When going to settings, plugins, and then trying to select a plugin that can be updated, picard crashes.
Selecting plugins that are up-to-date or not installed seem fine.
When selecting icon to update, the app asks if you want to update on next restart, and on selecting yes it crashes again. Next start reveals that the plugin is updated.
Apiseeds had this problem, and I can reproduce it with "Remove Perfect Albums"
EventViewer reports:
[-|#] <Event xmlns="*http://schemas.microsoft.com/win/2004/08/events/event*">
[-|#] <System>
<Provider Name="Application Error" />
<EventID Qualifiers="0">1000</EventID>
<TimeCreated SystemTime="2020-03-09T16:48:05.306367000Z" />
<Computer>Name removed</Computer>
<Security />
[-|#] <EventData>
<Data>C:\Program Files\MusicBrainz Picard\picard.exe</Data>
<Data>C:\Program Files\MusicBrainz Picard\Qt5Core.dll</Data>
<Data />
<Data />
You're welcome. And thank you for Picard