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  1. Picard
  2. PICARD-66

Regression : Scanning files doesn't store the found PUID nor AcoustID after dragging files


      From the forum thread.
      Scanning files used to store found PUID in left hand panel files' tags.
      Now we only see that (and AcoustID) in right hand panel.
      It was OK in 0.15.
      Please fix as well for the found AcoustID.

      It seems to happen each time that files were moved from right to right and left.

      If your files stay in left hand panel, you'll see the tags OK
      but once the files were moved from right to left (for whatever reason, these are often needed) or from right to right (for changing release), the tags won't display any more even if you rescan etc (you often have to rescan if you want both PUID and AcoustID, cf. PICARD-67) and you can't submit them.

      They are made invisible but still here somewhere as you can submit them if you move them to right hand panel (again) and click Submit. no you can't most of the time

            lukas Lukáš Lalinský
            jesus2099 jesus2099
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