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  1. Picard
  2. PICARD-2346

ID3v2.3 files show as changed, even if no tags changed and no tag changes are indicated


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Normal Normal
    • 2.7
    • 2.7.0b2
    • Tags & Metadata
    • Win 11

      1. Drag an album of .DSF files into Picard
      2. UI indicates info/metadata has changed, and files need saving (but shows no changed tags)
      3. Save files
      4. Remove album from Picard
      5. Drag album back in
      6. UI indicates info/metadata has changed, and files need saving (but shows no changed tags)
      7. Repeat ad infinitum


      This always happens with DSF files, and not any other kind of file. It happens only to DSF files in albums that contain a mixture of FLAC and DSF files.

        1. Picard.ini
          26 kB
        2. picard1.png
          314 kB
        3. picardlog.log
          1.01 MB

            outsidecontext Philipp Wolfer
            phanboy_iv phanboy_iv
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue


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