow Man'> D: 15:59:11 WSREQ: Last request to (u'musicbrainz.org', 443) was 1001 ms ago, starting another one D: 15:59:12 Received reply for https://musicbrainz.org:443/ws/2/release/58f4fdb1-4159-4b4d-b996-98a60a6fa8ab?inc=release-groups+media+recordings+artist-credits+artists+aliases+labels+isrcs+collections+artist-rels+release-rels+url-rels+recording-rels+work-rels: HTTP 200 (OK) D: 15:59:12 Loading release u'58f4fdb1-4159-4b4d-b996-98a60a6fa8ab' ... D: 15:59:12 New CoverArt for <Album 58f4fdb1-4159-4b4d-b996-98a60a6fa8ab u''> D: 15:59:12 CA Providers order: Cover Art Archive > Amazon > Whitelist > CaaReleaseGroup > Local D: 15:59:12 There are suitable images in the Cover Art Archive for 58f4fdb1-4159-4b4d-b996-98a60a6fa8ab D: 15:59:12 Trying cover art provider Cover Art Archive ... D: 15:59:12 WSREQ: Starting another request to ('coverartarchive.org', 443) without delay D: 15:59:15 Received reply for https://coverartarchive.org:443/release/58f4fdb1-4159-4b4d-b996-98a60a6fa8ab/: HTTP 307 (TEMPORARY REDIRECT) D: 15:59:15 Redirect to https://archive.org/download/mbid-58f4fdb1-4159-4b4d-b996-98a60a6fa8ab/index.json requested D: 15:59:15 WSREQ: Starting another request to ('archive.org', 443) without delay D: 15:59:17 Received reply for https://archive.org:443/download/mbid-58f4fdb1-4159-4b4d-b996-98a60a6fa8ab/index.json: HTTP 302 (Moved Temporarily) D: 15:59:17 Redirect to https://ia801505.us.archive.org/20/items/mbid-58f4fdb1-4159-4b4d-b996-98a60a6fa8ab/index.json requested D: 15:59:17 Setting rate limit for ia801505.us.archive.org:443 to 0 D: 15:59:17 WSREQ: Starting another request to ('ia801505.us.archive.org', 443) without delay D: 15:59:18 Received reply for https://ia801505.us.archive.org:443/20/items/mbid-58f4fdb1-4159-4b4d-b996-98a60a6fa8ab/index.json: HTTP 200 (OK) D: 15:59:18 Queuing cover art image CaaCoverArtImage(url=u'http://coverartarchive.org/release/58f4fdb1-4159-4b4d-b996-98a60a6fa8ab/16469399781-500.jpg', types=[u'front'], is_front=True) D: 15:59:18 Downloading CaaCoverArtImage(url=u'http://coverartarchive.org/release/58f4fdb1-4159-4b4d-b996-98a60a6fa8ab/16469399781-500.jpg', types=[u'front'], is_front=True) D: 15:59:18 WSREQ: Last request to ('coverartarchive.org', 80) was 522590 ms ago, starting another one D: 15:59:19 Received reply for http://coverartarchive.org:80/release/58f4fdb1-4159-4b4d-b996-98a60a6fa8ab/16469399781-500.jpg: HTTP 307 (TEMPORARY REDIRECT) D: 15:59:19 Redirect to http://archive.org/download/mbid-58f4fdb1-4159-4b4d-b996-98a60a6fa8ab/mbid-58f4fdb1-4159-4b4d-b996-98a60a6fa8ab-16469399781_thumb500.jpg requested D: 15:59:19 WSREQ: Last request to ('archive.org', 80) was 522591 ms ago, starting another one D: 15:59:20 Received reply for http://archive.org:80/download/mbid-58f4fdb1-4159-4b4d-b996-98a60a6fa8ab/mbid-58f4fdb1-4159-4b4d-b996-98a60a6fa8ab-16469399781_thumb500.jpg: HTTP 302 (Moved Temporarily) D: 15:59:20 Redirect to http://ia801505.us.archive.org/20/items/mbid-58f4fdb1-4159-4b4d-b996-98a60a6fa8ab/mbid-58f4fdb1-4159-4b4d-b996-98a60a6fa8ab-16469399781_thumb500.jpg requested D: 15:59:20 WSREQ: Last request to ('ia801505.us.archive.org', 80) was 537336 ms ago, starting another one D: 15:59:20 Received reply for http://ia801505.us.archive.org:80/20/items/mbid-58f4fdb1-4159-4b4d-b996-98a60a6fa8ab/mbid-58f4fdb1-4159-4b4d-b996-98a60a6fa8ab-16469399781_thumb500.jpg: HTTP 200 (OK) (CACHED) D: 15:59:20 Cover art image stored to metadata: CaaCoverArtImage(url=u'http://coverartarchive.org/release/58f4fdb1-4159-4b4d-b996-98a60a6fa8ab/16469399781-500.jpg', types=[u'front'], is_front=True) [w=500 h=500 mime=image/jpeg ext=.jpg datalen=126519 file=/var/folders/y1/xch6mzw92y34gsptgjftsyw00000gn/T/picardMwwpvw.jpg] D: 15:59:20 AcousticBrainz Tonal-Rhythm: Add AcusticBrainz request for Distant Admiration (78301859-3490-4098-a841-eb478ada488e) D: 15:59:21 WIKIDATA: looking up release metadata for 606096ec-dda7-48ed-9fc8-99225977916b D: 15:59:21 WIKIDATA: Looking up cache for item 606096ec-dda7-48ed-9fc8-99225977916b D: 15:59:21 WIKIDATA: requests 2 D: 15:59:21 WIKIDATA: TYPE release-group D: 15:59:21 WIKIDATA: first request for this item I: 15:59:21 WIKIDATA: about to call musicbrainz to look up 606096ec-dda7-48ed-9fc8-99225977916b I: 15:59:21 WIKIDATA: processing release artist d918a2ee-a98a-4d2f-ac94-e5e1ec2d8395 D: 15:59:21 WIKIDATA: Looking up cache for item d918a2ee-a98a-4d2f-ac94-e5e1ec2d8395 D: 15:59:21 WIKIDATA: requests 3 D: 15:59:21 WIKIDATA: TYPE artist D: 15:59:21 WIKIDATA: first request for this item I: 15:59:21 WIKIDATA: about to call musicbrainz to look up d918a2ee-a98a-4d2f-ac94-e5e1ec2d8395 I: 15:59:21 WIKIDATA: processing track artist d918a2ee-a98a-4d2f-ac94-e5e1ec2d8395 D: 15:59:21 WIKIDATA: Looking up cache for item d918a2ee-a98a-4d2f-ac94-e5e1ec2d8395 D: 15:59:21 WIKIDATA: requests 4 D: 15:59:21 WIKIDATA: TYPE artist D: 15:59:21 WIKIDATA: request already pending, add it to the list of items to update once this has been found D: 15:59:21 AcousticBrainz Tonal-Rhythm: Add AcusticBrainz request for A World Apart (7b0c556e-a917-4e9c-a275-0c5cd05f13c5) D: 15:59:24 WIKIDATA: looking up release metadata for 606096ec-dda7-48ed-9fc8-99225977916b D: 15:59:24 WIKIDATA: Looking up cache for item 606096ec-dda7-48ed-9fc8-99225977916b D: 15:59:24 WIKIDATA: requests 7 D: 15:59:24 WIKIDATA: TYPE release-group D: 15:59:24 WIKIDATA: request already pending, add it to the list of items to update once this has been found I: 15:59:24 WIKIDATA: processing release artist d918a2ee-a98a-4d2f-ac94-e5e1ec2d8395 D: 15:59:24 WIKIDATA: Looking up cache for item d918a2ee-a98a-4d2f-ac94-e5e1ec2d8395 D: 15:59:24 WIKIDATA: requests 8 D: 15:59:24 WIKIDATA: TYPE artist D: 15:59:24 WIKIDATA: request already pending, add it to the list of items to update once this has been found I: 15:59:24 WIKIDATA: processing track artist d918a2ee-a98a-4d2f-ac94-e5e1ec2d8395 D: 15:59:24 WIKIDATA: Looking up cache for item d918a2ee-a98a-4d2f-ac94-e5e1ec2d8395 D: 15:59:24 WIKIDATA: requests 9 D: 15:59:24 WIKIDATA: TYPE artist D: 15:59:24 WIKIDATA: request already pending, add it to the list of items to update once this has been found D: 15:59:24 AcousticBrainz Tonal-Rhythm: Add AcusticBrainz request for Hollow Man (09600940-40c3-4038-8fdf-f9dd0d529d9c) D: 15:59:25 WIKIDATA: looking up release metadata for 606096ec-dda7-48ed-9fc8-99225977916b D: 15:59:25 WIKIDATA: Looking up cache for item 606096ec-dda7-48ed-9fc8-99225977916b D: 15:59:25 WIKIDATA: requests 12 D: 15:59:25 WIKIDATA: TYPE release-group D: 15:59:25 WIKIDATA: request already pending, add it to the list of items to update once this has been found I: 15:59:25 WIKIDATA: processing release artist d918a2ee-a98a-4d2f-ac94-e5e1ec2d8395 D: 15:59:25 WIKIDATA: Looking up cache for item d918a2ee-a98a-4d2f-ac94-e5e1ec2d8395 D: 15:59:25 WIKIDATA: requests 13 D: 15:59:25 WIKIDATA: TYPE artist D: 15:59:25 WIKIDATA: request already pending, add it to the list of items to update once this has been found I: 15:59:25 WIKIDATA: processing track artist d918a2ee-a98a-4d2f-ac94-e5e1ec2d8395 D: 15:59:25 WIKIDATA: Looking up cache for item d918a2ee-a98a-4d2f-ac94-e5e1ec2d8395 D: 15:59:25 WIKIDATA: requests 14 D: 15:59:25 WIKIDATA: TYPE artist D: 15:59:25 WIKIDATA: request already pending, add it to the list of items to update once this has been found D: 15:59:25 AcousticBrainz Tonal-Rhythm: Add AcusticBrainz request for Suspended in Time (06490c26-bcf8-4714-9139-727802ef8ee9) D: 15:59:25 WIKIDATA: looking up release metadata for 606096ec-dda7-48ed-9fc8-99225977916b D: 15:59:25 WIKIDATA: Looking up cache for item 606096ec-dda7-48ed-9fc8-99225977916b D: 15:59:25 WIKIDATA: requests 17 D: 15:59:25 WIKIDATA: TYPE release-group D: 15:59:25 WIKIDATA: request already pending, add it to the list of items to update once this has been found I: 15:59:25 WIKIDATA: processing release artist d918a2ee-a98a-4d2f-ac94-e5e1ec2d8395 D: 15:59:25 WIKIDATA: Looking up cache for item d918a2ee-a98a-4d2f-ac94-e5e1ec2d8395 D: 15:59:25 WIKIDATA: requests 18 D: 15:59:25 WIKIDATA: TYPE artist D: 15:59:25 WIKIDATA: request already pending, add it to the list of items to update once this has been found I: 15:59:25 WIKIDATA: processing track artist d918a2ee-a98a-4d2f-ac94-e5e1ec2d8395 D: 15:59:25 WIKIDATA: Looking up cache for item d918a2ee-a98a-4d2f-ac94-e5e1ec2d8395 D: 15:59:25 WIKIDATA: requests 19 D: 15:59:25 WIKIDATA: TYPE artist D: 15:59:25 WIKIDATA: request already pending, add it to the list of items to update once this has been found D: 15:59:25 AcousticBrainz Tonal-Rhythm: Add AcusticBrainz request for Lonely Girl (3c0dfb2d-af50-46f0-a1d8-8ff8936c713b) D: 15:59:26 WIKIDATA: looking up release metadata for 606096ec-dda7-48ed-9fc8-99225977916b D: 15:59:26 WIKIDATA: Looking up cache for item 606096ec-dda7-48ed-9fc8-99225977916b D: 15:59:26 WIKIDATA: requests 22 D: 15:59:26 WIKIDATA: TYPE release-group D: 15:59:26 WIKIDATA: request already pending, add it to the list of items to update once this has been found I: 15:59:26 WIKIDATA: processing release artist d918a2ee-a98a-4d2f-ac94-e5e1ec2d8395 D: 15:59:26 WIKIDATA: Looking up cache for item d918a2ee-a98a-4d2f-ac94-e5e1ec2d8395 D: 15:59:26 WIKIDATA: requests 23 D: 15:59:26 WIKIDATA: TYPE artist D: 15:59:26 WIKIDATA: request already pending, add it to the list of items to update once this has been found I: 15:59:26 WIKIDATA: processing track artist d918a2ee-a98a-4d2f-ac94-e5e1ec2d8395 D: 15:59:26 WIKIDATA: Looking up cache for item d918a2ee-a98a-4d2f-ac94-e5e1ec2d8395 D: 15:59:26 WIKIDATA: requests 24 D: 15:59:26 WIKIDATA: TYPE artist D: 15:59:26 WIKIDATA: request already pending, add it to the list of items to update once this has been found D: 15:59:26 AcousticBrainz Tonal-Rhythm: Add AcusticBrainz request for Fly Away With Me (91371b86-e2b5-4a59-b807-607caccffb56) D: 15:59:27 WIKIDATA: looking up release metadata for 606096ec-dda7-48ed-9fc8-99225977916b D: 15:59:27 WIKIDATA: Looking up cache for item 606096ec-dda7-48ed-9fc8-99225977916b D: 15:59:27 WIKIDATA: requests 27 D: 15:59:27 WIKIDATA: TYPE release-group D: 15:59:27 WIKIDATA: request already pending, add it to the list of items to update once this has been found I: 15:59:27 WIKIDATA: processing release artist d918a2ee-a98a-4d2f-ac94-e5e1ec2d8395 D: 15:59:27 WIKIDATA: Looking up cache for item d918a2ee-a98a-4d2f-ac94-e5e1ec2d8395 D: 15:59:27 WIKIDATA: requests 28 D: 15:59:27 WIKIDATA: TYPE artist D: 15:59:27 WIKIDATA: request already pending, add it to the list of items to update once this has been found I: 15:59:27 WIKIDATA: processing track artist d918a2ee-a98a-4d2f-ac94-e5e1ec2d8395 D: 15:59:27 WIKIDATA: Looking up cache for item d918a2ee-a98a-4d2f-ac94-e5e1ec2d8395 D: 15:59:27 WIKIDATA: requests 29 D: 15:59:27 WIKIDATA: TYPE artist D: 15:59:27 WIKIDATA: request already pending, add it to the list of items to update once this has been found D: 15:59:27 AcousticBrainz Tonal-Rhythm: Add AcusticBrainz request for In My Arms (1abb99b7-4fb6-42bf-a1e3-1208d90ce184) D: 15:59:27 WIKIDATA: looking up release metadata for 606096ec-dda7-48ed-9fc8-99225977916b D: 15:59:27 WIKIDATA: Looking up cache for item 606096ec-dda7-48ed-9fc8-99225977916b D: 15:59:27 WIKIDATA: requests 32 D: 15:59:27 WIKIDATA: TYPE release-group D: 15:59:27 WIKIDATA: request already pending, add it to the list of items to update once this has been found I: 15:59:27 WIKIDATA: processing release artist d918a2ee-a98a-4d2f-ac94-e5e1ec2d8395 D: 15:59:27 WIKIDATA: Looking up cache for item d918a2ee-a98a-4d2f-ac94-e5e1ec2d8395 D: 15:59:27 WIKIDATA: requests 33 D: 15:59:27 WIKIDATA: TYPE artist D: 15:59:27 WIKIDATA: request already pending, add it to the list of items to update once this has been found I: 15:59:27 WIKIDATA: processing track artist d918a2ee-a98a-4d2f-ac94-e5e1ec2d8395 D: 15:59:27 WIKIDATA: Looking up cache for item d918a2ee-a98a-4d2f-ac94-e5e1ec2d8395 D: 15:59:27 WIKIDATA: requests 34 D: 15:59:27 WIKIDATA: TYPE artist D: 15:59:27 WIKIDATA: request already pending, add it to the list of items to update once this has been found D: 15:59:27 AcousticBrainz Tonal-Rhythm: Add AcusticBrainz request for Transcending Time (61ae85b0-511c-48fb-af53-14b109f10b21) D: 15:59:29 WIKIDATA: looking up release metadata for 606096ec-dda7-48ed-9fc8-99225977916b D: 15:59:29 WIKIDATA: Looking up cache for item 606096ec-dda7-48ed-9fc8-99225977916b D: 15:59:29 WIKIDATA: requests 37 D: 15:59:29 WIKIDATA: TYPE release-group D: 15:59:29 WIKIDATA: request already pending, add it to the list of items to update once this has been found I: 15:59:29 WIKIDATA: processing release artist d918a2ee-a98a-4d2f-ac94-e5e1ec2d8395 D: 15:59:29 WIKIDATA: Looking up cache for item d918a2ee-a98a-4d2f-ac94-e5e1ec2d8395 D: 15:59:29 WIKIDATA: requests 38 D: 15:59:29 WIKIDATA: TYPE artist D: 15:59:29 WIKIDATA: request already pending, add it to the list of items to update once this has been found I: 15:59:29 WIKIDATA: processing track artist d918a2ee-a98a-4d2f-ac94-e5e1ec2d8395 D: 15:59:29 WIKIDATA: Looking up cache for item d918a2ee-a98a-4d2f-ac94-e5e1ec2d8395 D: 15:59:29 WIKIDATA: requests 39 D: 15:59:29 WIKIDATA: TYPE artist D: 15:59:29 WIKIDATA: request already pending, add it to the list of items to update once this has been found D: 15:59:29 WSREQ: Last request to ('acousticbrainz.org', 80) was 237733 ms ago, starting another one D: 15:59:29 WSREQ: Last request to (u'musicbrainz.org', 443) was 18153 ms ago, starting another one D: 15:59:29 WSREQ: Last request to ('acousticbrainz.org', 80) was 50 ms ago, starting another one D: 15:59:29 WSREQ: Last request to (u'musicbrainz.org', 443) was 50 ms ago, waiting 950 ms before starting another one D: 15:59:29 WSREQ: Last request to ('acousticbrainz.org', 80) was 50 ms ago, starting another one D: 15:59:29 WSREQ: Last request to (u'musicbrainz.org', 443) was 101 ms ago, waiting 899 ms before starting another one D: 15:59:29 WSREQ: Last request to ('acousticbrainz.org', 80) was 51 ms ago, starting another one D: 15:59:29 WSREQ: Last request to (u'musicbrainz.org', 443) was 153 ms ago, waiting 847 ms before starting another one D: 15:59:30 WSREQ: Last request to ('acousticbrainz.org', 80) was 50 ms ago, starting another one D: 15:59:30 WSREQ: Last request to (u'musicbrainz.org', 443) was 204 ms ago, waiting 796 ms before starting another one D: 15:59:30 WSREQ: Last request to ('acousticbrainz.org', 80) was 50 ms ago, starting another one D: 15:59:30 WSREQ: Last request to (u'musicbrainz.org', 443) was 255 ms ago, waiting 745 ms before starting another one D: 15:59:30 WSREQ: Last request to ('acousticbrainz.org', 80) was 51 ms ago, starting another one D: 15:59:30 WSREQ: Last request to (u'musicbrainz.org', 443) was 306 ms ago, waiting 694 ms before starting another one D: 15:59:30 WSREQ: Last request to ('acousticbrainz.org', 80) was 50 ms ago, starting another one D: 15:59:30 WSREQ: Last request to (u'musicbrainz.org', 443) was 357 ms ago, waiting 643 ms before starting another one D: 15:59:30 WSREQ: Last request to (u'musicbrainz.org', 443) was 408 ms ago, waiting 592 ms before starting another one D: 15:59:30 Received reply for https://musicbrainz.org:443/ws/2/release-group/606096ec-dda7-48ed-9fc8-99225977916b?inc=url-rels: HTTP 200 (OK) I: 15:59:30 WIKIDATA: no wikidata url D: 15:59:30 WIKIDATA: TOTAL REMAINING REQUESTS 39 D: 15:59:30 WIKIDATA: TOTAL REMAINING REQUESTS 38 D: 15:59:30 WIKIDATA: TOTAL REMAINING REQUESTS 37 D: 15:59:30 WIKIDATA: TOTAL REMAINING REQUESTS 36 D: 15:59:30 WIKIDATA: TOTAL REMAINING REQUESTS 35 D: 15:59:30 WIKIDATA: TOTAL REMAINING REQUESTS 34 D: 15:59:30 WIKIDATA: TOTAL REMAINING REQUESTS 33 D: 15:59:30 WIKIDATA: TOTAL REMAINING REQUESTS 32 E: 15:59:30 Network request error for http://acousticbrainz.org:80/7b0c556e-a917-4e9c-a275-0c5cd05f13c5/low-level: Error downloading http://acousticbrainz.org:80/7b0c556e-a917-4e9c-a275-0c5cd05f13c5/low-level - server replied: NOT FOUND (QT code 203, HTTP code 404) E: 15:59:30 AcousticBrainz Tonal-Rhythm: Network error retrieving acousticBrainz data for recordingId 7b0c556e-a917-4e9c-a275-0c5cd05f13c5 D: 15:59:30 WSREQ: Last request to (u'musicbrainz.org', 443) was 1000 ms ago, starting another one E: 15:59:30 Network request error for http://acousticbrainz.org:80/09600940-40c3-4038-8fdf-f9dd0d529d9c/low-level: Error downloading http://acousticbrainz.org:80/09600940-40c3-4038-8fdf-f9dd0d529d9c/low-level - server replied: NOT FOUND (QT code 203, HTTP code 404) E: 15:59:30 AcousticBrainz Tonal-Rhythm: Network error retrieving acousticBrainz data for recordingId 09600940-40c3-4038-8fdf-f9dd0d529d9c E: 15:59:30 Network request error for http://acousticbrainz.org:80/06490c26-bcf8-4714-9139-727802ef8ee9/low-level: Error downloading http://acousticbrainz.org:80/06490c26-bcf8-4714-9139-727802ef8ee9/low-level - server replied: NOT FOUND (QT code 203, HTTP code 404) E: 15:59:30 AcousticBrainz Tonal-Rhythm: Network error retrieving acousticBrainz data for recordingId 06490c26-bcf8-4714-9139-727802ef8ee9 E: 15:59:30 Network request error for http://acousticbrainz.org:80/3c0dfb2d-af50-46f0-a1d8-8ff8936c713b/low-level: Error downloading http://acousticbrainz.org:80/3c0dfb2d-af50-46f0-a1d8-8ff8936c713b/low-level - server replied: NOT FOUND (QT code 203, HTTP code 404) E: 15:59:30 AcousticBrainz Tonal-Rhythm: Network error retrieving acousticBrainz data for recordingId 3c0dfb2d-af50-46f0-a1d8-8ff8936c713b E: 15:59:30 Network request error for http://acousticbrainz.org:80/91371b86-e2b5-4a59-b807-607caccffb56/low-level: Error downloading http://acousticbrainz.org:80/91371b86-e2b5-4a59-b807-607caccffb56/low-level - server replied: NOT FOUND (QT code 203, HTTP code 404) E: 15:59:30 AcousticBrainz Tonal-Rhythm: Network error retrieving acousticBrainz data for recordingId 91371b86-e2b5-4a59-b807-607caccffb56 E: 15:59:31 Network request error for http://acousticbrainz.org:80/1abb99b7-4fb6-42bf-a1e3-1208d90ce184/low-level: Error downloading http://acousticbrainz.org:80/1abb99b7-4fb6-42bf-a1e3-1208d90ce184/low-level - server replied: NOT FOUND (QT code 203, HTTP code 404) E: 15:59:31 AcousticBrainz Tonal-Rhythm: Network error retrieving acousticBrainz data for recordingId 1abb99b7-4fb6-42bf-a1e3-1208d90ce184 E: 15:59:31 Network request error for http://acousticbrainz.org:80/61ae85b0-511c-48fb-af53-14b109f10b21/low-level: Error downloading http://acousticbrainz.org:80/61ae85b0-511c-48fb-af53-14b109f10b21/low-level - server replied: NOT FOUND (QT code 203, HTTP code 404) E: 15:59:31 AcousticBrainz Tonal-Rhythm: Network error retrieving acousticBrainz data for recordingId 61ae85b0-511c-48fb-af53-14b109f10b21 D: 15:59:31 Received reply for https://musicbrainz.org:443/ws/2/artist/d918a2ee-a98a-4d2f-ac94-e5e1ec2d8395?inc=url-rels: HTTP 200 (OK) I: 15:59:31 WIKIDATA: no wikidata url D: 15:59:31 WIKIDATA: TOTAL REMAINING REQUESTS 24 D: 15:59:31 WIKIDATA: TOTAL REMAINING REQUESTS 23 D: 15:59:31 WIKIDATA: TOTAL REMAINING REQUESTS 22 D: 15:59:31 WIKIDATA: TOTAL REMAINING REQUESTS 21 D: 15:59:31 WIKIDATA: TOTAL REMAINING REQUESTS 20 D: 15:59:31 WIKIDATA: TOTAL REMAINING REQUESTS 19 D: 15:59:31 WIKIDATA: TOTAL REMAINING REQUESTS 18 D: 15:59:31 WIKIDATA: TOTAL REMAINING REQUESTS 17 D: 15:59:31 WIKIDATA: TOTAL REMAINING REQUESTS 16 D: 15:59:31 WIKIDATA: TOTAL REMAINING REQUESTS 15 D: 15:59:31 WIKIDATA: TOTAL REMAINING REQUESTS 14 D: 15:59:31 WIKIDATA: TOTAL REMAINING REQUESTS 13 D: 15:59:31 WIKIDATA: TOTAL REMAINING REQUESTS 12 D: 15:59:31 WIKIDATA: TOTAL REMAINING REQUESTS 11 D: 15:59:31 WIKIDATA: TOTAL REMAINING REQUESTS 10 D: 15:59:31 WIKIDATA: TOTAL REMAINING REQUESTS 9 E: 15:59:32 Network request error for http://acousticbrainz.org:80/78301859-3490-4098-a841-eb478ada488e/low-level: Error downloading http://acousticbrainz.org:80/78301859-3490-4098-a841-eb478ada488e/low-level - server replied: NOT FOUND (QT code 203, HTTP code 404) E: 15:59:32 AcousticBrainz Tonal-Rhythm: Network error retrieving acousticBrainz data for recordingId 78301859-3490-4098-a841-eb478ada488e
- has related issue
PICARD-1069 Wikidata Plugin
- Closed
- is related to
PICARD-1007 Stuck on [loading album information]
- Closed
Lookup Places Release in [loading album information] indefinitely
Resolution: Fixed
OSX Sierra 10.12.4
After pressing lookup for cluster it gets placed on right in [loading album information]
Waiting does nothing, counter at bottom says 0 requests. Refresh causes debug log to output I: 16:01:45 Not reloading, some requests are still active.
Log of what happens when lookup belwo
D: 15:59:10 Looking up the metadata for cluster Hollow Man... D: 15:59:10 WSREQ: Last request to (u'musicbrainz.org', 443) was 23598 ms ago, starting another one D: 15:59:11 Received reply for https://musicbrainz.org:443/ws/2/release?query=release:(hollow man) tracks:(8) artist:(iamsleepless)&limit=25: HTTP 200 (OK) D: 15:59:11 Cluster Hollow Man identified! D: 15:59:11 Loading album 58f4fdb1-4159-4b4d-b996-98a60a6fa8ab ... D: 15:59:11 Moving <File u'01 - distant-admiration.mp3'> from <Cluster u'Hollow Man'> to <Cluster u'Unmatched Files'> D: 15:59:11 Moving <File u'02 - a-world-apart.mp3'> from <Cluster u'Hollow Man'> to <Cluster u'Unmatched Files'> D: 15:59:11 Moving <File u'03 - hollow-man.mp3'> from <Cluster u'Hollow Man'> to <Cluster u'Unmatched Files'> D: 15:59:11 Moving <File u'04 - suspended-in-time.mp3'> from <Cluster u'Hollow Man'> to <Cluster u'Unmatched Files'> D: 15:59:11 Moving <File u'05 - lonely-girl.mp3'> from <Cluster u'Hollow Man'> to <Cluster u'Unmatched Files'> D: 15:59:11 Moving <File u'06 - fly-away-with-me.mp3'> from <Cluster u'Hollow Man'> to <Cluster u'Unmatched Files'> D: 15:59:11 Moving <File u'07 - in-my-arms.mp3'> from <Cluster u'Hollow Man'> to <Cluster u'Unmatched Files'> D: 15:59:11 Moving <File u'08 - transcending-time.mp3'> from <Cluster u'Hollow Man'> to <Cluster u'Unmatched Files'> D: 15:59:11 Removing <Cluster u'Hollow Man'> D: 15:59:11 WSREQ: Last request to (u'musicbrainz.org', 443) was 1001 ms ago, starting another one D: 15:59:12 Received reply for https://musicbrainz.org:443/ws/2/release/58f4fdb1-4159-4b4d-b996-98a60a6fa8ab?inc=release-groups+media+recordings+artist-credits+artists+aliases+labels+isrcs+collections+artist-rels+release-rels+url-rels+recording-rels+work-rels: HTTP 200 (OK) D: 15:59:12 Loading release u'58f4fdb1-4159-4b4d-b996-98a60a6fa8ab' ... D: 15:59:12 New CoverArt for <Album 58f4fdb1-4159-4b4d-b996-98a60a6fa8ab u''> D: 15:59:12 CA Providers order: Cover Art Archive > Amazon > Whitelist > CaaReleaseGroup > Local D: 15:59:12 There are suitable images in the Cover Art Archive for 58f4fdb1-4159-4b4d-b996-98a60a6fa8ab D: 15:59:12 Trying cover art provider Cover Art Archive ... D: 15:59:12 WSREQ: Starting another request to ('coverartarchive.org', 443) without delay D: 15:59:15 Received reply for https://coverartarchive.org:443/release/58f4fdb1-4159-4b4d-b996-98a60a6fa8ab/: HTTP 307 (TEMPORARY REDIRECT) D: 15:59:15 Redirect to https://archive.org/download/mbid-58f4fdb1-4159-4b4d-b996-98a60a6fa8ab/index.json requested D: 15:59:15 WSREQ: Starting another request to ('archive.org', 443) without delay D: 15:59:17 Received reply for https://archive.org:443/download/mbid-58f4fdb1-4159-4b4d-b996-98a60a6fa8ab/index.json: HTTP 302 (Moved Temporarily) D: 15:59:17 Redirect to https://ia801505.us.archive.org/20/items/mbid-58f4fdb1-4159-4b4d-b996-98a60a6fa8ab/index.json requested D: 15:59:17 Setting rate limit for ia801505.us.archive.org:443 to 0 D: 15:59:17 WSREQ: Starting another request to ('ia801505.us.archive.org', 443) without delay D: 15:59:18 Received reply for https://ia801505.us.archive.org:443/20/items/mbid-58f4fdb1-4159-4b4d-b996-98a60a6fa8ab/index.json: HTTP 200 (OK) D: 15:59:18 Queuing cover art image CaaCoverArtImage(url=u'http://coverartarchive.org/release/58f4fdb1-4159-4b4d-b996-98a60a6fa8ab/16469399781-500.jpg', types=[u'front'], is_front=True) D: 15:59:18 Downloading CaaCoverArtImage(url=u'http://coverartarchive.org/release/58f4fdb1-4159-4b4d-b996-98a60a6fa8ab/16469399781-500.jpg', types=[u'front'], is_front=True) D: 15:59:18 WSREQ: Last request to ('coverartarchive.org', 80) was 522590 ms ago, starting another one D: 15:59:19 Received reply for http://coverartarchive.org:80/release/58f4fdb1-4159-4b4d-b996-98a60a6fa8ab/16469399781-500.jpg: HTTP 307 (TEMPORARY REDIRECT) D: 15:59:19 Redirect to http://archive.org/download/mbid-58f4fdb1-4159-4b4d-b996-98a60a6fa8ab/mbid-58f4fdb1-4159-4b4d-b996-98a60a6fa8ab-16469399781_thumb500.jpg requested D: 15:59:19 WSREQ: Last request to ('archive.org', 80) was 522591 ms ago, starting another one D: 15:59:20 Received reply for http://archive.org:80/download/mbid-58f4fdb1-4159-4b4d-b996-98a60a6fa8ab/mbid-58f4fdb1-4159-4b4d-b996-98a60a6fa8ab-16469399781_thumb500.jpg: HTTP 302 (Moved Temporarily) D: 15:59:20 Redirect to http://ia801505.us.archive.org/20/items/mbid-58f4fdb1-4159-4b4d-b996-98a60a6fa8ab/mbid-58f4fdb1-4159-4b4d-b996-98a60a6fa8ab-16469399781_thumb500.jpg requested D: 15:59:20 WSREQ: Last request to ('ia801505.us.archive.org', 80) was 537336 ms ago, starting another one D: 15:59:20 Received reply for http://ia801505.us.archive.org:80/20/items/mbid-58f4fdb1-4159-4b4d-b996-98a60a6fa8ab/mbid-58f4fdb1-4159-4b4d-b996-98a60a6fa8ab-16469399781_thumb500.jpg: HTTP 200 (OK) (CACHED) D: 15:59:20 Cover art image stored to metadata: CaaCoverArtImage(url=u'http://coverartarchive.org/release/58f4fdb1-4159-4b4d-b996-98a60a6fa8ab/16469399781-500.jpg', types=[u'front'], is_front=True) [w=500 h=500 mime=image/jpeg ext=.jpg datalen=126519 file=/var/folders/y1/xch6mzw92y34gsptgjftsyw00000gn/T/picardMwwpvw.jpg] D: 15:59:20 AcousticBrainz Tonal-Rhythm: Add AcusticBrainz request for Distant Admiration (78301859-3490-4098-a841-eb478ada488e) D: 15:59:21 WIKIDATA: looking up release metadata for 606096ec-dda7-48ed-9fc8-99225977916b D: 15:59:21 WIKIDATA: Looking up cache for item 606096ec-dda7-48ed-9fc8-99225977916b D: 15:59:21 WIKIDATA: requests 2 D: 15:59:21 WIKIDATA: TYPE release-group D: 15:59:21 WIKIDATA: first request for this item I: 15:59:21 WIKIDATA: about to call musicbrainz to look up 606096ec-dda7-48ed-9fc8-99225977916b I: 15:59:21 WIKIDATA: processing release artist d918a2ee-a98a-4d2f-ac94-e5e1ec2d8395 D: 15:59:21 WIKIDATA: Looking up cache for item d918a2ee-a98a-4d2f-ac94-e5e1ec2d8395 D: 15:59:21 WIKIDATA: requests 3 D: 15:59:21 WIKIDATA: TYPE artist D: 15:59:21 WIKIDATA: first request for this item I: 15:59:21 WIKIDATA: about to call musicbrainz to look up d918a2ee-a98a-4d2f-ac94-e5e1ec2d8395 I: 15:59:21 WIKIDATA: processing track artist d918a2ee-a98a-4d2f-ac94-e5e1ec2d8395 D: 15:59:21 WIKIDATA: Looking up cache for item d918a2ee-a98a-4d2f-ac94-e5e1ec2d8395 D: 15:59:21 WIKIDATA: requests 4 D: 15:59:21 WIKIDATA: TYPE artist D: 15:59:21 WIKIDATA: request already pending, add it to the list of items to update once this has been found D: 15:59:21 AcousticBrainz Tonal-Rhythm: Add AcusticBrainz request for A World Apart (7b0c556e-a917-4e9c-a275-0c5cd05f13c5) D: 15:59:24 WIKIDATA: looking up release metadata for 606096ec-dda7-48ed-9fc8-99225977916b D: 15:59:24 WIKIDATA: Looking up cache for item 606096ec-dda7-48ed-9fc8-99225977916b D: 15:59:24 WIKIDATA: requests 7 D: 15:59:24 WIKIDATA: TYPE release-group D: 15:59:24 WIKIDATA: request already pending, add it to the list of items to update once this has been found I: 15:59:24 WIKIDATA: processing release artist d918a2ee-a98a-4d2f-ac94-e5e1ec2d8395 D: 15:59:24 WIKIDATA: Looking up cache for item d918a2ee-a98a-4d2f-ac94-e5e1ec2d8395 D: 15:59:24 WIKIDATA: requests 8 D: 15:59:24 WIKIDATA: TYPE artist D: 15:59:24 WIKIDATA: request already pending, add it to the list of items to update once this has been found I: 15:59:24 WIKIDATA: processing track artist d918a2ee-a98a-4d2f-ac94-e5e1ec2d8395 D: 15:59:24 WIKIDATA: Looking up cache for item d918a2ee-a98a-4d2f-ac94-e5e1ec2d8395 D: 15:59:24 WIKIDATA: requests 9 D: 15:59:24 WIKIDATA: TYPE artist D: 15:59:24 WIKIDATA: request already pending, add it to the list of items to update once this has been found D: 15:59:24 AcousticBrainz Tonal-Rhythm: Add AcusticBrainz request for Hollow Man (09600940-40c3-4038-8fdf-f9dd0d529d9c) D: 15:59:25 WIKIDATA: looking up release metadata for 606096ec-dda7-48ed-9fc8-99225977916b D: 15:59:25 WIKIDATA: Looking up cache for item 606096ec-dda7-48ed-9fc8-99225977916b D: 15:59:25 WIKIDATA: requests 12 D: 15:59:25 WIKIDATA: TYPE release-group D: 15:59:25 WIKIDATA: request already pending, add it to the list of items to update once this has been found I: 15:59:25 WIKIDATA: processing release artist d918a2ee-a98a-4d2f-ac94-e5e1ec2d8395 D: 15:59:25 WIKIDATA: Looking up cache for item d918a2ee-a98a-4d2f-ac94-e5e1ec2d8395 D: 15:59:25 WIKIDATA: requests 13 D: 15:59:25 WIKIDATA: TYPE artist D: 15:59:25 WIKIDATA: request already pending, add it to the list of items to update once this has been found I: 15:59:25 WIKIDATA: processing track artist d918a2ee-a98a-4d2f-ac94-e5e1ec2d8395 D: 15:59:25 WIKIDATA: Looking up cache for item d918a2ee-a98a-4d2f-ac94-e5e1ec2d8395 D: 15:59:25 WIKIDATA: requests 14 D: 15:59:25 WIKIDATA: TYPE artist D: 15:59:25 WIKIDATA: request already pending, add it to the list of items to update once this has been found D: 15:59:25 AcousticBrainz Tonal-Rhythm: Add AcusticBrainz request for Suspended in Time (06490c26-bcf8-4714-9139-727802ef8ee9) D: 15:59:25 WIKIDATA: looking up release metadata for 606096ec-dda7-48ed-9fc8-99225977916b D: 15:59:25 WIKIDATA: Looking up cache for item 606096ec-dda7-48ed-9fc8-99225977916b D: 15:59:25 WIKIDATA: requests 17 D: 15:59:25 WIKIDATA: TYPE release-group D: 15:59:25 WIKIDATA: request already pending, add it to the list of items to update once this has been found I: 15:59:25 WIKIDATA: processing release artist d918a2ee-a98a-4d2f-ac94-e5e1ec2d8395 D: 15:59:25 WIKIDATA: Looking up cache for item d918a2ee-a98a-4d2f-ac94-e5e1ec2d8395 D: 15:59:25 WIKIDATA: requests 18 D: 15:59:25 WIKIDATA: TYPE artist D: 15:59:25 WIKIDATA: request already pending, add it to the list of items to update once this has been found I: 15:59:25 WIKIDATA: processing track artist d918a2ee-a98a-4d2f-ac94-e5e1ec2d8395 D: 15:59:25 WIKIDATA: Looking up cache for item d918a2ee-a98a-4d2f-ac94-e5e1ec2d8395 D: 15:59:25 WIKIDATA: requests 19 D: 15:59:25 WIKIDATA: TYPE artist D: 15:59:25 WIKIDATA: request already pending, add it to the list of items to update once this has been found D: 15:59:25 AcousticBrainz Tonal-Rhythm: Add AcusticBrainz request for Lonely Girl (3c0dfb2d-af50-46f0-a1d8-8ff8936c713b) D: 15:59:26 WIKIDATA: looking up release metadata for 606096ec-dda7-48ed-9fc8-99225977916b D: 15:59:26 WIKIDATA: Looking up cache for item 606096ec-dda7-48ed-9fc8-99225977916b D: 15:59:26 WIKIDATA: requests 22 D: 15:59:26 WIKIDATA: TYPE release-group D: 15:59:26 WIKIDATA: request already pending, add it to the list of items to update once this has been found I: 15:59:26 WIKIDATA: processing release artist d918a2ee-a98a-4d2f-ac94-e5e1ec2d8395 D: 15:59:26 WIKIDATA: Looking up cache for item d918a2ee-a98a-4d2f-ac94-e5e1ec2d8395 D: 15:59:26 WIKIDATA: requests 23 D: 15:59:26 WIKIDATA: TYPE artist D: 15:59:26 WIKIDATA: request already pending, add it to the list of items to update once this has been found I: 15:59:26 WIKIDATA: processing track artist d918a2ee-a98a-4d2f-ac94-e5e1ec2d8395 D: 15:59:26 WIKIDATA: Looking up cache for item d918a2ee-a98a-4d2f-ac94-e5e1ec2d8395 D: 15:59:26 WIKIDATA: requests 24 D: 15:59:26 WIKIDATA: TYPE artist D: 15:59:26 WIKIDATA: request already pending, add it to the list of items to update once this has been found D: 15:59:26 AcousticBrainz Tonal-Rhythm: Add AcusticBrainz request for Fly Away With Me (91371b86-e2b5-4a59-b807-607caccffb56) D: 15:59:27 WIKIDATA: looking up release metadata for 606096ec-dda7-48ed-9fc8-99225977916b D: 15:59:27 WIKIDATA: Looking up cache for item 606096ec-dda7-48ed-9fc8-99225977916b D: 15:59:27 WIKIDATA: requests 27 D: 15:59:27 WIKIDATA: TYPE release-group D: 15:59:27 WIKIDATA: request already pending, add it to the list of items to update once this has been found I: 15:59:27 WIKIDATA: processing release artist d918a2ee-a98a-4d2f-ac94-e5e1ec2d8395 D: 15:59:27 WIKIDATA: Looking up cache for item d918a2ee-a98a-4d2f-ac94-e5e1ec2d8395 D: 15:59:27 WIKIDATA: requests 28 D: 15:59:27 WIKIDATA: TYPE artist D: 15:59:27 WIKIDATA: request already pending, add it to the list of items to update once this has been found I: 15:59:27 WIKIDATA: processing track artist d918a2ee-a98a-4d2f-ac94-e5e1ec2d8395 D: 15:59:27 WIKIDATA: Looking up cache for item d918a2ee-a98a-4d2f-ac94-e5e1ec2d8395 D: 15:59:27 WIKIDATA: requests 29 D: 15:59:27 WIKIDATA: TYPE artist D: 15:59:27 WIKIDATA: request already pending, add it to the list of items to update once this has been found D: 15:59:27 AcousticBrainz Tonal-Rhythm: Add AcusticBrainz request for In My Arms (1abb99b7-4fb6-42bf-a1e3-1208d90ce184) D: 15:59:27 WIKIDATA: looking up release metadata for 606096ec-dda7-48ed-9fc8-99225977916b D: 15:59:27 WIKIDATA: Looking up cache for item 606096ec-dda7-48ed-9fc8-99225977916b D: 15:59:27 WIKIDATA: requests 32 D: 15:59:27 WIKIDATA: TYPE release-group D: 15:59:27 WIKIDATA: request already pending, add it to the list of items to update once this has been found I: 15:59:27 WIKIDATA: processing release artist d918a2ee-a98a-4d2f-ac94-e5e1ec2d8395 D: 15:59:27 WIKIDATA: Looking up cache for item d918a2ee-a98a-4d2f-ac94-e5e1ec2d8395 D: 15:59:27 WIKIDATA: requests 33 D: 15:59:27 WIKIDATA: TYPE artist D: 15:59:27 WIKIDATA: request already pending, add it to the list of items to update once this has been found I: 15:59:27 WIKIDATA: processing track artist d918a2ee-a98a-4d2f-ac94-e5e1ec2d8395 D: 15:59:27 WIKIDATA: Looking up cache for item d918a2ee-a98a-4d2f-ac94-e5e1ec2d8395 D: 15:59:27 WIKIDATA: requests 34 D: 15:59:27 WIKIDATA: TYPE artist D: 15:59:27 WIKIDATA: request already pending, add it to the list of items to update once this has been found D: 15:59:27 AcousticBrainz Tonal-Rhythm: Add AcusticBrainz request for Transcending Time (61ae85b0-511c-48fb-af53-14b109f10b21) D: 15:59:29 WIKIDATA: looking up release metadata for 606096ec-dda7-48ed-9fc8-99225977916b D: 15:59:29 WIKIDATA: Looking up cache for item 606096ec-dda7-48ed-9fc8-99225977916b D: 15:59:29 WIKIDATA: requests 37 D: 15:59:29 WIKIDATA: TYPE release-group D: 15:59:29 WIKIDATA: request already pending, add it to the list of items to update once this has been found I: 15:59:29 WIKIDATA: processing release artist d918a2ee-a98a-4d2f-ac94-e5e1ec2d8395 D: 15:59:29 WIKIDATA: Looking up cache for item d918a2ee-a98a-4d2f-ac94-e5e1ec2d8395 D: 15:59:29 WIKIDATA: requests 38 D: 15:59:29 WIKIDATA: TYPE artist D: 15:59:29 WIKIDATA: request already pending, add it to the list of items to update once this has been found I: 15:59:29 WIKIDATA: processing track artist d918a2ee-a98a-4d2f-ac94-e5e1ec2d8395 D: 15:59:29 WIKIDATA: Looking up cache for item d918a2ee-a98a-4d2f-ac94-e5e1ec2d8395 D: 15:59:29 WIKIDATA: requests 39 D: 15:59:29 WIKIDATA: TYPE artist D: 15:59:29 WIKIDATA: request already pending, add it to the list of items to update once this has been found D: 15:59:29 WSREQ: Last request to ('acousticbrainz.org', 80) was 237733 ms ago, starting another one D: 15:59:29 WSREQ: Last request to (u'musicbrainz.org', 443) was 18153 ms ago, starting another one D: 15:59:29 WSREQ: Last request to ('acousticbrainz.org', 80) was 50 ms ago, starting another one D: 15:59:29 WSREQ: Last request to (u'musicbrainz.org', 443) was 50 ms ago, waiting 950 ms before starting another one D: 15:59:29 WSREQ: Last request to ('acousticbrainz.org', 80) was 50 ms ago, starting another one D: 15:59:29 WSREQ: Last request to (u'musicbrainz.org', 443) was 101 ms ago, waiting 899 ms before starting another one D: 15:59:29 WSREQ: Last request to ('acousticbrainz.org', 80) was 51 ms ago, starting another one D: 15:59:29 WSREQ: Last request to (u'musicbrainz.org', 443) was 153 ms ago, waiting 847 ms before starting another one D: 15:59:30 WSREQ: Last request to ('acousticbrainz.org', 80) was 50 ms ago, starting another one D: 15:59:30 WSREQ: Last request to (u'musicbrainz.org', 443) was 204 ms ago, waiting 796 ms before starting another one D: 15:59:30 WSREQ: Last request to ('acousticbrainz.org', 80) was 50 ms ago, starting another one D: 15:59:30 WSREQ: Last request to (u'musicbrainz.org', 443) was 255 ms ago, waiting 745 ms before starting another one D: 15:59:30 WSREQ: Last request to ('acousticbrainz.org', 80) was 51 ms ago, starting another one D: 15:59:30 WSREQ: Last request to (u'musicbrainz.org', 443) was 306 ms ago, waiting 694 ms before starting another one D: 15:59:30 WSREQ: Last request to ('acousticbrainz.org', 80) was 50 ms ago, starting another one D: 15:59:30 WSREQ: Last request to (u'musicbrainz.org', 443) was 357 ms ago, waiting 643 ms before starting another one D: 15:59:30 WSREQ: Last request to (u'musicbrainz.org', 443) was 408 ms ago, waiting 592 ms before starting another one D: 15:59:30 Received reply for https://musicbrainz.org:443/ws/2/release-group/606096ec-dda7-48ed-9fc8-99225977916b?inc=url-rels: HTTP 200 (OK) I: 15:59:30 WIKIDATA: no wikidata url D: 15:59:30 WIKIDATA: TOTAL REMAINING REQUESTS 39 D: 15:59:30 WIKIDATA: TOTAL REMAINING REQUESTS 38 D: 15:59:30 WIKIDATA: TOTAL REMAINING REQUESTS 37 D: 15:59:30 WIKIDATA: TOTAL REMAINING REQUESTS 36 D: 15:59:30 WIKIDATA: TOTAL REMAINING REQUESTS 35 D: 15:59:30 WIKIDATA: TOTAL REMAINING REQUESTS 34 D: 15:59:30 WIKIDATA: TOTAL REMAINING REQUESTS 33 D: 15:59:30 WIKIDATA: TOTAL REMAINING REQUESTS 32 E: 15:59:30 Network request error for http://acousticbrainz.org:80/7b0c556e-a917-4e9c-a275-0c5cd05f13c5/low-level: Error downloading http://acousticbrainz.org:80/7b0c556e-a917-4e9c-a275-0c5cd05f13c5/low-level - server replied: NOT FOUND (QT code 203, HTTP code 404) E: 15:59:30 AcousticBrainz Tonal-Rhythm: Network error retrieving acousticBrainz data for recordingId 7b0c556e-a917-4e9c-a275-0c5cd05f13c5 D: 15:59:30 WSREQ: Last request to (u'musicbrainz.org', 443) was 1000 ms ago, starting another one E: 15:59:30 Network request error for http://acousticbrainz.org:80/09600940-40c3-4038-8fdf-f9dd0d529d9c/low-level: Error downloading http://acousticbrainz.org:80/09600940-40c3-4038-8fdf-f9dd0d529d9c/low-level - server replied: NOT FOUND (QT code 203, HTTP code 404) E: 15:59:30 AcousticBrainz Tonal-Rhythm: Network error retrieving acousticBrainz data for recordingId 09600940-40c3-4038-8fdf-f9dd0d529d9c E: 15:59:30 Network request error for http://acousticbrainz.org:80/06490c26-bcf8-4714-9139-727802ef8ee9/low-level: Error downloading http://acousticbrainz.org:80/06490c26-bcf8-4714-9139-727802ef8ee9/low-level - server replied: NOT FOUND (QT code 203, HTTP code 404) E: 15:59:30 AcousticBrainz Tonal-Rhythm: Network error retrieving acousticBrainz data for recordingId 06490c26-bcf8-4714-9139-727802ef8ee9 E: 15:59:30 Network request error for http://acousticbrainz.org:80/3c0dfb2d-af50-46f0-a1d8-8ff8936c713b/low-level: Error downloading http://acousticbrainz.org:80/3c0dfb2d-af50-46f0-a1d8-8ff8936c713b/low-level - server replied: NOT FOUND (QT code 203, HTTP code 404) E: 15:59:30 AcousticBrainz Tonal-Rhythm: Network error retrieving acousticBrainz data for recordingId 3c0dfb2d-af50-46f0-a1d8-8ff8936c713b E: 15:59:30 Network request error for http://acousticbrainz.org:80/91371b86-e2b5-4a59-b807-607caccffb56/low-level: Error downloading http://acousticbrainz.org:80/91371b86-e2b5-4a59-b807-607caccffb56/low-level - server replied: NOT FOUND (QT code 203, HTTP code 404) E: 15:59:30 AcousticBrainz Tonal-Rhythm: Network error retrieving acousticBrainz data for recordingId 91371b86-e2b5-4a59-b807-607caccffb56 E: 15:59:31 Network request error for http://acousticbrainz.org:80/1abb99b7-4fb6-42bf-a1e3-1208d90ce184/low-level: Error downloading http://acousticbrainz.org:80/1abb99b7-4fb6-42bf-a1e3-1208d90ce184/low-level - server replied: NOT FOUND (QT code 203, HTTP code 404) E: 15:59:31 AcousticBrainz Tonal-Rhythm: Network error retrieving acousticBrainz data for recordingId 1abb99b7-4fb6-42bf-a1e3-1208d90ce184 E: 15:59:31 Network request error for http://acousticbrainz.org:80/61ae85b0-511c-48fb-af53-14b109f10b21/low-level: Error downloading http://acousticbrainz.org:80/61ae85b0-511c-48fb-af53-14b109f10b21/low-level - server replied: NOT FOUND (QT code 203, HTTP code 404) E: 15:59:31 AcousticBrainz Tonal-Rhythm: Network error retrieving acousticBrainz data for recordingId 61ae85b0-511c-48fb-af53-14b109f10b21 D: 15:59:31 Received reply for https://musicbrainz.org:443/ws/2/artist/d918a2ee-a98a-4d2f-ac94-e5e1ec2d8395?inc=url-rels: HTTP 200 (OK) I: 15:59:31 WIKIDATA: no wikidata url D: 15:59:31 WIKIDATA: TOTAL REMAINING REQUESTS 24 D: 15:59:31 WIKIDATA: TOTAL REMAINING REQUESTS 23 D: 15:59:31 WIKIDATA: TOTAL REMAINING REQUESTS 22 D: 15:59:31 WIKIDATA: TOTAL REMAINING REQUESTS 21 D: 15:59:31 WIKIDATA: TOTAL REMAINING REQUESTS 20 D: 15:59:31 WIKIDATA: TOTAL REMAINING REQUESTS 19 D: 15:59:31 WIKIDATA: TOTAL REMAINING REQUESTS 18 D: 15:59:31 WIKIDATA: TOTAL REMAINING REQUESTS 17 D: 15:59:31 WIKIDATA: TOTAL REMAINING REQUESTS 16 D: 15:59:31 WIKIDATA: TOTAL REMAINING REQUESTS 15 D: 15:59:31 WIKIDATA: TOTAL REMAINING REQUESTS 14 D: 15:59:31 WIKIDATA: TOTAL REMAINING REQUESTS 13 D: 15:59:31 WIKIDATA: TOTAL REMAINING REQUESTS 12 D: 15:59:31 WIKIDATA: TOTAL REMAINING REQUESTS 11 D: 15:59:31 WIKIDATA: TOTAL REMAINING REQUESTS 10 D: 15:59:31 WIKIDATA: TOTAL REMAINING REQUESTS 9 E: 15:59:32 Network request error for http://acousticbrainz.org:80/78301859-3490-4098-a841-eb478ada488e/low-level: Error downloading http://acousticbrainz.org:80/78301859-3490-4098-a841-eb478ada488e/low-level - server replied: NOT FOUND (QT code 203, HTTP code 404) E: 15:59:32 AcousticBrainz Tonal-Rhythm: Network error retrieving acousticBrainz data for recordingId 78301859-3490-4098-a841-eb478ada488e
- has related issue
PICARD-1069 Wikidata Plugin
- Closed
- is related to
PICARD-1007 Stuck on [loading album information]
- Closed